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Everything posted by HogBear
chi4loads you are great at this, the story telling is so good i would not mindif there was a chapter without sex! loved the way you brought in characters from the last story and did not waste time explaining the back story. is ric going to fuck the nurse from the clinic? i also like that theres not just one type of guy.
honestly i think this is the best story i have read on this site. no just to jerk off to but as an enjoyable story. thank you for your work and time.
Chapter 2 I started to come round; every part of my body hurt. I opened my eyes but I could see nothing the hood was still in place I tried sucking through the water pipe but it was empty making a sound like the end of a coke at McDonalds. My forearms were still bond together with gaffer tape and I could not move my legs. The truck seemed not to be moving but it was hard to tell if the engine was still running as that noise did not carry into the crate, I was in. I tried to push up but nothing moved I was left there in the dark., I thought back on my conversations with the bear and realised that this was exactly one of the things I described to him. It isn’t the bondage or the physical pain that I needed it was the FEAR. I could feel how hard my cock was. I am lost, alone, no one is going to come looking for me. I lay there trying not to think too much about what could happen as that just made me harder. My arm must have knocked the side of the crate as I felt something dig in to my skin. I lay there trying to process the sensation and slowly I remembered where I felt that before. I had a needle in my arm, the type you get in hospital when you are on an IV and they want to give you regular injections. I wondered what it could mean and when he had put in in! I tried slowly counting so I could measure time but I found it hard to focus and soon gave up. I may have fallen asleep or just blurred because I had a sense that time had passed but nothing appeared to change. Then a smell came through the water hose it smelt like piss but my mouth was so dry I sucked it up. Moments later I found myself being pushed one way and then another by the motion of the truck. A cool sensation started in my arm, guessing that meant the IV drip in my arm was now flowing again. I heard a buzz through the built-in headphones and his voice returned. You are property, I own you, you answer to the name pig, sounds mixed in from all directions the words buzzed and escaped my mind when I tried to focus on them. My eyes closed and my mind shut down. I woke to cold mountain air hitting me as the lid of the crate was lifted, hands pulled me up right and the hood was pulled off my head. I opened my mouth as the tube was pulled out to stretch my jaw as I did that a ball was thrust in to my mouth my eyes shot open but it was already too late the ball gag was strapped in place. The bear, my kidnapper moved round in front of me holding a large hunting knife. I froze in place. Guns I might not know but you have to be a fool to not recognise a knife that was so sharp and long it looked like it could go through me and stick out the other side. “PIG!” my eyes shoot to his. “I am going to cut your bounds and you will get your arse down out of my truck and kneel in the dirt” The knife flashed and my arms were free and then my legs. I rose shakily, I did not even try to stand I crawled as fast as I could out of the crate to the back of the truck and half fell and half jumped down from the tail gate. I could hear laughter behind me. I kneeled down on the dirt drive behind the truck head almost touching the ground, it felt right. That's how I should wait. I heard bags been thrown out of the truck but I did not look up or flinch. And then as I half expected I felt a boot on the small of my back the pressure and weight increased as my kidnapper used me as a step to get down from the truck. I heard dogs barking for attention they sounded big but still I did not move. I don’t know how I knew not to move but I was as sure I could be of anything I was not to even look up. My kidnapper was talking with another man “WOW the conditioning has really taken on this one!” the other man said. “Well, it’s been 5 days and 4 nights in the crate. With my special cocktail in his arm, I only took the IV out when I stopped for lunch. The crate is going to need the padding replacing as his guts emptied completely by the second day. It's going to be interesting the next one we get we will have to try crating them for longer maybe that was worked that and the hypno files” A boot appeared in front of my eyes between my eyes and the dirt. I rubbed my cheek on the boot tip wishing I could lick it. I felt a hand on the back of my head and the strap on the ball gag was released and it was pulled out of the way. I licked the boot like it was ice cream on a hot day desperate to taste the leather under the dry dirt. The other man's voice said “see how the rest of the conditioning worked” my kidnappers deep voice said “PIG Kneel up right and open your mouth” I responded without hesitation I looked straight ahead my eyes level with belly. He reached down and slowly undid his zipper, the drool started to pool in my mouth and as he reached in to pull out his cock the drool started to over flow from my mouth like a hungry Labrador. The other voice laughed but my eyes remained fixed on the man in front of me. He pulled his cock out but I remained fixed in place. He placed his big mushroom head on my lower lip, for a moment I was not sure what to do. I had