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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. Talk about setting the stage. When I read this, I thought back to some of the guys in my first year class at college. Like Tom in this story, they were a bit older than I (in fact, they were Vietnam veterans who were going back to school on the GI Bill), and like this tale, I was entranced by them (although we never played around, nor, in fact, did any of them intimate the desire to fuck around).

    In any event, I jumped to TheBreeder's original blog to see where this story goes - and it wasn't were I expected. Makes me glad I've been relatively circumspect in my trysts.

  2. I've never before read such a thorough description of the process by which a bottom acclimates himself to a top, and correspondingly, the way a top works to open-up a bottom. I imagine all the bottoms who experience your expertise consider themselves to be fortunate.

  3. "These days, larger institutions have an 'undergraduate library,' which means 'the loud library where people snack and pretend to study but really just socialize.' Which usually leaves the 'graduate library' as 'the boring place with all the books.'"

    Huh. While both of the universities in Philadelphia with 30,000 plus students have specialized libraries (such as art, archaeology, engineering, law, medicine), to my knowledge neither university has a general library for undergraduates and a separate general library for graduate students. That said, I can't imagine too many undergraduates will want to consult tomes in the law library or the medical libraries, but certainly the other specialized libraries are open to any matriculated students. I really don't know what the atmosphere is like at the specialized libraries - perhaps they are quiet places for study - it would be interesting to know. I do recall the library where I did my doctoral work was relatively noisy - and annoying for that reason.

    My education was clearly deficient, TheBreeder, as I never picked-up strange dick in the university library restrooms!

  4. The university I attended, (which is only about 20 blocks from my house!), has, like yours, substantially changed since I was there back in the late seventies. The campus has grown substantially, and the guys are even more attractive than I recall. Sadly, the library has changed in ways that leave me uncomfortable, notably it seems to have changed from a place for research and study to a place to socialize - which is quite vexatious to a bibliophile like me, but it's still a pleasure to find on the shelves books that enthralled me when I encountered them some 30 years ago. I might add that I still meet-up with one of my former professors to catch-up on our lives and to exchange tidbits related to areas of common interest. He's in his mid-70s now, and probably doesn't have more than a decade or so left (hell, I'm in my mid-50s - who am I kidding?) - so it's good to share camaraderie while we're able.

    As to the sexual encounter with an "...older gentleman—very handsome, very tall...[with]...curly salt-and-pepper hair and a trimmed beard..." well, I suspect I would have liked to play with him, TheBreeder, but you're right - he is/was a bit of an asshole. We all learn....

  5. Absolutely right, Hungry_hole. However physically hot the male CM singers are, I almost invariably find the subject matter and the style of their music to be vapid. Yeah, I know, criticism, based purely on the genre of art, is generally not going to have much standing (outside of those who happen to share the critic's opinion), but I still don't have to like the genre. Your remark reminds me of a recent experience I had: somewhat against my inclination, I went to the Indianapolis 500 this past May. Truth be known, I had (and have) no interest in automobile racing, and consequently I could have been bored out of my mind - but like your appreciation of the physical attractiveness of the male CM singers, I found a goodly number of my fellow attendees at the Indy 500 to be eminently worthy of my prurient attention, and, for that matter, certain aspects of an automobile zipping around a track at 150 MPH can fascinating, particularly for those like me who move in much, much slower circles, even when in the final analysis, automobile racing is not my cup of tea.

  6. "I usually keep my previous pair of frames around so that I can wear them to bareback parties or when I'm out cruising if I have to, on the theory that if I misplace those or if they get stolen/stepped on/lost, I'm not going to feel the pain as deeply as if I was parted from my current pair."

    I effectively do much the same, TheBreeder, as I usually carry two pair of spectacles, one for distance, one for reading. On the day in question the temperature reached the mid 90s, so I was loath to wear a sports coat, thus I had virtually no pockets available for reading glasses. Rather, armed with nothing but a book for the train and my wallet I hopped on the trains, and notwithstanding my poor vision, I was able to read the book by holding it about six inches from my eyes. This arrangement worked okay - even if I looked a bit odd.

