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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. On 10/21/2020 at 4:11 PM, Lily95 said:

    No matter who people vote for youre voting for a terrible person. Biden is a pedophile who supports pedophile Island and aldo is a devoted member of the kkk and then you got trump which just talks about how he groped a lot of women. Im not voting but if i was id vote for jack sparrow. Let's make america pirates! 

    Pedophile Island??? WTF ??? 

  2. On 10/10/2020 at 10:09 PM, Antares said:

    I've read here and elsewhere about bottoms having an "anal orgasm" without ejaculating and these can sometimes go on for 5-minutes or more.  Is this a whole body orgasm like a woman has where the bottom doesn't actually cum? Since I've never experienced this I'm curious about what it actually is. Comments?

    I have these ALL THE TIME.... a couple regular tops can have me spasming repeatedly. I think its a combination of that they know what to do to me & that they turn me on in some way.  Sometimes I get fucked and...NOTHING. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Spunkinmyarse said:

    I really don’t like getting involved in another country’s politics, as I hate it when people from other countries start making comments about mine, so I’m gonna steer clear of that one...  BUT, out of curiosity, what I really want to know is what exactly did the Democrats do under Obama that really pissed off so many fellow Americans?

    Nothing... It's the fact that a Black man did so much good that the narrow minded right wing can't stand it

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  4. 25 minutes ago, TeenCumDump said:

    To be fair, Hillary only got 3 million more votes, that's not really a lot when you consider the fact that less than half the US population voted in 2016. I think many people skipped voting because they didn't think Trump had a chance and this election you may see a lot more Republicans coming out, and maybe a few Democrats who see that Biden is fighting an uphill battle. The bigger difference this time around is that nothing Trump has done will sway past Republicans to not vote for him. Let's face it, if anyone voted for Trump in 2016 they're going to vote again. Democrats mostly the same, but they have much more baggage this time around. Biden is moderate in a world where there are more and more democrats trying to push far-left, such as yourself. BLM has been raging on in cities to the point where their support is dropping lower and lower each month, and the cities which have been left to the looting are under Democrat control which has done a great job in keeping moderate to conservative voters unhappy. Impeachment to turn up nothing. Muller to turn up nothing. This was the Democrats election to lose, and boy did they lose it.

    I'm sorry to say but Trump has played these last few months perfectly and will easily take a win this November. Polls don't mean anything, they were wrong in 2016, they were massively wrong in the UK general election and they're going to be wrong again. I'm not American, of course, so I have no real personal investment in seeing Trump win, but I think it's obvious he will. 

    Anyway, as I said, I'm done here. I see no real point in continuing because we're never going to get anywhere. You'll never convince me Trump is anything you think he is, and I'll probably never convince you he isn't half-bad. Not going to read any further replies. That being said, I'll be sure to hit y'all up with an "I told you so" in November 😛

    Geezzz... You drank a lot of the Kool Aide didn't you.  Maybe it's the tertiary syphilliss. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Starwood said:

    You are missing the point.

    I am not saying he is a nice guy, agree with his politics or that I would want to be stuck in a lift with him. He may be a megalomaniac , ego driven , failed business man. He does not project American power, the oppersite in fact, he hides behind a wall and wants to bring the troops home. He is an Right wing arsehole, but he is NOT  a fascist. Screaming Fascist at everything that you disagree with you does not make it so.

    I'm not missing anything... I just watched him leave the hospital, still being infective, walk up the stairs outside the White House and take off his flimsy mask... I don't care if Fascist is the right term. He's a F*CKING POS

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  6. 4 minutes ago, timfreo said:

    Trump turned around the American economy like no President before him. Making America First a priority did wonders, considering the economic wasteland left to him by Obama. Dear God, if Sleepy Joe and wherever her name is, get into power and bring in that "New Green Deal" America will become a backwater nursing off the economic teat of the Chinese. 

    Hate Trump for any reason you want but America and the World needs him there. 


    HAHAHAHHAA  I'm pissing my pants and not for a good reason.  You people are hysterical... I can't wait for Joe & Kamala to begin to fix this country.  Oh have you heard?  tRumps conservative court wants to take away gay marriage.  Next they'll put you into a concentration camp with a pink star tattoo

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Starwood said:

    With you Teencumdump on this one, well part of the way.  A fascist put one state above the individual. sum of its parts is greater. Believes in a strong leader above all. I am not saying Trump is ok, he is a deeply flawed man, but he is not a Fascist. The left has a habit of screaming that anyone they don't like. Not that the right aren't prone to doing the same and screaming Trotskyist at Messer's Sanders and Corbyn.

    As for the spectral college, if you don't like it, change it.