to have that in my mouth but I also had to remain still. “PIG take it in your mouth, do not suck just hold and be ready to swallow. I closed my lips around the enormous head and swallowed my drool, a rush of hot acid piss followed and I sucked like my life depended on it (and it may well have) not wasting a drop of this nectar. The flow slowed and stopped and I sucked and licked the last drops as the cock started growing. “enough of that for now” said my kidnapper, stepping back and sliding his cock back in his jeans. “So that parts working” the other man said, I risked a glance at him, he was almost a match for my kidnapper maybe a couple of years younger around 6-foot heavy set but with a look of someone who's body has been built up by daily work not visits to the gym. “Let's test the other features and make sure they work for both of us” he said clearly talking to my kidnapper. Looking straight at me he said “what’s your name?” I thought and my head started so spin “pig?” I answered unsure of myself. “well what do you know it worked!” the other man laughed. “PIG come here!” the other man called out, I crawled over at top speed on my hands and knees until I was in front of him resting my head on his boot tip. “kneel up pig and look around this is your home now!” he said I raised my head and looked around there was a large log cabin with a porch and a lean-too area where the dogs were kept in cages. The dirt drive in front of the cabin where the truck I had been in and a second one was parked up. A large meadow on one side had a few horses in and there was a single dirt road track heading in to dense conifer woods, looking round everywhere were trees a dense forest that seemed to rise and fall in the distance but never end. Whilst I was looking around, I was aware that the two men were talking. Doug my kidnapper turned to Paul the second man and said, “it was a long drive of course I stayed off the major routes and stopped at old toms spot along the way to get a first use of the new meat” Paul “should we be talking in front of it?” Doug laughed and said watch this “MUTE PIG” he said loudly I carried on looking at the isolation I was in noticing an old outhouse loo and it struck me as odd since the cabin did not look old. Doug carried on talking “Your real name is tony stand up now and I will give you 5,000 dollars and a fresh change of clothes and drive you in to town” I was staring at the outhouse I was aware of voices but it was like they were far off and I could not focus on them it was easier to relax and look around I noticed a big barn to the doors were shut and there was a large padlock locking them. Paul smile “what! you made him deaf?” Doug grinned “where's the fun in that he would not be able to follow orders! He can hear alright it's just he is not really registering what's said and wont until he gets the right order, like all the hypno it needs to be reinforced and the cocktail of drugs make him more open to accepting instruction” “UNMUTE PIG, get here PIG” Doug called I snapped out of my causal viewing and crawled to Doug's feet resting my head on his boot toe cap. “Want to have some fun Paul”, he asked his friend. “PIG HEEL” and he started walking towards the dog cages I followed on all fours just to the side and being his right foot. There was a wooden fence at the lean too that sheltered the dog cages from the sun. A trestle table was lifted over the fence by Doug and Paul, I realised it was not the type if trestle table decorators used it was an A-frame style fuck bench. There were dark stains on it that could have been dried blood although I hoped it was just paint. “PIG Get on the fuck bench” I took a look and guessed that my head went in the front part which would mean my head was angled slightly down at crutch hight. My chest was supported in the centre and my arms rested on supports either side, the bench ended before my cock so although my belly was supported and my legs had kneeling rests my cock and balls were hanging down and my ass was sticking up. “right, Paul strap him in but take off that gaffe tape it served its use” Paul was to my right and grabbed my forearm, ripping the tape off along with 80% of the hairs under neither and several layers of skin. I would say it hurt but the pain of how hard he gripped my fore arm was worse. I sucked in a deep breath and tried not to make a sound. Not that it would have been heard over the barking dogs. After ripping off the tape pulled down a leather strap and secured my arm before moving to my leg and doing the same. Doug was working on the other side with clinical efficiency. when arms and legs were secure they passed a leather over my back and pulled my chest and belly hard against the leather mat on the bench. The stepped away from the bench and the dogs moved close sniffing trough the fence, they were fucking huge. Al the ones I could see were male, very male! Doug and Paul were talking a few feet away, “this ones not like the others we had, sure he is gay and clearly a bottom and he is very into being used but that is not his fetish the thing that drives him!” “oh said Paul what's special about this meat bag” Doug smiled “it’s Fear the stupid faggot gets off on the fear of what will happen, not sure we can do anything worse to him than what his head head will think up” Paul grinned “is that a challenge!” My attention was on the snarling dogs, a movement to the side caught my attention and Paul was pulling something out of a holster, SHIT SHIT SHIT I thought then it struck me that the gun if that’s what it was did not look right. It looked