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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. On the rare occasions I've noticed a wedding band, the thought the guy is cheating on his wife is an interesting twist. To the best of my recollections, none of those I've encountered have been any more concerned about safe sex than gay guys, so yes, the thought he could take an extra something home to his wife is an additional, (admittedly perverse) twist.

  2. Both Matias47 and Psssilverbear are right: bottoms who are fearful of seroconverting should assume all guys are poz, and prepare accordingly. The ambiguity in the word 'clean' makes it useless: asking about HIV status, or known STDs, or the cleanliness of a bottom's ass are all fair game, but in the absence of elaboration, 'clean' can mean all of the above or one or another of them. The onus is on the party asking the question to be specific.

    As an aside, when I'm asked "Are you clean?" I've taken it to be a polite inquiry as to the state of my ass. Like Pssilverbear, I wouldn't play with a guy if I knew I had a generic STD, so my answer to an inquiry about as much would be "No, I have no STDs." Similarly, if a guy asks whether I'm poz, a rare inquiry to be sure, I would answer accurately.

  3. He really knew how to fuck, too. He had a kind of savage brutality that I used to admire in my early topping days.

    Yeah - Douglas did have a certain brutality in his approach to topping. I admired any bottom who could accommodate Douglas' cock without shrieking with in agony.

    In comparison, Al Parker, who also was very well endowed, generally seemed to be a considerate top.

  4. i'm not a big 'stache fan (when i'm kissing a guy i don't want to taste his lunch), but i fondly recall pierce daniels' in 'gold rush boys.'

    I remember Pierce Daniels, Einathens. He was a big turn-on. He was also in Bigger Than Ever (which also starred Nick Fabrini, of pornstache fame, in addition to Al Parker). Daniels

    died in '95, three years after Al Parker.

  5. Al Parker's beard was actually very unusual for its time. Beards were not that much of an option on guys with his looks and guys his age, during the era. Dick Fisk, definitely. Chad Douglas....that's a pornstache.

    I forgot about Chad Douglas, and I oughtn't. Video clips of his sexcapades abound on the 'net. His member was certainly prodigious.

  6. thanks rawtop for the advice, decided to push this off to the weekend when i have more time...for future fucks, is cbc or sansom better?

    Smiwwerslut15, Sansom Street Gym (a.k.a, bath house), is a cleaner, newer facility than CBC, but aside from special event nights when Sansom Street can be very busy, CBC is generally the busier facility. Oddly, the amenities at CBC are arguably better than Sansom Street, if only because CBC has a functional steam room, whereas to the best of my knowledge, the steam room at Sansom Street hasn't worked in years.

    The Adonis, immediately to the west of Sansom Street, is a notoriously slutty facility, particularly at night.

  7. I don't find many of the images that come up on Google very helpful or representative. Freddy Mercury? Yes, that's a pornstache. Tom Selleck? Sure. Ryan Gosling and Paul McCartney at his most fey? Um, no.

    I can see why Freddie Mercury would qualify, and Tom Selleck was actually listed as exemplifying pornstache. To the list I would add, for example, Dick Fisk and Jeff Turk, both in the porn business, and both of whom were in the 1983 version of The Other Side of Aspen. Curiously, my two favorites from that era, Al Parker and Richard Locke would NOT qualify as having a pornstache as they were both bearded.

  8. Wednesday, smiwwerslut15, is half-price day, so CBC should be busier than most weekday nights. RawTOP's recommendation that you get a room is on-target. The second floor is usually busier than the third floor, and certainly busier than the fourth floor. The porn room is on the fourth floor, and there are usually guys up there who don't have a room and are happy to accept an invitation to retire to a private room and play around. There is a communal sex room in the basement that can be fairly busy. The communal sex room on the second floor is seldom more than JO venue. There is a dark room/maze on the third floor. It's not particularly comfortable, but if you can play standing, it can be fun. I've seldom seem guys do more than brief BJs in the steam room (in the basement), but not that infrequently one can get an invitation to play elsewhere, so if you don't mind the steam, it's well worth checking out.

