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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. 34 minutes ago, NegTrannySlut said:

    Thanks for your comment honey and some things I didn’t really explain well in my first post.

    1) I have used condoms in the past but only for the first few fucks then decided I didn’t like the feel of them.

    2) I’m not that much of a whore, I’ve only been with 5 sexual partners and all of them are clean, so there wasn’t any risk of infection. 

    3) I have told my fiancé about my bugchasing fantasy 1 and a half years into our relationship and he’s completely ok with it and knows all about this kinda stuff, weather he’d be ok me becoming poz is a different discussion I haven’t yet had with him. 

    im sorry I didn’t make my whole story that clear in the beginning and I hope this makes up for all the holes in my story. 

    Please take CLEAN out of you vocabulary when referring to someone having HIV ...  Really I would think we all would be more aware of that by now 

  2. 4 hours ago, poptronic said:

    As a top, I will say that while I do encounter occasional size queens, they seem to be fewer in number than they used to. I think guys are starting to become “woke” about how much porn distorts our expectations. 

    I have actually put this in the text of my BBRT profile: 

    “If you require a guy with an anaconda between his legs to split you in half, I’m not your guy. If you’re looking for a guy with a nice thick 7.5 inch cut of meat who knows how to not just fuck your hole but more importantly your mind, I AM your guy.”

    I’m clear and to the point. I’m not a monster, I do have a decent size piece of equipment, but most importantly, I know how to use it. I have made guys cum hands free while fucking them. 

    Ever since I put that text in my profile, I’ve gotten an insane number of messages flooding my inbox. 

    Now more than ever I want that cock.... How are you doing buddy?

  3. 1 hour ago, leatherpunk16 said:

    An update:

    I've asked around on the subject, and got an answer that addressed the cause. I can't mix oil-based lube with silicone toys! So I got some Swiss Navy lube, and after two experiments, there has been no blood. We found the culprit.

    Some of you will continue to push me to see the doctor. This is something that I will do, but before I go, I still have a question. 

    Do I go to a general doctor - one who treats multiple things - or can I do this with a sexual health doctor? Sex is kinda how I ended up in this position, and I have a better chance of seeing such a physician if it's a better choice anyway. 

    No more arguing over whether I need to see a doctor. I'll go. Let's focus on the other matter as well.

    I'd see a Colo-Rectal specialist, luckily in Ft Lauderdale we have 1 of the BEST who is very tuned into the GAY Community. Or see who ever you feel most comfortable speaking about your sexual activities. 

    • Like 2
  4. 53 minutes ago, boy4dad said:

    Ok seems like nobody has the balls to say anything here, trying to just soften it up with "something more serious". Here's the deal, please make an appointment with a professional doctor, you could have bowel cancer right now and you don't want to waste your time asking strangers here. Do that ASAP. I wish you well.

    I commented awhile back...that he clearly was avoiding the Dr and he confirmed. 

  5. 5 hours ago, leatherpunk16 said:

    My STI results are totally normal, so we can rule that out. I think it may be the lube, and also just getting too aggressive with the play. I want to feel something, I want to feel like my hole was thrashed. And I'm running out of time to get opened up, so it's probable that I try to rush the gape. Making up for lost time. And every time I use the Egg Plug, this happens. When I get a dick in there, this doesn't happen at all. Why should a toy have a different result?

    Before going to the doctor, I'll try one more experiment. I'm getting some different lube, and I'm going to try not using the plug. If it comes out clean or just poopy, then I think we found the culprit. 

    Also, it doesn't really "bleed for three days." An exaggeration. It's a small amount, and comes only with a poo the next morning. After that, it's stopped. 

    Rosebuds don't happen overnight, and I mustn't try to rush the process. 

    And for the piggies out there reading this, if I'm going to bleed like this, it'll be one less thing you have to do to infect me. 😈 A built-in feature, lol.

    You clearly don't want to see the doctor...why ask for advice?


  6. 1 hour ago, Dad4son said:

    Just had second shot.  It was exactly 21 days between them. Other than sore arm, no side effects.  Pfizer.  Hour total time for first shot but second shot was over 2 hours 45 min.  Still not bad.  Lines in Miami are terribke.  Glad I didn’t have to go there.  Just glad I was able to get it.   Recommend anyone who can should do so, but is totally a personal choice. 

    I'm in Lauderdale, had my second shot yesterday.  Similar experience with wait times between #1 & #2.  But tonight I have a slight "fever" tired and a bit achy.  It'll be worth it.   I had the Pfizer as well.

  7. 1 hour ago, pozbottom79 said:

    I tested poz 12 days back and the medical center started me on Biktarvy. They took blood on the day they started my meds for finding my viral load and it shows less than 40 copies per ml. T cell count is 1147. I have an appointment next week with the provider, but isn't that a low viral count for me being newly diagnosed? I thought under 40 is undetectable?


    Genuinely asking. 

    Sometimes, if you've been infected awhile your body will naturally fight and you may get results like those. SOme people are also "non Progressors" whose CD4 never falls.  Good Luck

  8. On 1/22/2021 at 6:46 PM, IAcollegeguy said:

    What are the chances of getting HIV using only the 2-1-1 plan for PrEP (assuming you're bottoming bare and getting bred)? Is it just as effective as taking PrEP daily for HIV prevention? Any recommendations on daily use or intermittent?


    From what I understand, the intermittent method works by taking 2 pills 2-24 hours before sex, then 1 pill 24 hours after and 1 pill 48 hour after. If you have sex within 7 days of your last sexual encounter doing this you just take 1 pill for 2 days following the encounter. If you have sex after 7 days of your last sexual encounter, double dose and start the process over again. Is that how it works?

    Statistically I believe its 83-86% vs ab out 99% for daily.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 8 hours ago, BlackDude said:

    This post is hilarious for many reasons. One of which is the entire “he’s hot (which he’s really not) and I don’t care what his beliefs are he can fuck me senseless.” You guys must not get out much cause this dude is a 6, on his best day. Not saying I wouldn’t fuck a 6, but all this fawning is ridiculous.

    Meanwhile, dudes like me have to answer a damn near survey about my housing situation, relationship status, where I work, medical records, etc plus have six pack abs all the while having a 10 inch dick with a thug personality before most guys will even consider a casual hookup.

    I wonder why that is.....?!


    This is a 10+ in my book any day 

  10. 15 minutes ago, verbalBTTM said:

    Just for the record Joe Biden voted for DOMA & DADT. Which made it illegal for homosexuals to have marriage recognized by the state & made the military able to dishonorably discharge a soldier for being gay. I don't care who you voted for but let's not paint Biden as the second coming of Christ. Let's leave the politics out of this sight and get back the debotchory of pig sluts. 

    If I am not mistaken, Marriage Equality was supported by Biden before Obama...and that he even CONVINCED Obama to support it

    No polititian is the second coming of Christ (heck I don't personally believe in Christ's first coming) 

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