bulky and plastic. Once he saw me looking, he smiled and shot. Two metal cables shot out and hit my side, they seemed to be covers in hooks then a charge of electricity hit me. I was bouncing and throwing myself against the restraints, my bladder emptied and I think I passed out. I came to feeling someone behind me, Doug was walking toward me from the cabin holding a couple of beer bottles heavy with moisture on the outside. My tongue licked my dry lips tasting blood on them, a slight shift in my position meant the cigar burn I got the first night was now rubbing on the leather padding. “This hole feels tight” Paul said as he took one of the beers from Doug. I could hear a pair of boots being pulled off and jeans hitting the floor. Doug came and stood in front of me, he was still fully dressed black boots over faded blue jeans red check shirt and now sporting a cowboy hat keeping the bright sun out of his eyes taking a pull on his beer watching me. I looked in to his eyes then quickly looked down and my eyes locked on the bulge in his jeans. I heard Paul build up a mouthful of spit and I felt it land dead centre of my exposed asshole. There was no gentle opening no foreplay. I felt a lump of metal against my hole push in followed by a cock head. It kept coming, I was being sawn open, bumps of cold metal followed the head pushing forward I went to scream but no noise came out I was beyond yelling I throw my head back my eyes locking with my kidnapper who just smiled and pulled on his beer. Eventually I felt Paul against ass he was all the way in, his belly resting on top of my ass. Speaking over me to Doug he said “this hole opens up once you are in, it almost lose” certainly did not feel like it from where I was! Besides a large gage PA he must have a line of piercings down the shaft, I felt like he was sawing through me to open my ass further. I was crying but beginning to moan as he was catching my prostrate as he pulled all the way out till just the metal tip was resting in my ass. A thrust straight in balls deep had me gasping for air and seeing stars. Again, all the way out and a single trust in, this rhythm seemed designed for a marathon not to get him to cum. There was no urgency to his thrusts. I looked up at my kidnapper, he knocked back the last dregs of his beer and seeing me watching him he smiled it was not a happy smile but a smile of a fox about to eat a chicken! He reached in to a box by the fence, and pulled of a rod of some kind. It could have been bamboo or something similar. He swished it in the air as if to let me know what it's for. He moved out of my immediate sight line, I heard the men kissing and there was a groan as the pace started to pick up. There wasa swish through the air and it felt like my back burst in to flames as the rod came down. A groan from Paul fucking me “yes that tightens the PIG” the long trusts got faster. The rod came down there was no pattern or rhythm some would come down exactly where the last one struck others at an angle crossing my back with a small strip protected by the strap holding me to the fuck bench. Paul was thrusting faster during this until he let out a howler that was even louder than my screams. The rod stopped at least for a moment. Paul dismounted and came to stand in front of me. His dick was large and shiny with cum tinted red with my blood. I could see the large PA it must be 10mm in thickness at least and on the underside of his cock was a ladder of piercings the barbells instead of having balls at the end had cone shaped point. “PIG OPEN & CLEAN” my mouth opened and my tongue stuck out to welcome the cock in my mouth. The PA rubbed on my tongue and I could feel the sharp little points on the Barbells as he moved forward. I lapped my tongue around the cock tasting the iron of my own blood. Until with a deep breath through my mouth the cock popped in to my throat. I sucked air in through my nose and enough got through to my lungs that I did not pass out. My throat was spasming against the invasion until firm hands grabbed me head “PIG REST” calmness flowed through me seeming to come from the cock lodged in my throat. “PIG Swallow” came the instruction and I tried to swallow the cock more but it did not move but I felt something going down my throat He was pissing directly into my throat I could not even taste it. I kept swallowing until the cock slowly pulled back licking and sucking it clean on the way back out. My head dropped down when it was no longer in use by the cock. I lay spread over the fuck bench in the late afternoon sun exhausted, scared and in pain, Paul got his jeans back on and boots. Doug walked toward the cabin and the dogs finally shut up. Paul moved away from me and sat with his shirt open enjoying the sun. I don’t know whether I passed out or dozed off but I hear the cabin door shut and Doug was heading back with another pair of beers and a small bag. You doing that now Paul asked him No point in waiting Doug replied handing him the beer bottles HE set the bag on the fence; the dogs came sniffing up to him. Standing before me he pulled out a syringe with a large needle. “PIG” I looked straight in to his eyes “this is a tracker if you leave me at any time this will allow me to find you, if I ever have to use it to find you, you will beg me to end you!” and with that he grabbed the flesh behind my shoulder blade and I felt something being pushed in, there was a wet sensation then the area was numb. Doug turned to Paul, the second skin should stop it popping out check your phone is getting the signal. Yep loud and clear, Paul