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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. I bet Philadelphia had a bowling alley, Hotload.

    You're right, TheBreeder, Philly surely has many bowling alleys. I was raised, however, in a very rural township some fifty miles from the City. The nearest town was about ten miles distant. I honestly don't know if it then had (or now has) a bowling alley. My familial house was surrounded by tens of thousands of acres of forest - after all, this is Pennsylvania!

  2. EYWTKAS was not quite the first manual I read, but it was the first the formally mentioned the (apparently) unsavory tendency of a certain portion of the male population to engage in untoward sexual practices with each other. Like TheBreeder, I recognized myself in the description, and I likewise despaired of actually engaging in sex with another guy if only because (a) we lived in a relatively rural township, and (B) aside from school, I had little contact with any males beyond immediate family members, and frankly, I didn't particularly like either of my brothers, so the notion of dallying with them was beyond the pale. I recall vaguely thinking that incarceration would avail to me ample guys, but that seemed a bit far-stretched. Even when I was admitted to college and traveled daily from the distant suburbs into the center of the City, again I didn't forge such connections. Only when I moved onto the Naval Base in South Philadelphia did I begin to explore the City and the world of debauchery to which Reuben alluded. Finally I was able to test his theories and reach my own conclusions as to the propriety of male-to-male sex.

  3. "...what was your first childhood or teen encounter with fictional gay characters, and how did they affect your own vision of yourself? Were you happy to see them? Horrified at the way they were portrayed? When you revisit that material now, how does it make you feel? Let me know how you feel in today's open forum—I'm really interested in your experiences."

    Hmm. Tough question, TheBreeder. I think my first all-out exposure to gay characters in a novel was when I encountered the Merrick novels, and of course aside from a carnal reaction, I vaguely recall wondering (a) if the world described in the novels had any basis in reality, and (B) to what degree would I feel comfortable in such a world. Perhaps a bit earlier I read the histories of Cassius Dio as related to the Emperor Elagabalus. Historians today largely discount the sexual excesses described by Cassius Dio, but when I read them I remember wishing I had the hutzpah to prostitute myself, as the Emperor was reported to have done. I re-read a bit of a Merrick novel a few months ago and was almost embarassed by the excess of carnality. As to the histories of the Ancients - well, I suppose I've become to appreciate humanity's talent for hatred and chalk-up most such purpose-driven accounts as, at very best, highly suspect.

    All in all, I think my readings prompted me to really, really want to get out of the distant suburbs into the core of the City - and through the University and the Navy I did just that.

  4. Interesting outcome, TheBreeder. Also an interesting interpretation of Jim's reaction. I'm also glad you were extracted with no more difficulty from both the closet and Earl's harem. You didn't indicate if you regretted the connections with Earl were severed, or if you were glad for the formalized severence.

  5. I recall distinctly being fascinated by the statuary from the ancients, particularly the statues of male nudes - this fascination directly lead to earning a BA in Ancient History. I have a very, very vague recollection of being in a public swimming pool locker room where I was to change into my swimming suit. The sight of the young men and adult men was both intriguing and beyond the pale. Finally I have very vague recollections of seeing my father's dick when he was taking a piss in the woods: I struggled not to stare. That's about all I can recall. Admittedly not much.

  6. "And I ask myself: Am I one of only a few promiscuous barebackers who thinks that way and the rest really prefers chems and a heavy-handed, fetishistic approach to sex? Or are there others who think that even intense sex should be fun and elevating?"

    No, GermanFucker. I'm in your camp. I've never tried any illicit chems, and when approached by a guy is clearly chemed-up, or who I surmise to be on chems, I'll decline to play. Always politely, of course, but adamantly. Same for alchohol. Einathens' remark about sums it up: "i'm not big on anything that takes away my control of my own body, messes up my ability to think, or interferes with my free will."

  7. I'd add to the Fuck-You list the residents of a house on my block who park four vehicles in a driveway intended to accommodate one. The bastards' vehicles, which include two cars, a van and a huge lorry, completely block the sidewalk, forcing pedestrians like me to detour out into the street. Yes, we have spoken to the residents, but they keep up with the practice. I need to sic the cops on 'em. Fuck You residents of 12xx Cxxxxxx Street!

  8. Interesting, TheBreeder. In my profession I've often found it useful to simplify my vocabulary, syntax and my pronunciation as a means of reaching my clients. My colleagues and friends, on the other hand, receive the full spectrum of my linguistic skill, and I would expect them to reply in a matter of course. I suppose it's a matter of knowing one's audience. Presumably there are some who would watch you on Skype and who would appreciate a man who can beat off while quoting a roundel by Swinburne, but such men are likely few and far between. And yes, I presume you're right, beating off while abjuring any inclination in support of birthin' babies just ain't gonna work!

  9. Years ago I saw a 3-D film made back in the late 70s, Heavy Equipment, featuring Al Parker. Some of the shots were conventional, but a couple of them, particular those where the action was oriented directly at the viewer were quite memorable. Perhaps the best shot portrayed a big load of cum blowing out of Parker's cock. The 3-D enhancement lead the viewers to believe the load was going to shoot right out of the screen. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who ducked!

  10. I live in St. Louis. Its a very conservative Catholic-based community.

    I've seen photographs of the Cathedral in St. Louis, Toxiclover. Hope I get to see it in person some day. It is absolutely stunning. I've never seen such an amazingly all-encompassing installation of mosaics.

  11. Yup. I've lived a several cities on the eastern and western coasts. While there are nice factors to every place I've lived, none of them were as gratifying as this City. I suspect the only place I could live that would be more gratifying than Philadelphia is Rome, where I studied in my sophomore year in college.

  12. "Hmmm, what school did you go too? New York & Philadelphia the two biggest cities in NEW JERSEY no offense but that would be NEWARK and maybe TRENTON or CAMDEN? not sure but i know your choices are not in NJ."

    Perhaps we should eliminate metropolitan NYC as a specific category, because, as all Philadelphians will affirm, NYC is a suburb, albeit a large suburb, of Philadelphia.

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