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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. ...[Tim Skyler s]ays he is still neg he meets up with Rob Rodin for Gay Day's Disney World each year.
    I saw the same blog posting, Seaguy, about Rob Robin and Tim meeting-up at Disney World. Curiously, I've never seen Tim at any BH or sex club in Philly - I presume he's not as much of a slut as some of us.
  2. An acquaintance moved from Philadelphia to upstate Pennsylvania. Knowing him as an inveterate devotee of public sex, I asked how he would survive in the wilds of the northern forests. He responded saying Route 80 is lined with rest stops, and, by utilizing his CB, he had no difficulty hooking-up with truckers who were looking to drop a load - or two - or three. Knowing my acquaintance to be a sex junkie, I tend to think he was not exaggerating.

  3. I always found him quite arrogant and bitchy when he posted online. I don't know where - but I've seen posts by him in several forums.

    Also the fact that he constantly stressed to be HIV negative was quite irritating. How can a cumdump like him be negative?

    Seems unlikely he is negative, Bbfan74, but stranger things have been known to happen (or in this case, NOT happen).

  4. He also goes by Adam Burr in porn. Has done some stuff in the past 2 years under that name I thought.

    You're absolutely right, BttmReady, Tim Skyler has also been doing porn under the name Adam Burr. Not sure if any of his stuff was produced and/or released since 2010.

  5. Very thoughtful, Nu_abo.

    Like you, I'm not afraid I'll come down with any one of the conditions that specifically denote 'full AIDS', to use the parlance of many guys on this site, but like you, I am well aware high blood pressure and a heart attack are, in some degree, linked to the treatment for HIV. For that reason my doctors and I pay attention to the collateral damage that may ensue from the anti-retroviral medications. I would also agree with you that seroconversion has forced me to think more proactively about health maintenance - with the result my doctors tell me I should live a full span, i.e., I should live into my 80s.

  6. The disparity between sizes of sexual partners can be daunting, and I, for one, confess I'm often lost when approached by guys who are markedly bigger than am I, regardless of the express role each of us is interested in undertaking. I can only surmise practice has given you the skill to handle such situations, TheBreeder. I marvel at your sexual competence.

  7. So far so good but why the need for the "n" word? Why do black dudes call each other the "n" word? Is it a form of endearment? If a white dude called a blk dude that, he would have his teeth missing! I don't understand the purpose. If blk dudes are offended when someone else call him that, why use the word at all?

    I've never quite understood the use of the 'N' word either, BrotherDeposit, but having read several explanations, I try to ignore it, chalking it up there with other inscrutables, like the notion of sex with women, and if the use is too intrusive, just move on to the next story.

  8. "Are you constantly sick and unhealthy or can you still be active and do everything you normally do ....but with the added benefit of not caring what cum you take?"

    Actwickedhumour, since I have access to good healthcare, including, obviously, the correct pharmaceuticals, HIV has proven more than manageable - if anything, because I see my doctor on a regular basis, I should think I'm in better over-all health than I was before seroconversion. Of course if one has trouble taking one's prescriptions at the prescribed intervals, and if one ignores the advice of one's physicians, the outcome would presumably be significantly different.

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  9. Yeah, TheBreeder. I would imagine we all have memories of one-time or near encounters, where the exchange didn't work-out for one reason or another. The question of "What might of been under different circumstances" is always lurking under just below the surface of life.

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