answered. Doug went back to the bag and pulled out a thin leather collar with a metal box like device on it. HE strapped the collar around my neck locking it in place the metal box was cold against the back of my neck. Again turning to Paul, activate the collar setting 1 to check it works. A shock ran down me spin and up into my brain my nerves were on fire and as suddenly as it started it stopped. Paul was laughing “I love this part” Doug looked at me “PIG if you leave my property, you will pass a series of posts some visible some buried, passing them will set off the charge. There is enough juice in this to fry your brain and stop your heart this is your only warning” He then turned away from me and walked back to Paul and the two of them sat back and enjoyed their beer without giving me a second look. + Paul got up a couple of times to ger more beer, then he headed towards one of the flat back trucks. The sun was starting to set and it was beginning to get cool. He started the truck and pulled up along side the fuckbench. Doug and he unstrapped me and I half fell and half climbed down from if the backs of my arms were red from the sun and moving opened the welts on my back. Something was dribbling out of my ass down my legs. “PIG climb in the back of the truck” I did my best stumbling and, in the end, laying my top half of the tail gate and pulling myself up the rest of the way. I lay panting on the cold metal floor with the effort of just that short move rolled over and let the cold metal ease the pain in my back. The truck started moving and I watched the sky and the trees form patterns in the growing dusk. I really appreciated at this point how padded the crate was as I was being bounced and thrown around in the back of the truck. Night was nearly on us when the truck stopped. I heard the doors open and Doug and Paul came to the back of the truck and lowered the tail gate. “PIG Climb down and walk to the front of the truck. Stiffly I moved out of the truck naked apart from the thin collar with the weird box on the back of my neck. The truck headlights where on and about 30 feet in front of me was a large metal gate attached to a high wire fence the dirt track continue on the other side, vanishing behind some trees in the distance. Doug to Paul turn it up to setting 3. Doug looked at me “PIG walk towards the gate until you can’t” No sure what he meant by until you can’t I stepped forward, the both stayed where they were arms crossed just watching me, I was about 10 feet from the gate when I felt a strange tingle on my neck, not painful but definitely weird. I took a couple of more paces and the tingling built up until it was beginning to hurt I looked back and I could see the 2 men by the truck headlights. Taking two more paces forward I fell to my knees as the electric shock fired down my spine, I struggled to crawl back towards my kidnappers and as I did the shoch decreased. I did not stand up but kept crawling all the way back until I was in front of Doug my tears fell on his dusty worn boots. “PIG this was so you KNOW I am telling the truth” Peter turn it up to maximum” I felt the tingle beginning, in my neck. PIG get your ass in the back of the truck. I hurried to comply, even in the back of the truck the tingle was still shocking me. I hear the doors close and as the trunk did a U turn bringing the back of the truck nearer to the gate I screamed as the electric shock was even stronger but as we moved away back to the cabin the shock reduced until it was just a tingle until finally, I could not feel it anymore. We got back to the cabin and the lights on the pouch flooded the drive way. Paul opened the tail gate whilst Doug walked to the fence keeping the dogs in. PIG get down” I scrambled out of the truck throwing myself at Pauls feet. Crouching down and resting my head on his boot tip. Suddenly I was surrounded by the dogs sniffing me and using me as a step to greet Paul. Paul turned away leaving me keeling behind the truck as the dogs sniffed and licked me. I could hear Paul and Doug talking on the porch. One of the dogs started taking an interest in my dripping ass. I was shaking in fear at the thought of what might happen. “PIG” I looked up, Doug was standing next to the dog pen area. “HERE PIG” I don’t think I could have moved faster if I had got up and ran but I crawled over and at my kidnappers sign I moved inside the dog pen he stepped in with me closing the gate behind him. There were two large bowls one he filled with water the second he opened a large tin and the contents gulped in to the bowl. It stunk, even dog food does not smell that bad I thought. The pen was covered in a layer of straw and there were piles of dog shit randomly scattered around in one corner an old mattress that the dogs clearly used as a bed and a dozen wire cages large enough to hold one of the hounds each were lined along either side. “PIG that your bed” pulling down an old filthy blanket of the side of the fence he through it down on the mattress. “The dog roam around at night stay inside the pen and you should be ok” And without a backward look he walked out of the pen leaving me in the semi darkness with just the light from the cabin filling the dark night.
i honestly forgot i wrote this, i remember the story plan i had for this its very dark. although these days i personally am more top i remember the guy who inspired this. I can try and finish this off if theres an interest.....
yep i am going again.. still meds free.. if anyone wants a nice load. happy to take all loads myself.
anyone want to ride the british tourist?
