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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. 4 minutes ago, tj87 said:

    I've not paid for sex yet, I haven't had the need, but the experience has been on my bucket and every now and then I play a little fantasy-league and browse a few escort sites imagining what orgies of my own personal pleasure I might be able to concoct and with what combination of beautiful muscle boys...

    A few weeks ago I was propositioned by one-such familiar face on Grindr. The boy is very pretty, short, toned and with an ass that won't quit. Not the brightest tool in the shed in a way that my experience suggests may make him dynamite in the sack - something about not overthinking things. His insanely sexy ass means he mostly gets work as a bottom, but it turns out he's otherwise a top - constantly horny and has a preference for larger guys about 10+ years older...

    So a freebie with a beautiful younger lad is on the cards and being the newly indoctrinated cumslut that I am, I want to take his load which he's eager to give me. We've loose plans to meet on Thursday - but there are so many things my PreP doesn't cover. it's safe to assume he's had a fair amount of cock, and I know he's willing to go bare... But surely no worse than lying face down in a bathhouse and letting whomever play hide the salami with me which is also on my to-do list.

    In truth, the risk is most of the thrill.
    Has anyone else gone bare with a professional? And if so, did you escape unscathed?

    Common sense dictates that a "professional" most likely gets checked regularly, as it's bad for business if he is infecting clients

  2. 17 minutes ago, aim2game said:

    They should endorse Trump, he was the 1st president to enter office pro-LGBT, he said the Supreme Courts decision on marriage equality is settled. He has a campaign to decriminalize homosexuality globally, he has worked with Gilead to provide HIV medication, his America 1st policies might have cut HIV funding outside the US it has increased in the US. Recently the Supreme Court ruled on LGBT discrimination and Trumps Conservative appointed Gorsuch voted in favor of protections. He favors giving refugee status to minorities in Muslim countries aka Christians and LGBT persons.

    WWWHHHAAATTT !!!!  He's taken healthcare & other protections away from trans people, employment discrimination. He's a racist pig and any "Log Cabin" Republican should be ashamed of themselves. 

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  3. I am missing the ease of Bathhouse and random hookups.  In this time of "new normal" I think a couple close FBs is the way to go.  We help eachother thru this difficult time. So I am looking for some TOPS, I really do like all types for some uncomplicated hook up. I am a GL, fun "daddy" bottom. I lean toward the wilder side of wild, NO PNP LOVE TO GET FUCKED.  So if this appeals to you, HMU and we can discuss logistics. You need to UNLOAD and I want your DNA 


  4. 31 minutes ago, subpig00 said:

    New member here

    Just really created membership for this.

    Read some other topics. And so, please let me tell first that I'm really not writing to hear how a good bottom should destroy his health and welcome viruses and sicknesses from tops.

    My fear of HIV has always been extreme. And I've been doing daily prep+condoms for years. Lately, finally made the step to try bb with tops who want it. And yes, I love it. Now, I feel like a gate I locked has been opened. And I want to go total slut. Especially anon or not cumdump where the wrecked cunt is filled and dripping with cum and tops keep cumfucking, churning the cum inside me, 40-50 loads a day sort of scenario.

    But nowhere does it say that Prep is 100% effective.

    I realise this threat started a few years ago. So, I want to ask the biggest prep whores and cumdumps on this site: have you ever heard or encountered a daily prep taker cumdump get positive?

    Help a fellow slut out please. I wanna go full cumdump, without the fear of catching HIV. I don't do bad in the demand area thankfully and I'm always horny, so I feel in general can get around 1K loads a year or something. But need to know about the HIV risk.

    Let me know of your thoughts please!

