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About dickluva

  • Birthday 05/03/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    St Louis MO
  • Interests
    Poz Breeding roids daddy pigs piss toxic travel FTL
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    gay white male, 49 5 10 170 7+c vers, hzl/brn Mohawk. Tested Poz since 1986, AIDS since '99.
  • Porn Experience
    LOL, amateur. Enjoy being on cam. Most recently(2012) on JerryGumby xtube page.
  • Looking For
    NEG HOLES TO CONVERT(Role Play),&POZ Toxic fuckers to BREED ME cum or piss in my hole. Love oral as much as anal.

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name
  • Adam4Adam Profile Name
    dickluva2 deleted inactive
  • Recon Profile Name
    DickLuva deleted inactive

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. BZ says I can not send private messages. I sent you one telegram, find me on BBRT?
  2. Love to be doing it all at pig week as I'm a pig for gay sex with other gays who loves sex with me and being hiv poz gay means your in with a chance to infect the world 

  3. Had a great time~! Wood def go to Pigweek '25. thanks
  4. Fuckin' Oink~! I got the Dogtags and the Trimix.
  5. Join us and take the pix~!?
  6. LittleCumSewer hasn't been on BZ for over a year?
  7. I wear flip flops, butt boots or whatever footwear is your fetish. InnLeather is a BBlast. You'll have a Great time~!
  8. Fuckin'🐽ink! Looking to BBreed WS and get filthy. The following quote from Joe Gage's classic film, Heatstroke, sums up my feelings about good sex: "The best homosexual sex is anonymous, promiscuous, and public..." Guest @ Inn Leather to 11/29/2024 to 12/08, every room has a sling.
  9. I just bought my plane ticket to meet Samak76 to attend final weekend for Pig Week. I think it would be very nice to meet you...or at least your cock to meet my hole!

    1. travelcumpig


      I'll be in Ft Lauderdale as well staying over by Sebastian Beach...would love to swap loads with other pigs in town

  10. Please find me and get me Wet. thanks
  11. this is working today= [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/embed/3080118 Stan Hardstyle large screen
  12. I’m in Chicago, off meds and toxic. Let’s meet half way in some rest area and breed each other’s strains into each other.

    1. dickluva


      Fuckin' Oink~! Can you include some discreet way to contact you? I don't know why we can't PM here.

    2. fuzzybttm


      You two sexy poz pigs wanna share a neg Chicago-based pig hole? This pig needs pozzing

  13. Internal Cumpilation [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/pulsating-injections-of-liquid-life-and-love/
  14. The Club Saint Louis has the slings above the bed in the VIP suites. I never get a VIP room because I don't see anybody use that setup, regardless of height/weight. I do really like the public sling room at CSL, it is not adjustable. I had a bf that could rig up the sling over the bed in the RV(limited space), but the ceiling connections were heavy duty springs, so the top held on to the bottom and took us for a ride. Few people could cum that ways, butt there were few barebackers then. It seems like Steamworks Chicago has sling rooms too, with awkward setup= too close to the floor or the bed. I have had fun in the public sling. I really like Chi Steam's fuckbenches best.
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