It's that time of year again! anyone up for some wild time. either with other people attending the event or horny locals who just want to drop a load. had to remove a lot of my information from this site as it lists your profile on google searchs.. but can be found on most sites or on Growlr as hogbear.
Questioins to bottoms: Once you have cum can you continue?
HogBear replied to NLbear's topic in General Discussion
the fun starts after i have cum. even like getting milked before i get fucked. its all about the tops pleasure so he/they can fuck me and my focus is just his cock. -
The High School Bully
HogBear replied to 25000cocksinmyass's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
i would have fucked him a few more times to make sure it took. -
sorry mods was meant to be posted in the chemsex fiction can you move it over for me...
A notepad and pen splash down in the mud next to me (I say mud that’s cos I try not to think about what it really is!) His voice called down from above “Write down how you ended up here and, if you dare, what you think will happen next” The trap door shut with a slam as it dropped in to place, leaving just a few shafts of light drifting down in to the pit. I groped in the ‘mud’ for the pen, finding it I wiped it on my leg. Picking up the notebook it was a lined junior school style one with a plastic cover. That had kept most of the pages dry. Over my time here, I had learnt not to hang around, not to speak unless told to and most of all to do what I am told! Resting the notebook on my knee I opened the first page and thought about how to start... Where am I now? I am somewhere on the west coast of the USA, I don’t know more exactly than that. The man who thrown the notepad down brought me here to this cabin in the woods. In the time I spent above ground I have not heard another person, a car or any other sign of human life. I did not get to spend much time above ground as my first job was to dig this pit. I sit at the bottom of a earthen pit about 15 foot deep and 7 foot square, I dug a few ‘shelves’ in to the earth walls that hold the few items I have been given. Over the top of the pit is an old fashioned out –house with the open shitter lined up to the center of the pit. The wooden floor has a trap door in it and the floor boards have gaps that let in some light. Digging the pit was hard work but the nights in his dog’s kennels made me want to finish the pit as soon as possible to escape their teeth, claws and, worst of all, their big dicks…. Who was I? I was in my mid 40’s when I started on the path that would lead me here. 6”2’ 220lbs at the time although I would guess I am nearer 90lbs now. I used to have a flattop or high and tight as I have heard it called. Very much a bear with a big red beard, and very much a sub. There are very few things more frustrating than being a big guy who’s a sub. Tops want little guys they can throw around! It was that frustration that caused me to post more and more extreme profiles online being very clear about what I wanted. I needed to be used like a bitch, no limits, no options and no way out. Well that’s what I thought but you know the saying be careful what you wish for! How I ended up here, this is going to take some explaining! My profiles got me plenty of interest but the 1st law of the Internet applies! The hornier the guy is, the further away he will be! I was based in the Midlands of England and the tops were in the USA or Australia! Still it meant they were safe to express the wildest and darkest desires. I got chatting to this hot bear on the West Coast of the USA 6”4’ over 240lbs lovely salt and pepper beard cut close and eyes that burned out of the screen. We seemed to be egging each other on looking for a way to shock the other. Nothing was off limits in the chat but what the hell it’s just talk. It’s not like he is going to come to England and kidnap me! I was safe or so I thought. As such chats on sites like Growlr sometimes go it would be a while between chatting but we took up where we left off. After about a year of this chat and others with very little actual meets I was a very frustrated pig. Don’t get me wrong I was getting action just not as hard as I wanted or needed. I was getting fisted at least twice a month and taking as many raw loads as a pig can get. I had a dull job with a large company, when they needed someone to go to the office in the states for 2 months. No one else wanted to go! Let’s face it the destination of Philadelphia did not help and they all played the wife and kids cards, that left Mr Single! The idea of being stuck away from what sex I can get and dumped in a strange city was not something that filled me with joy. Work were pushy making it clear that it was not really an option not to go if I wanted to have a future in the company. So off I want, doing the usual updates on the cruising sites announcing travel plans hoping to get some action. 