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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. 27 minutes ago, Pozlover1 said:

    I am on Atripla and I take it at bedtime. Yes I’m dizzy if I get up in the middle of the night. And if I forget a day I have more energy the next day. But overall it’s not too hard to take. 

    I started out on Trizivir with Viramune, which is no longer even prescribed. I had to wait until 9AM to take it. If I took it before work I would definitely throw up if I smelled anything the least bit bad. Sometimes I threw up anyway. Sneaking the pills at 9 at work was really nerve racking. 

    You should ask your Dr about the newer meds... Atripla is okay, but there are many newer ones with less ide effects


  2. 6 hours ago, bredbiyou said:

    I tried them out many years ago when I was still using condoms on a regular basis. I briefly dated a girl with a latex allergy, and still had a couple left over after we broke up, so I decided they might be fun to experiment with other guys. I remember both guys being a bit weirded out by the look of them. It was like I had a bag sticking out of my asshole. I still don't know if it was intentional on his part or not, but with one of them it basically lead to him stealthing me since it was so easy for him to pull out completely and re-enter me outside of the ring. The other guy said he liked the fact that his cock didn't feel totally confined as with male condoms, but he didn't like the feeling of his cock hitting the internal ring. I kinda liked how slutty I felt while using them. I think they helped tap into my submissive feminine side. Or it might have just been the novelty of them. But I never used bought more after that, and of course nowadays I'm not really interested in condoms - male or female.

    When used anally, the inner ring I supposed to be removed 

  3. 2 hours ago, Nasicus said:

    So, I’m a 22 guy. I stayed clean through years of fucking, I always craved bareback but I kept using condoms. Only one guy ever took me raw and came. My ex, I knew he was clean. That was best sex I ever had, since then two years of craving it more and more. Right now I’m in a total dry spell, because I know that I couldn’t resist the bareback. I have obligations, family that would be concerned, job... but I need sex. And I am going crazy from not being filled with cum. Prep is not an option, besides there are other std’s. What should I do? Should I take one for the team and ride somebody’s balls dry?

    First thing... Do use the term "CLEAN" !

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  4. Just now !!  Been chatting last few days on Scruff with a cute bearded ginger... he HMU this morning, I was on my way to the gym and only a small window of opportunity after. I let him know I was home and 10 minutes later I'm sucking his "grower" to a hard rocket shaped 7".  He lays back on my bed and orders me to sit on it.  5 mins later he floods my hole   I'm a happy man for the afternoon

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  5. 3 hours ago, poptronic said:

    Hey guys.

    Last week, I went for (what should have been) quarterly labs, but was actually the first time in almost a year I’ve been to the doc. I know, I know, I know it should be done regularly, but it has been a very hectic year....

    Anyway, the doctor called me yesterday and gave me the results. All looked good she said, with the exception of cholesterol triglycerides were a bit high. Otherwise, VL undetectable, CD4 1700, all STD’s negative, etc.

    When she mentioned my CD4 was 1700, initially I thought, “WOW! That’s great!” Last time I was checked, I was around 900 or 1000, can’t remember exactly. When I first started meds five years ago, after three months, I was 1100. I’ve never been THIS high though.

    So I Googled around. And I found that “normal range” is 500-1500... which means I am out of the normal range. I am finding a lot of resources on how being too low is a bad thing, but almost nothing on what it means if I’m too high. Does anyone know what it means to have a really high CD4 count? Should I be concerned at all? 

    I don't think there is any reason to be concerned... You are like a SUPER MAN ! 

  6. 2 hours ago, SubHornyBottom said:

    There are about two dozen people I know got pozzed on daily pill of PrEP. It's just the medical community is not acknowledging because just like the 1980s, they don't really care or worried about homosexual revolt.

    This is BULLS*IT.... 

  7. You are more likely to get infected by someone who doesn't know their status...someone who hasn't tested in awhile.  U=U is used as a risk reduction tool with partners that you KNOW.  Someone you are familiar with, that you trust that you know see their Dr and takes their meds. Any "Hookup" Bathhouse encounter should be considered ????

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  8. If you forget it when taking it daily, what makes you think you'll remember on 4 specific days of the week.  If you take it 4 X a week, the blood level of the drug will be less than at daily dosing. So missing a single dose (which you will no doubt do) will have a greater effect on the effectiveness.  

