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Everything posted by simpleguy305

  1. HotCanadian, It's like you fucking know me... I want to surrender myself over to you....
  2. Let me know when you will be there.... .... might need to drive up...
  3. My mom lives in Pineville... Never been... Maybe I should visit?
  4. I love older guys...miami here...
  5. I wanna fuck that ass so badly!

  6. I miss that Bawlmer dick... Mmmm!!!
  7. I haven't been, but I live in Miami so I would definitely be willing to go!
  8. i was just in tampa .... ashame we didn't meet up .... 786 ... 543 ... 928 6

  9. Hit me up 786 z 543 , 9286

  10. Text me 786 543 9286 Rick
  11. Glad you had fun down here... next time, let us know when you will be in town!!!
  12. I wanna watch TV and cuddle!
  13. over 500 loads ... I hope you start journaling more and taking photos or vids.... ;)

  14. Which bar were you taking loads at? Jamboree? 786. 543. 9286

  15. You in Miami this week?

  16. Hit me up 786 543 9286 while you are here in Miami!!!

  17. nice... can't wait to see how this develops... also wondering what your son looks like...
  18. hit me up... send me a private message .... busy weekend, but might contribute...
  19. whenever you come to miami, hit me up

  20. I jerked off reading about you and your stepdad... fucking hot as hell...

  21. I was just in Atlanta... should be there a lot in 2014 ...

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