2nd Law of the Internet, Guys you chat to online vanish when you hit their city! The first 6 weeks passed without much exciting happening a couple of encounters in the local ‘bath house’ but it was even tamer than England! One night cruising Growlr I saw my West Coast Bear. We picked up where we left off, he asked how I was enjoying Philadelphia, and I said that work was nearly as dull as the bathhouse! He replied saying I am lucky I was not on the West Coast or you would not make it back to England. He always knew what button to press. I was rock hard at the thought but I still thought it was safe, after all he was nearly 3000 miles away! We chatted about the serviced apartment work had put me in, nice place but in 6 weeks I had hardly seen anyone except by the pool at the weekend. With the company invoicing my company directly I did not have to worry how much it was costing them. He also asked me about my flight back in two weeks, British Airways Business Class the flight over had been heaven! Making up for the hellish trip from Birmingham to London. With only one flight a day, back to Heathrow it would mean a night there before the train back up to Birmingham. “Sounds like a long trip “ he said “bet you wish you did not have to go back”. “Yes” I said and I meant it! The chat drifted off after that and the next two week plodded on with not much to happening and not seeing my Hot West Coast Bear online again no really kinky chats. WEDNESDAY and my final day in the USA! The goodbye drinks with the boring straights had been Monday Night, Tuesday was my packing day with the flight at midday on Wednesday. If I am being honest I was done with the states and ready to get home! All packed, with my bags by the door I started using up the Jack Daniels. Ending up dozing off mid afternoon waking up in a dark apartment! Turning on the lights I phoned for a pizza and got the cash out by the door ready. Not long later there was a knock at the door, I opened it not really looking as I reached for cash to pay for the pizza. The door was pushed in and a large man burst in to the room. Before I could take in any details he punched me in the stomach as I fell forward meeting his fist on its way up into my face, I landed on the floor. His boots took over, kicking me in the ribs and one landing a blow on my temple. That must have knocked me out as I came too tied up naked on a dinning chair. “Thanks for ordering dinner Bitch, I worked up quite an appetite beating you!” The man speaking was my hot bear from the west coast! I opened my mouth to speak “Don’t talk bitch! You have nothing to say after a year of teasing online, one word of complaint or bitching and it will be your last!” I shut my mouth, and I looked round the room and there was little sign of a struggle although I could not see the entrance to the apartment from where I was tied up. My body hurt, my head hurt my face felt swollen. He poured himself a drink from my JD bottle but he was drinking from a plastic cup, I noticed he was still wearing gloves. He saw me looking at his plastic cup and his gloves, “I know what I am doing Bitch! Even if anyone checks this apartment they will not find my DNA, the pizza guy just saw a white guy with a beard in normal clothes that paid him in cash. He isn’t going to remember me” “I am going to take your bags to the car and once I have loaded it up and packed up the last of your shit, we are going to have a little fun before you vanish from the world. I had a looked around the building this afternoon, and you’re right it’s almost empty. There are not even any security cameras on the main doors! “ I broke “this is crazy” I said “just leave me I will not say anything ...” before I could finish he had got up and moved round towards me “I don’t care if you are having second thoughts or if all you said was a jerk off fantasy” he yelled in my face” this is your life now! If you want out there is just one way and it’s in a box feet first! You're mine now till I am done with you!” He pulled a gun out of his jacket pocket. Now I am English our police don’t even carry guns! This freaked me out more than anything else I am ashamed to say I pissed myself, right there, in the living room tied to a chair. He just laughed in my face, “You pussy! And I thought you would be hard to break, just seeing a gun and you piss yourself!” He went back to his chair and ate the pizza, I was a wreck, I could not stop crying I realised if he got me out of the apartment and in to his car that was it there was no way I would be seen again. I tried to think about what he had told me about himself, he had mentioned time in the army and he currently did something in the medical field, selling supplies or training I forget which. He had talked about amputating fingers and toes, pulling out teeth and performing body modifications without any pain killers. It was dawning on me that he was beyond my darkest desires and there was only one way it has going to end. He lit a cigar and put his feet on the table clearly enjoying my tear filled expression as he could see I was realising my position. After a while he got up and walked towards me, “open your mouth” I did not have the will to resist and did what he said. Pulling something from his other pocket he forced a wadded cloth in to my mouth forcing my jaw wide open it tied around my head with some rough cord. Stepping back he smirked at me. Even now I had to admit he was stunning, “That’s a good start Bitch! We will soon make more room in that mouth” He moved back to his chair and picked up his cigar, knocking the ash in to the box he take a big pull on the cigar making the head glow. He stood in front of me, our eyes locked. “Admit this is what you want, what you need” I looked in to his eyes and realised that I did and those lovely eyes could see in to my soul! I nodded slowly keeping my eyes locked on to his. He smiled taking another pull on the cigar he then took it out of his mouth, leaned forward and placed his lips over my swollen nose and blow a lung full of cigar smoke in to me. It was acrid and it burnt but to me it was like the breath of life. I could feel the precum dribbling out of my rock hard cock, I needed this! He stepped back admiring my reaction to him. Then in one swift move he pressed the glowing head of his cigar against my chest over my heart. I screamed in to the gag, he