    SO  If you wan tot be protected, take it daily. Set up a pill box, so you see if you've taken it that day. Use other reminders.

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  9. 8 minutes ago, in2itxxx said:

    Question for those that are Undetectable. I've heard that you can't get HIV from Positive Undetectable persons from sex. Is this true?

    Could I theoretically take 10 loads (random number, just an example) in one night from 10 different Undetectable guys and even keep those loads in my ass for a few hours at least and still not get HIV? 

    Would anything happen to any HIV negative guys who fuck and breed me on top of that?


  10. 16 hours ago, Imgameu41 said:

    They are now recommending prep does not need to be taken every day.  2 pills the day you’re planning to have sex, one pill  following for two days.


  11. LOVE IT !!!  A few years ago, I hooked up with this guy.... He and his apartment were a bit sketchy looking... but he was a passionate top with a good sized uncut cock.  we fucked in all sorts of positions and after he deposited a big load we were spooning, he moves down and starts to felch my hole... I swear I came hands free.  we fucked some more and he filled me a second time

  12. 12 minutes ago, bottomingboy said:

    Anyone into father / son roleplay?

    I'm arranging to meet a "Daddy" this month (a fantasy of mine) however I have no experience with it.

    As far as dirty talk goes, what can I say, or do, during sex to really get my daddy going?

    As the "Daddy" in role play I like to say breed Daddys hole. My son might ask if Daddy likes his big hard cock, and scream that he's giving Daddy back his sperm ,,, LOL

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  13. Quote
    2 minutes ago, concerned1 said:

    Oh, I've been taking it at different times each day for a little while now. It won't be protecting me now then I guess? What should I do? Stop taking it for a while (I don't know...maybe a week?) and then start over again and try to adhere to the same time every day? What should I do?

    Your protection is probably fine... just going forward try to take it at about the same time daily.  If you forget a dose 1 X per month or take it late that's not a problem at all


  14. 1 minute ago, concerned1 said:

    So from what you say, I should have adequate protection against HIV if I am taking my PrEP daily, but at varying times each day? Like for example,: 5pm today, 9pm tomorrow, 3pm the day after etc? So long as it's every day? 

    that's for the occasional time when you forget.  You should try to take it daily at about the same time every day. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, concerned1 said:

    Thanks for the info,...I remember the doctor telling me about the 4 day a week dosing. But what about taking it daily but at different times each day? 

    If you forget and its within 12hrs of the time you usually take they say take it.  If its over 12 hrs, wait til next regular dose. That's a good rule of thumb for any potent prescription medication

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  16. On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 2:27 PM, gymguy said:

    I stumbled onto this site by chance. I actually don't bareback and haven't done so since my previous partner of 3 years. I am currently partnered with a HIV negative individual and we use protection 100% of the time. Now, I was diagnosed 6 years ago and have been positive for roughly 7 years. The diagnosis ended that relationship and I have been so lucky to be with my partner now who has accepted me from day one. As for meds, I have decided to monitor my levels and postpone meds until my CD4 levels drop below 500. Upon diagnosis my CD4 was 768 and with each year, it seemed to only increase with the last two been 817 a year ago and 827 last week. My viral load float between undetectable to below 5000 for the past 6 years. I exercise 6-7 days a week, eat a well-balanced diet, have an addiction to herbal teas, take regular probiotics and antioxidants. I drink wine regularly and stick to tequila and cachaca when I party with my friends and family which is perhaps once a week (if not on vacation ;). I don't do drugs, nor do I smoke.  I understand everyone is different, but lifestyle choices definitely affect one's body and how it interacts with the virus. I had some concerns with the meds at first but now that they are much safer, I am not as hesitant to take them. I do, however, help my body naturally  to deal with the virus. My doctors have been supportive and have agreed with my assessment and self-treatment. Just remember, meds or no meds, it is important to take care of yourself. There are multiple other infections out there that will aggravate your immune system and the virus. It is also  true that many people who have HIV have secondary infection, so if you are barebacking, please know your partner for your health's sake.  :)

    There are people known as "non progressors" and for some reason can stay healthy with good #s like you. 

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