    Wish I could get away to blow a load or two with you, but even so, as RawTOP says, let us know how it goes!

  9. Prior to reading your posting, TheBreeder, I had never heard of a pornstache, but with your description, and doing a quick Google image search, I know exactly what you mean. Many of the porn actors I recall from the '80s had a pornstache, and in my very young imagination, a pornstache was the y were very appealing, and may be one of the reasons I sort-of fixate on facial hair as a sexual turn-on. Funny.

  10. Besides... you do know that Hotload84 is the SAME handle he has been using for over 20 years... and it is a "cut & paste" of the old "bug-share" site. He didn't own the original, but he was smart enough to copy most of the site before it went down.

    Not quite 20 years, BREEDmeRAW. I've used the handle Hotload84 since 8/2004, which a year or two after I purchased my first computer. Before then I only utilized employer's and public computers - which put a bit of a cramp in the sites I looked at. As to the 'bugshare.net' stories - you're right on target. As the evidence mounted that that site would crash, I e-mailed RawTOP and proposed copying the stories from bugshare to this site. He agreed and we split the task. The rest is history....

  11. i'm in favor informed decisions and honest answers. after years of not getting tested, i finally did, and learned that i am negative. now when i'm asked i can say so, instead of 'i'm not sure.'

    without having rea the above article, my question is, if you get an anonymous test, how can anyone else prove what you did and didn't know, and when you did or didn't know it?

    You're right at one level, Einathens, but I at least some of the question may come down to "If at trial, could the individual who is under scrutiny lie well enough to convince a jury he truly (a) didn't have the test, and (B) didn't know, or should reasonably have known, he was poz?" A trial seldom boils down to absolute proof. More generally, to obtain a guilty verdict, the state or private party bringing suit must satisfy one of the three Legal Burdens of Proof, either the Preponderance of the Evidence test (AKA more likely than not (the 51/49% test)), the Clear and Convincing Evidence test (requiring somewhat more than the Preponderance of Evidence test, or the highest burden, the Beyond Reasonable Doubt test. The legislature that drafted the charging statute will either directly or indirectly stipulate the burden of proof. As to how a jury decides if the burden of proof has been met - well, certain trials with which we're all familiar clearly demonstrate juries can be swayed by their hatred or empathy for the defendant, more so than the facts of the case.

  12. Delicious! I wish I lived in your immediate neck of the woods, TheBreeder. I think sitting at a bar with you would be a whole lot more amusing than sitting at a bar with the small circle with whom I have social intercourse, where the topic of conversation would more likely be about ancient history or national and/or local politics and/or ecclesiastical art and/or architecture than discuss ways men pleasure each other! My loss.

  13. I confess with a substantial measure of amusement and embarrassment I frequently am greeted with a 'Happy Father's Day' or similar language by those who don't know me, or know of me as a resident of Cxxxxx Street, Philadelphia. I've learned to smile and thank the person tendering the salutation, not withstanding I am not a biological father, adoptive father, or, to my knowledge, a father-figure or Daddy! For those who really want to know, I've never even had carnal relations with a female! The things one does to fit into society!

    Oh yes, I second Gtimes30's salutation: Happy Father's Day to those who are biological fathers, adoptive fathers, father figures or Daddies!

  14. Really great story! May I suggest using paragraph separations next time though. It's difficult to read something in this format.

    I had the same thought, Gemris, and took the time to make the changes you suggested. Party Cum Hole clearly worked hard on the story, but it was a beast to read without paragraphs!

  15. People's brains are constructed differently. Some have the ability (whether innate or learned) to relish the gambit of life's experiences. Others do not, for reasons too complicated to get into here. It would seem the guy with whom you were playing is caught between the two positions. I gather he is in his forties, and although admittedly one would think he would have reached a sustainable equilibrium vis-a-vis sex by that age, perhaps one day he'll reach the same conclusion as you, TheBreeder. On the positive side, at least he asked the right question: "Is this really worth it?"

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