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About boiznuts

  • Birthday 10/16/1984

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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. If only it were that easy...
  2. It is a one-way street, like rawTOP said. "Once you become a pickle, you can never be a cucumber again." If your intuition tells you that something isn't a good idea, it probably isn't (especially when your libido is the only thing telling you to do it). I had the same thought pattern before I started shooting dope: "Man, I know this is dangerous and addictive, but I really want to see what everyone is raving about!" Did I find out what was so great about shooting up? Yes. Do I wish I would have listened to my conscience and not tried it? YES.
  3. Thanks! Do you think the dreams are a side effect of the medication, or a manifestation of fears about your VIRUS becoming more potent and resistant (or both)?
  4. Question for my POZ brothers... What is being on meds like? I've mostly heard negative things -- are they all true? For example, Are they expensive? (for U.S. readers) Do you think "Obamacare" will reduce the cost of HIV treatment? Are the side effects really that bad? Is it true that meds, not HIV/AIDS itself, is what gives you "the look"? Are guys that are strict about taking their meds more likely to have "the look"? Did you have to experiment with a lot of different meds to find the one you like? Do you take a cocktail of meds each day, or one pill with various NRTIs in it? How are the 1990s meds (AZT, etc.) different from what we have now? Let's say someone doesn't know that you're POZ and asks what all those pill bottles are for - do you lie or tell the truth? Do you ever take a meds vacation to get your VL higher when you're going to poz up a NEG? Will meds make me not as horny to recharge and keep spreading The Gift? I take Xanax every day, and I know that I keep getting tolerant to it and have to take more and more. Does the same thing happen with meds?
  5. TBH if he goes in asking for Truvada because he can't stop thinking about how he's going to get AIDS from gay sex, he might just walk out with some Valium and a referral to talk to a psychologist...Better work on your acting skills with the "POZ partner" story, OP
  6. The "not horned up nonsense" answer is STAY NEG. You have your whole life ahead of you. 25 is too young to already have The Gift. I say just chill and take things as they come. Don't worry so much about what COULD happen. As a human, you have free will, meaning no one's going to put a gun to your head and say, "Be a fucking whore!" if you choose to play with guys. I understand your reservations, but sex, in general, doesn't ruin your life and consume you completely once you give in to your curiosity. (I can't say the same for heroin or chem sessions, though.) However, if you intentionally seek out HIV and let your viral load get out of control, your life WILL revolve around your lovely case of full-blown AIDS.
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