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Everything posted by pisspig

  1. how much of what fluid you need up there

  2. pump on my dick fuck going to fill that hole tonight

  3. Now you got my dick way fucking hard

  4. fuckn tastes good huh PIG

  5. "everytime I open my email and see I have one from you I get a raging fucking boner" from a man I was messaging on x tube, I confess I have used the same line as it was 100 percent true with one other man I correspond with here
  6. filthy fuckn rotten shame

  7. push it back and forth mouth to mouth watch it drip off your lips and crust your beard
  8. r u gonna kiss me hard and deep when my mouth is full of your ass slime?

  9. PIG you know I want you to sit on my face after I piss fuck your ass

  10. fuck man the gettin off noise is always anticlimatic the geetin there rough verbal filthy man mouth v filthy man mouth always gets me going iwas 23 or 24 in a booth in a bookstore in Houston with another pig guess we were makin too much noise after repeated attempts to quiet us by the attendant all of the sudden from the next booth over the top came a mop bucket full of water hope to fuck a good ball gag never shuts you up
  11. fuckin love a bottom who is just as loud as I am and who has a mouth at least as filthy as mine
  12. fuckin love to look in a pig bootms eyes and see he is getting just what he needs eyes glazed over in the ecstasy of pleasure so intense he cant seperate it from pain
  13. hot filthy fuckin HOG thanks for the freiend add

  14. tanked up gotta PISS bad PIG spread your fuckin legs wide NOW

  15. want to PISS FUCK you now PIG

  16. fuckn right man I;m fucking you BECAUSE you are a MAN with a COCK you would not be anywhere near me otherwise
  17. imagine its a two way street if Im fuckin you stupid and end up with a shitty cock sure your gonna attempt to clean it fuckingood before I grab a towel BOSS
  18. I had a fuck buddy for about 15 years,No man ever before or since has brought out more pig in me.We always tried to keep it at just that level but found we were so in sync on other levels,especially gay politics, music,art etc.Both of us too piggy to take the relationship to a couple level but always did stuff like go out for breakfast after a pig night both of uss getting off on going into some dive smelling like raw sex. After many long lost weekends I would have flowers delivered too me,or a book at the door really got off on the romantic stuff but never wanted to risk losing the pig stuff by getting too romantic but we stayed great friends till the day he died (2006) and the best memories are the rough ones
  19. Fuck man gob in my face whenever the fuck to want then going to hock a big one back in yours then a mutual face lick
  20. Think a top owes the same common courtesies to his bottom(unless there is some agreed upon shit scene) I want my ass munched long and deep at some point know I'm gonna want to kiss him sure don't want a mouthfull of my shit anymore than I want a mouthfull of his. that said accidents do happen both Top and bottom owe it to each other to avoid those.
  21. fucking right bearbandit Fucking WOOF
  22. Alwayy have thought of myself as a versatile top I love fuckin ass and because of some surgery a long time ago the biggest thing up my ass has been a tongue But i am a Top who fuckin loves to suck cock(really tired of Tops who pretend they dont like COCK be honest man you've got some pig in a sling fuckin the shit out of him because he is a man with a COCK.or you have your ass parked in some studs face its there because he is a man and you like the feel of a MANS face in your ass that said I eat as much fuckhole as I can. Way into Piss play and as fuckin nuts to tap some hot cock and fill my gut damn near as much as I like the way my cock feels fillin some studs gut with my hot piss. dont think none of this makes me a "bottom" its all about your attitude man when I.m plowin some fuckers ass I'm doin it because he is a man not because he is a bottom. so guess this makes me "versatile"
  23. fuck man piss is my favorite fuckn sport allways flag yellow left usually end up with another pig flaggin yellow left fuckn nuts to get ahold of ya when you're ready for "more versatile"
  24. Piss is my favorite fuckn sport piss fuck some pigs ass suck it out,playin with another top tradin mouths full of hot piss direct from the tap fuckn nuts for the reaction I get a yellow flag stuffed in my left pocket underneath tight chaps whenever I walk into some leather bar and 9 times outta 10 leave the bar with another pig flaggin yellow left
  25. "not ripped enough for........." fuck man give yourself some fuckin credit pic of your asshole leanin over your truck was hot enough frame that fuckhole in a tight pair of chaps I'd have my tongue so far up your hole youdnthink youd been gang fucked.and fuck you in a sling waiting for breeding had my fat cock slimin precum you throw on a pair of boots and a leather cap and id start creamin before my cock touched ur hole yeah hot fucker you rady for the daddy or bear outfits BIG FUCKN WOOF
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