    After my distance lenses were damaged - well, one of the lenses was vaguely functional, even if the frame was terribly twisted. I suppose I looked like one of the homeless guys in Delany's novel Mad Man, which is, appropriately, set in NYC.

  7. The issue of spectacles is an on-going concern for me whenever I venture into a low place, as without spectacles, I'm blind as the proverbial bat. At most low places I can find a corner that's secure from the errant foot and secure my spectacles there, but every once and a while things just don't work out right. I was in Manhattan a few months ago for a 3:00 PM concert, and having a few hours before it commenced, I naturally took a chance on the East Side Club where, to my great surprise, I had a delightful time playing with a hot duo. In the process, however, I inadvertently squashed my spectacles, which I had placed in what I surmised to be a safe corner!

    Well, I got back to Philadelphia okay as one doesn't need much visual acuity to sit through a concert and on subway trains, and on Amtrak, but the mangled frame was (and still is) a reminder that the best laid plans....

  8. I want to like slings, but have generally found them clumsy as they're set too high for a guy my height, (I'm 5' 5"), and adjusting the height has often become an intrusion into the flow of the sex, so I've mostly skipped them. Guess some fore-planning is in order....

  9. So is Igor poz because he has that tattoo??? *waves white flag...I'm sorry I'm new to this so I don't know.

    That's the general assumption, Muscleluva. Of course as someone else remarked elsewhere, there is some evidence neg straight guys are sporting the tattoo without knowing what it means, but it's hard to believe Igor is ignorant of its meaning in the BB community.

  10. An interesting posting. While I can't condone the behavior of Tim or Tim's friend, I also think the narrator shares responsibility for this conversion: common sense says (a) guys will lie, and (B) if one is bottoming and wants to remain negative, the most prudent, if not guaranteed way of remaining negative, is to insist the top use condoms. The situation for a neg top who barebacks and wants to remain negative is, of course, statistically somewhat different.

  11. I have this thing for latin tops. I love to give my white hole up for Latin tops. I have been with several who don't speak any English. I think it is fucking hot to hear a verbal Latin top fuck me hard and breed me and not understand a word he is saying! Talk about giving up all control to the papi!

    Yup. When I lived in Los Angeles, not infrequently I would run into Latinos who spoke nary a word of English, and likewise, I spoke virtually no Spanish. Fortunately, in the realm of sex, words are secondary to actions!

  12. I suspect the six centuries between 400 B.C. in classical and Hellenistic Greece with perhaps a small spill-over into the late Roman Republic and first couple of centuries of the Empire, say to perhaps 300 A.D., is the only world in which Mr. Goldberg could have found an outlet for his ephebophilic impulses, TheBreeder. As a species, human beings haven't come to a grip on sexual congress between the generations, particularly between adults and pre-adults. We simply say "thou shall not" and then freak-out when it occurs. What an inadequate response. Like it or not, Mr. Goldberg probably did the best he could given the time and milieu in which he lived.

  13. my current porn ideal is colin steele. he first made my pucker flutter in 'return to meat rack' and he's now costarring in 'park & ride.'

    if you like tall, handsome, built, tattooed, hung tops who can fuck like nobody's business, check him out. and the bonus scene where he teaches caedon chase to take a fist is amazing.

    Here's a link to the video Einathens cites: http://www.treasureislandmedia.com/cart/PARK-AND-RIDE.html Looks great!

  14. I haven't read that one, but Delany can be really uncomfortable to read, and directly gross. And I say this as a pig into felching, who was fisted, fucked bb and drank piss from an asshole from a big hairy pig with rank pits.

    I haven't read Through the Valley of the Next of Spiders but I have read several other works he wrote, including The Mad Man, and I would have to agree with HungLatinDom - Delany's works can be quite uncomfortable.

  15. What a contorted series of quasi-relationships you've detailed, TheBreeder. Your experience in college was very different from mine. Although I spent my freshman year in Rome, and my other three years in Philadelphia, I lead a very quiet existence, with precious little social intercourse (and certainly no emotional or sexual intercourse) with anyone else - for better or worse. I sometimes wonder how things would have been different had I been more outgoing. [sigh]

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