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Everything posted by chaser

  1. yes having problems for about 4days now.
  2. no but someone else might and you sure have been on it for a while now!!!
  3. Taku get down off the cross!
  4. more please!
  5. Raised Lutheran now am Unitarian/Universalist
  6. Why in the world does a top have to prove anything by showing a hard cock picture, they are tops after all!
  7. chaser


    Super thin AIDS men who have the wasted look.
  8. Wait until he is older then the joke will be on him, he will take any cock he is lucky enough to get!
  9. I was 13 and they were installing the gas lines in the small town where I grew up. One of the construction workers was a man in his 30s very tall and I thought very handsome, but what caught my attention was the hair that billowed out of the neck of his tee shirt. Something about a hairy man, from a very young age, has been exciting to me. I spend that summer following the work and running errands for the guys, learning cus words and smoking cigarettes. I always stayed as close to Tom, the above mention construction worker, as I could just to be near enough to smell him and see that hair pushing out the neck of his tee. I jerked off thinking about him every chance I could. About 3 weeks into the job Tom began to get friendly in a different kind of a way, he would rub his crotch when when he talked if no one was close and got to the point of taking off his tee shirt, whenever he caught me staring at him. Fridays were the worst because they didn't work the weekends and would leave Fridays afternoons to go back to their families, to return Sunday night or Monday morning. It was late July and Tom ask me one Friday morning if I was going to be around over the weekend. He said his family was away so there was no sense of him leaving for the weekend and wondered if we might hang out and fish and just spend sometime together, since his buddies were gone for the weekend. Well I was in 7th heaven and said yes I would like that, funny it never crossed my mind that this guy who was so much oldrer than me was interested in spending time with a kid like me. It was pretty easy for me to get away, my dad was dead and my mother work almost all the time to support us. Tom said we would go to the river and fish and have a picnic supper. That summer was hot and dry and so it was far more pleasant by the river. Once we got there Tom right away stripped down to his briefs and tee shirt. I could not keep my eyes off his crotch and he was aware of it. He came over to me where I was sitting on the bank and ask if I wanted to touch his cock since I seemed so very curious abot it and I never took my eyes off of it. Well I remember reach out my hand and touching the bulge in his briefs, damn it was hard and nice, my heart was pounding so loud I am sure they heard it back in town. Tom moved closer to me and ask me to rub my face on the bulge, I can still remember the smell of his body musk and how I thought this was so wonderful. Tom slipped his fingers in the waistband of the briefs and in one quick move they were at his ankles and that man cock was in my face, I knew I would do anything for this man, in my eyes he was perfection. I remember him saying open your mouth Hank and show me how much of this cock you can swallow, he was uncut and I had never seen that before, he said skin it back and run your tongue around the head. I can still close my eyes and smell and taste his cock, I was hooked at once. He ask me if I wanted to make him happy and I said yes of course, he instructed to hold his cock head in my mouth and not to move my tongue, just to be still. I did as he instructed. In just a few moments I began to feel the piss going in my mouth and the wonderful salt taste filling my senses. I was instructed to swallow, he would stop the flow so I could swallow and as soon as I did the flow would again begin to fill my mouth, this went on for what seem like forever and I am proud to say every drop was swallowed. Tom was pleased I gathered from all the praise he gave me and how he told me knew I would make him happy every way he had in mind. My head was spinning, here I was with this God of a man and I was able to please him, it was awesome. Soon I was instructed to take off my clothes, somewhat embarrassed, as I only was starting to get hair around my cock and balls, I stripped. "Lay on the blanket" he instructed, "on your stomach and spread your legs as wide as you can." I did as I was told, my heart still pounding. He began to play with my ass, spitting on it and beginning to work one of his big fingers in me, it made me feel full, but that was only the beginning. He was in no rush so he slowly work my ass with his fingers and in time had three inside of my ass. He reached in a bag setting there and pulled out a jar of vasoline and began working that into my ass and then coated his cock with it as well. He told me this was going to hurt me, but that in time I would come to love what he was going to do and I would ask him to do it in time. He ask me if I was ready and when I said "Yes" he covered my mouth with his left hand and lined his cock up with my ass. He leaned down and asked "Ready?" I moaned and with one sudden push he was completely inside me. I remember that the pain caused flashes of light and I screamed into his hand which muffled the sound. He lay on top of me with all his weight on me and he didn't move a muscle. I couldn't seem to catch my breath for a time, but that slowly went away as did the pain as long as there was no movement. All the while he talked to me in a calm and loving voice, I recall the tears running down my cheeks, as he told me I now belonged to him and that I would always belong to him for the rest of my life. Slowly he began to move in and out of me, at first in just small movements and he would stop and let me get my breath, he finally was able to pick up speed and in what seem like forever came deep inside me, the cum seem to ease the burning and pain. Slowly he slid out of me and held me in his arms. "This is just the beginning" he told me, adding "Once you heal-up you would want him more and more." Yes, I was in rough shape for a couple of weeks or so and had to to make up a story about getting hurt on the crossbar my bike, but I pulled that off and no one was the wiser. I guess that this is the story of a rape, but I prefer to think of it as a love story. All these years later I am still with Tom. Do we become fixated with the people who use us or was I in love with him from the first site of him? Hard to know for sure. It is all in the mind of the beholder, at least from my point of view! If I was raped then I feel lucky that I was or how different my life would have been and that would not have been a good thing!
  10. You truly are the best guy breeder and I look forward to what you have to say in 2012 as much as I have in 2011.
  11. A Poz guy whether undetectable or not is always the most exciting sex!
  12. It would be my privilege and pleasure to brighten any day of yours I could. I have been crazy about you from the moment I first read your posts and saw your smile. Thank you for taking the time to drop a note that is wonderful. you are my star and choice for hottest STUD.

  13. You are most welcome! You are one of the things that keeps me on this site, I love to read what you write, you honestly are what dreams are made of and since you have moved to CT at least you are closer. Thanks for your message, you really know how to brighten a cold rainy day.


  14. You are most welcome! You are one of the things that keeps me on this site, I love to read what you write, you honestly are what dreams are made of and since you have moved to CT at least you are closer. Thanks for your message, you really know how to brighten a cold rainy day.


  15. Makes you even more special than you already are to us on this site, to know animals are an important part of your life. You have ours thoughts with you!
  16. To be bred by 5 guys who are full blown and not on meds for an entire weekend! Would also lke to be whored out to guys who are full blown.
  17. Find myself more and more enjoying the pain/pleasure part of anal sex!
  18. I agree with RawPozLust just ask!
  19. Pulszer your cock is awesome, don't let anyone tell you anything different!
  20. Would much rather swallow than have on my face!
  21. Perhaps so, but by his own words he displays much hurt, it is whatever, but completely walking away never solves anything. He indicates that they will never see each other again, it appears that Spencer has feelings that are not completely positive about what is to happen shortly either!
  22. Since you are walking away from the situation why are you acting so hurt, perhaps you care more than you are willing to admit yourself. How foolish we humans act, honestty with ourselves sometimes goes a long way!
  23. Love to swallow both cum and piss!
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