put the cigar in his mouth and built up the glow again. Watching me as I struggled against the bonds to no avail. When I got myself under control, I looked straight in to his eyes. “I think you nearly came then Bitch! You realise that I will not stop just because you cum!” before I could even nod the cigar was back on my chest, this time he held it there. The pain was more than I can describe i reacted the only way I could I shot a massive wad of cum. He leaned back “Impressive! “He said. When I stopped shacking I looked in to those eyes again, only to see the glow of the cigar burning bright. I tried to brace myself for what was coming but there was no protection. This time he crushed it in to my chest. My back arched against the chair, there was a crack as the back of the chair gave way. I fell backward in a mass of rope my legs still tied to the chair. He stood over me laughing. It took a while for me to recover when I did, he was there kneeling behind me as he pulled me in to a sitting position. I could feel his strong chest against my back, pressing all my buttons that make me feel protected, crazy I know but that’s my mind. His arm came round my neck before I could enjoy the closeness a pad was placed over my mouth and nose, pressed down there was nothing I could do but breathe in. Blackness closed around me. I came to sitting in the armchair, I was not tied up but there was something tapped to my chest with gaffer tape it looked about the size of a cigarette packet, “What the fuck!” I said reaching up”What say about talking bitch! Taped to your chest is sufficient C4 plastic explosive to make you splatter over the wall and take out half the room. It’s triggered by a wireless signal that has a half mile radius if it goes outside of that distance a default setting will trigger it, trying to remove it without deactivating it first will set it off to” I froze “I would not jump up and down either Bitch” he laughed at the fear he saw in me. “Nod, if you understand!” I nodded slowly. “Your stuff is in my truck. I am going to leave now, when the clock shows 2 am you will leave the apartment and walk out the main entrance turn right and walk to the end of the block I will be waiting, be on time or be a news story !” The clock showed 1:30 as he turned and walked out. I got up slowly and got dressed in what he had left out for me just a pair of trainers, jeans, a t-shirt, a jacket and a cap. I thought about what I could do... I could call the police but if he did not blow me up I could imagine what an American Cops reaction to a guy with a long beard saying he had a bomb strapped to his chest! I could leave a note but I did not know where he was taking me in my panic I could not even remember his user name or city from Growlr. The clock showed 1:57! I walked out of the apartment on the stroke of 2:00 and out of the world! No one was in the hall ways and as I passed the entrance there was no sign of any staff, I opened the main door and stepped in to the night, turning right and trying to walk steadily down the block. Trying not to think about the bomb taped on my chest. I could see a truck parked at the Starbucks on the corner. He was sitting in the driver seat I could see he was holding something, I wondered if he would just press the button for the thrill of seeing me splatter over the street. I walked round the front of the truck and climbed in to the passenger side. The doors clicked as I close it, it was the central locking. “Seat belt!” he said and drove off in to the empty streets. I was still freaking about the bomb on my chest but he showed no sign of worry. After a few miles he pulled in to a large Wal-Mart car park. Stopping he told me to strip off my tops, I did this eagerly, happy to be getting this thing off my chest, “face me!” he open a large flick knife and sliced down the sides of the gaffer taped box when both sides were sliced he grabbed the box and squeezed it pulling it away from my chest. I thought I would faint!! He was laughing again and he showed me the box, it was a cigarette packet.. An empty fag packet!!! I had been shitting myself over an empty packet! “Now take off the rest of your clothes and trainers and drop them behind the seat, then get down in the foot well” I followed his instructions the bomb might have been a fake but that knife was real. As I curled up in the foot well, “slide the seat back” he said, I followed his instructions and there was room for me. We set off again, now I could not see where I was going, I was hungry and thirsty and very tired. I think I had bruises coming up all over. I found myself looking up at this man who had abused me so hard, he was so handsome I could not believe what he had done. I touched the burns on my chest, yes, the pain told me they were real. He glanced down and smiled his hand rubbed my head, I could have purred it felt so good. He reached in to the box between the seats and handed me an energy drink. I thanked him, yes I thanked the man who would have killed me. What a mind fuck! I gulped the drink down . Within a few minutes I was feeling spaced, soon after I passed out again. I was woken by the truck bouncing down a rough road, it made me look up and he caught the movement, “just in time!” he said as he pulled over. He got out of the truck walking round he opened the passenger door. “Get out!” we were in the middle of nowhere! Just a dirt track that went straight in both directions as far as the eye could see. It was still dark but there was a hint in the sky that dawn was not far away. