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Everything posted by OKJOE

  1. Suninmyface this story put a smile on mine.
  2. His response is pretty awesome to the whole thing. Anyone catch the story about him on the Dailey Show a couple years back?
  3. Wow that makes a lot of sense, but I never really thought about it. I guess I just figured with globalization and trade it was as common everywhere as here. So far I've stayed clear of any STDs, but in college syph and chlamydia were rampant. At one point we were told the school thought something like 5 or 6 out of 10 students had chlamydia, most asymptomatic, so they started really encouraging STD testing.
  4. KodiakCub: I've heard that about fucking a cum filled hole, but not about the piss thing. You ever get more info on it? I'm sure either way it's still a risk, but just wondering.
  5. This sounds awesome, can't wait for it to be up. The Miller Test is purposefully vague and left room for other courts to determine what is an is not obscene. State law is where you might have issues as they usually set the standards of community decency. Still can't wait to see the site.
  6. http://www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=gayspermdonor Check out this breeders profile, and his warning.
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