    You both are demented !! A SELF MADE Multi BILLIONAIRE  I'm crying because I am laughing so hard.  He's a narcissistic Megalo ego maniac... He is a danger to the country.  I will repeat. ANY GAY MAN, Any Woman, Any Black person who supports this POS is equally as Horrific 


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  8. A "Bi" latin 30 yo guy hit me up on A4A a couple days ago.  He's visiting from CA with his "girl & kids" Sais he wanted to fuck & Breed me when they go to see an aunt for a day.  Well I didn't put much hope in it.  But he kept in touch & I just got back from his hotel. Room was dark, he had his cap pulled low.  I sucked his nice 7"cut for just a couple mins ( he moaned oh, thats better than a girl, I said no shit ) then wanted me on my back.  Fucked me nice for 5+ minutes... constantly moaning and silently unloaded his 4 day load.  Felt good...  He took a hit from my poppers (what are those) HAHAHA  I dressed and asked him how many guys he's fucked. Oh.. its been awhile 😉 It seemed like it couldve been his first and I'm holding this load in, looking for MORE

  9. 1 hour ago, 1000GUYS said:

    Im married and want to get on prep,,,, the problem is: idk if i have HIV because i never tested...

    First of all You need to get test ASAP regardless of getting PrEP or not.  That aside, before you get PrEP they are going to test you for HIV, other STIs as well as other blood tests before giving your PrEP

  10. 1 hour ago, Gayprince112143 said:

    What was it like when you found out that you were Poz.

    If you want it... GO FOR IT... If I was to go back in time, and if PrEP were available I'd take PrEP and stay negative. Nowadays... You gotta be NUTS to not take it if you are fucking BB... Just my humble opinion

  11. 13 hours ago, PiggySlut77 said:

    My husband and I are visiting FLL 10/2-10/10 and looking to be piggy sluts.  We are staying at an AirBNB while in town.  We are both vers bb pigs and love kinky sex.  Also both neg and not on prep and VERY poz friendly. 

    mmmmm... Bottom "Daddy" open to take some loads from you 2

  12. 1 hour ago, PopperMeUp79 said:

    I’m heading down to FTL in October and staying for 3 weeks. I know things are still in flux with bars closed. Any good spots to cruise and get bred? How is Club Fort Lauderdale? 

    It's open, but the restrictions really put a damper on the level of action happening. A lot of guys are going to Inn Leather with Day Passes.  Bars may start opening soon. Some (Eagle) are serving food so that they can be open. Not sure what activity is going on there

  13. 1 hour ago, fuckyouraw777 said:

    All your points are valid but I didn't intend to shame anyone - in which case, I probably expressed myself in a way that implied that even if it wasn't my intention. It is quite possible to see no point in doing something without necessarily imputing shame on those who happen to be doing that something.

    It might be better said that I am aware that people might use condoms to protect against other STIs or to comply with the definition of PrEP as you stated. However, from my personal perspective, I'm not sure the potential side effects of long term drugs such as Truvada/Descovy (and their various proprietary/generic names) vs regular condom use, which they are doing anyway, would be. That is to say, is the long term side effect of taking Truvada/Descovy outweighed by slight chance that one might catch HIV through regular condom use?

    Personally, I don't think it is!

    However, others can think differently and in reality they need to think for themselves.

    Agree... But that's a personal decision.  RISK vs Benefit  

  14. 2 hours ago, fuckyouraw777 said:

    I can't see why someone would take PREP and then not fuck BB - it makes no sense to me at all; it's not as though PREP has no side effects: it's just that its side effects are probably less than those of contracting HIV (and especially if that progresses to AIDS and final death). I really feel like saying to someone I know who is a bottom only, who takes PREP but insists on condoms (which means no anal with me! Hah!): "If you're so paranoid about being fucked and getting HIV then why don't you just, well, not get fucked or fuck completely? It's even MORE impossible to get anything anally if you DON'T DO anal..."

    Just for the record. "PrEP" refers to the protocol, taking Truvada/Descovy, using condoms to prevent STIs and getting the regular Bloodwork.   Yes... Taking the Truvada/Descovy will give upwards of 99+% protection.

    In my HIV outreach work I will frequently run into guys who, while wearing condoms 99-100% of the time, they are still worried about contracting HIV. Maybe a condom broke one time, maybe there's a GF or wife in the picture. There maybe numerous reasons that an individual would want to take "PrEP" and use condoms.

    There is enough shaming in our community already. Lets not further shaming fellows who may have a reason to "wear the seatbelt even when the car has an Airbag"

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  15. On 4/27/2020 at 12:11 PM, DaddiesBiPigBoy said:

    Today is the big day!!

    My PrEP+ (Descovy+Tivicay) shipment just arrived about 20 minutes ago and after reading all of the enclosed material, I took my very first dose 5 minutes ago!

    I’ve been rock-fucking-hard since I took my dose. It’s been such a long wait since finally pulling the trigger on PrEP and decided to explore my sexuality I’ve repressed for so long. 

    My physician said to wait 7 full days before putting it use, grrr, the excruciating wait continues! I normally try to play as safe as possible and I’m sure luck has played a role so far. Now I need to pin down a top I can be sure is free of the rest of STI’s...



    Curious... Why are you taking Descovy+Tivicay as PrEP?

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