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Everything posted by htsends

  1. I think you misunderstand, most chasers are attracted to the taboo of the whole thing. They want dirty loads because its nasty, dangerous, uninhibited. If they get infected then they feel liberated and part of something - but meds have always been the safety net. Very few, if any at all want AIDs because theres nothing fun about it.
  2. Yes he does as the strain that managed to infect him will replicate once in. He'd likely be given different meds but the danger (and the reason why his doc is worried) is that a truvada-resistant strain could also mutate to be resistant to other meds if he doesn't take the new meds properly. If through his lifestyle he passes these strains on then that's when it starts to become a problem as you are now dealing with more people with resistant strains.
  3. So the choice is: £400pm for 30 days prep plus a check up with this clinic or £80 per month for the online equivalent then to arrange you own blood and kidney checkups I don't think the sexual health clinics do kidney function tests so it would be my doctor? How could I approach the subject without revealing the reason for the check up is because im on prep? Will they have an issue because its not been given the green light in the UK?
  4. Does anyone know if Viraday is safe and effective to use as prep? I was thinking of trying this and following up with monthly visits to my doctor to check my kidneys etc
  5. Hi guys, I'll give some background on the recent explosion of traffic on the straight section. The best bareback escort thread has been linked to on 2 major uk based punting forums, people have ranted and raved about it but all its done is advertised a safe haven for straight barebackers to go to and many bb'ers have come here as it's somewhere to discuss bb without being attacked. Word got around and a minor bb only forum which is hardly ever maintained had some guys come over as well as about half a dozen of us from xhamster where we were subscribed to each others bb escort videos. We're all pretty much BB refugees that are happy to be here but understand the rest of the site is 99% gay. I think if you consider the obvious banners, ads and general content of the site I think the straight guys are very tolerant and i doubt anyone would be here if they didnt at least respect other peoples lifestyles and choices. None of us want to outstay our welcome and if splitting the forum is a better idea (i.e. a seperate site just for straight guys, with straight ads and an area where bb escorts can pay to advertise) then that could work to.
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