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About tallslenderguy

  • Birthday 10/04/1956

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  • Location
    Albany Oregon
  • Interests
    I love cum and cock of course, this is Breeding Zone after all... but more than that, it's receiving a Mans pleasure into me that I love most. To me, that goes beyond physical. i think the best connections also penetrate and inseminate the mind and emotions as well as the body. i look for the natural compliment and fit of Top/bottom, where opposites naturally attract and bond, where connection is a response of nature vs trying to make something work.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Looking For
    a relationship where each is naturally fed and nurtured by the needs and desires of the other person. sacrifice is part of any relationship, but i don't think it makes a good foundation to build on. i believe compatibility makes for sustainability.

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  1. Thanks for the rep Slender. BTW, just noticed one of your posts ...would love to catheterise you m8!! Maybe then introduce you to sounds ... 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. tallslenderguy


      I haven't read all your posts on BZ, but what I have read gives me a sense of the kind of Dom top I tend to adore (I can't help it, certain guys just evoke that in me).  I get the sense that you fuck with your brain, using your body as its instrument.  I'm fascinated that you like to get penetrated through your cock and love that you lead with your cock since I lead with my ass. I love who and how you are, from what I have read. Your intelligent, creative ways of asserting yourself and capturing a bottom are awesome.

    3. Fistulike666


      Wow ... I don't think I've ever been made to blush on BZ before .. so thankyou for giving me a new experience! Your comments are so generous and, yes, I play with my brain and do my best to read and respond to the guy(s) I'm playing with.  Awesome sex is only possible when all who are together get what they are looking for. Yes, I start top (and generally chem-free at that time but as play progresses I slowly but surely turn ... an.d this process gets quicker once I start on chems .  Eventually, the whole role thing comes back again with me as top! This way I get the best of both worlds!

    4. tallslenderguy


      "blush[ing]?"  How incredibly sexy. BTW, I love your profile pic, your cock offset by the jeans is very hot. 

      One of the things i deeply appreciate about BZ is we have a community of guys who talk about absolutely everything, usually without reserve. There is a vulnerable honesty here that strikes a major chord in my psyche. 

      The way you describe yourself in the last paragraph strikes me as closer to versatile than "Top versatile," but then, the fact that you start and end Top may lean it more in the direction of your choice of labels.

      I do top sometime, more recently because I don't want to waste my cum just jacking when I could be giving it to one of my wonderful bottom brothers. So sometimes I wonder, "should I change my identity label to versatile bottom?"  Then I think, "nah, I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea and thinking I am anything resembling a "top" lol.  For me, all the identities speak more to emotional/phsycological disposition than they do physical positioning.  For instance, I think of a "power bottom" as more top than bottom. To me it's mostly about who controls the emotional/pleasure process.

      The idea of chem sex (or any enhanced sex) both excites me and scares me. In my profession I get to see all the playtime gone wrong, people with destroyed hearts and fried brains.  That scares me for all parties concerned. On the other hand, I read a post of yours where you talk about putting a "shard" (of meth, i assume?) in your cock or doing a booty bump, and I instantly become arroused. The first time I was ever pissed in, the top didn't discuss it with me. He was a regular FB who knew me well and introduced me to it knowing I would like it, but not really asking my permission. That's a fine line to tread, and he did it beautifully. He never betrayed my trust, which might be hard for some to understand. He cultivated it and as a result, I would give myself over to him without him really having to take anything.

      My style of "sub/bottom" gets its biggest thrill from being turned on in a surprising way, and your methods connect to that in me, and I cannot help being turned on when a top/dom presses my button lol. 

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