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me towards the back of the truck. Dropping the back of the truck, he pushed me so I was bent over the end. I stayed in place I felt a rope being secured across my back. My arms were stretched out and secured to the rope, I felt my legs being secured apart against the dropped back of the truck. I could hear him walking away only to come back a few moments later, “bitch there is no one for miles so no one will hear you. Which means I get to do what like I want and I want to hear you scream!” With that there was a whoosh as a heavy flogger flew through the air and smashed down on my back, without a pause the beating continued. None of this wimpy shit about counting each stroke, the goal was to cause pain. I could not tell one stroke from another and within moments I was a crying wreck begging and pleading but it did not stop. It just moved around my body, down my legs with the odd strike catching my balls causing me to levitate straining against the ropes. There was a pause, his hands touched my shoulders and I could feel them sliding down over the raised welts reaching my ass the roughly reached in and pulled my ass apart. I heard him spit and one hand moved from my ass. Soon the hand holding my ass open was joined by a different feeling, something hard was being pushed in to my ass, it did not feel big maybe a finger but it felt metal. I froze as I realised what it was his gun. I started shaking, whimpering and then the piss started flowing down my leg. “That’s it bitch your being gun fucked! One day it will be a shot gun and BANG!” with that he yanked the gun out I could feel it tearing my ass. I felt his cock pressing against my bloody hole as he pushed, there was a loud crack as he fired his gun. It was loaded! He had fucked my ass with loaded gun! He laid the gun on my back and grabbed my shoulders. The pounding my ass with a ferocity that made the flogging on my back looked like a gentle breeze. I was thrust against the truck and my chest was bashed in to the floor of the truck. This sort of pounding can’t last for long he let out a blood curling scream yelling “Take my poz cum Bitch!” He fell on top of me knocking the air out of me. He stayed on me panting like he had run a marathon which in a way he had! When he had got a breath he pulled out. After a few minutes the ropes were loosened” get up on the back of the truck!” He climbed up behind me pushing me towards the box that stretched across the truck by the cab bit looked like a giant tool box! He opened it and the sides were padded with a hose leading through to the cab ending this end in a hood. Handing me the hood, I noticed that the hood had a tube down centre of the air hose. “Put it on, with the tube in your mouth. When you need water you can suck it up, it feeds through to a container in the cab”. Now I knew I had no options, I could only cooperate, putting the tube in my mouth and the hood over my head. I could still see through the masks plastic front. “Hands out front palms together” I followed the instructions and he gaffer tapped my arms from my elbows to my fingertips. “Step in to the box” I did that trying not to trip over, the bottom was a rubber lined sponge mattress the sides were foam lined, the sort of foam you use for sound proofing. “Lay down!” I sat down and wiggled in to a laying position, not quite laying full length as my legs were bent at the knees. I could feel him reach down and tape my feet and calf’s with the gaffer tape. I looked up and noticed the sky was now brighter just as the lid of the box closed and there was a clicking noise as the top was looked in place. For a while nothing happened, I sucked on the tube and a cool flow of water filled my mouth. It was slow and I was able to swallow it easily it helped me relax. The truck started and I was bounce around in the box. Time began to have no meaning, I started to hear a buzzing sound and then his voice filled the hood. There must have been built in headphones I did not notice as I put the hood on. His voice seemed to come from one side then the other with some sort of trance music playing in the background. The words blurred together but phrases popped up from time to time that i could make out “suck up a drink bitch!” so I did, it felt right to obey the voice! The liquid that filled my mouth was different this time, still cold but it had a strange taste that i could not place. Soon the voice was telling me to relax, forget me past, obey, give pleasure to your owner, be the bitch you know you want to be..... I drifted off in to a dream state listening to the voice!!
just sent you a message look forward to seeing you next week
i am going again got a smoking room in block 28
you should be a screen writer. this is not just great porn but i really feel for them.
as far as i could tell i got no loads at all, one guy with a decent cock could not keep it hard. in the dark rooms the hard big cocks belonged to total bottoms and when i finally thought sod this just top them! the little slut in the dark room tried to get me to usea condom! sure Dublin can be a lot of fun but my visit was a brief one, just one evening so i did not get much time to see it.
thanks for the tip
this pig is going to be there, any and all loads taken..
loved it all! keep writing
thanks nastycub
do they have slings?
thanks justabitnastycub whats the difference with all the room rates is it worth going for the bigger room?
so where do i meet you chasers or tops. is there a bathhouse in SF whats the best one?
are there not any barebackers in SF? i am mainly sub, poz and not on meds. happy to share my seed.
visiting SF after the smokeout in April. anyone want to play?
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