    If you take PrEP every day... it's 99% effective,  There have been a handful (maybe 3 or 4) documented cases of infection when it's been taken properly 

  5. The "data" is interesting. If Truvada is taken daily, it is 99% effective. How can something be 69% more effective than 99%..... The effectiveness of Truvada that they are quoting must be for something other than daily dosing.  Sure an injection is easier and eliminates the taking of a daily pill, but I just get leary when the data quoted is sketchy

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Spunkinmyarse said:

    I’m surprised by how many people seem to be taking measures to try to avoid it altogether:  it seems now that it can’t be contained, so isn’t it inevitable that MOST of us are going to get it at some point in the next year?  We can’t all stay in lockdown forever, either on an individual basis, or a societal one.  At some point we’re all going to have to put our heads back over the parapet, and guess what?  The virus will still be there waiting for us.

    Of course, I understand the argument about slowing down its spread, so that healthcare systems won’t be overburdened by a spike in caseload- but perhaps the most responsible course of action if you are young(ish) and healthy is to 1) accept that you will get it at some point, 2) try to spread it to as few people as possible when you do get it, 3) once you’re over it help those who are most vulnerable.

    Yes, before anyone jumps down my throat, I do accept that even young healthy people carry some small risk of developing complications, but all life involves risk, as any cyclist in London will tell you.  If enough of us catch it, clear it and develop some degree of immunity to it, then perhaps collectively we can become a barrier to future transmission- and that might be the best way to protect our elderly and vulnerable.

    And from a purely selfish point of view, maybe it’s better to get it over with early  in the epidemic, while there is still capacity in the hospital system should any complications arise...

    Yea... that is a selfish point of view.  The "curve" has to be lowered. Here in Fort Lauderdale, they closed the beaches today and I jut heard that the bathhouse is closing for the remainder of March. 

  7. I commend you for being so open and forthright so early in your "journey". First off, be proactive in your healthcare.  Find some support group also.

    Now, I personally find it easier to be open and state my status in all apps and even reiterate it during a chat with someone who has negative or no status.  It gets it out of the way.  Be ready for some rejection and stigma.  But its really better to avid any issue or confrontation  later.  It's really unfortunate that in 2020, there is misinformation about HIV, U=U etc.... 

    Good Luck, reach out here also for any support

  8. 2 hours ago, orlanguy said:

    So I've slutted out my ass for countless hookups, been gangbanged by guys at bathhouses like club orlando and entourage, and knowingly taken a few poz loads for like 10 years. Been clean the entire time. One night at hawks and I got chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes AND HIV. Insane amount of time at the doctor's, I'll try to post the rest soon. Was clean and neg before this night

    CLEAN ???? Really????

  9. At first the title doesn't sound that out of the ordinary... But I do HIV testing @ the local Sex Club/Bathhouse.  This afternoon I noticed this cute cub like 20 something hanging obviously with his "daddy" of about 60 ( he was nothing special)  I tested the 26 yo first and when I gave him his negative result the hug turned into making out and I felt a very FAT average length cut cock get very hard. I sucked him a bit and he asked when I was done. And said he'd wait around.  During the next couple hours I tested the Daddy too, and the cub asked if he could watch... I said sure,  I finished and met them at their room... It didn't take much time, i dropped my shorts, sucked the cub a bit and go doggy on the bed.  I had pre lubed and he slid in slowly but easily. He fucked me slow & fast for about 15 minutes, Daddy was enjoying the show and rubbed my back and ass as his boy fucked me.  we moved further up the bed and I started to ask if he'd give me his load... Asked me to beg for it which I did and was soon rewarded.  I don't often do this on work hours ( well it was after) and it was HOT.  They return to Upstate NY tomorrow morning.

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  10. 1 hour ago, kotcas said:

    Hi, I am 39 yo and very willing to be barebacked by a sleazy old man in my still virgin hole. I always performed as safe top until now.

    what are the chanches to get hiv if the man would fuck BB for some thrusts and cum outside?

    A couple of drips of precum are still possible...

    Thanks in advance for your contribution! 



    If you ask him his status.... U=U it would be virtually impossible. It still would be very low without some hard fucking and ejaculation.  If you want to get fucked and not contract HIV, get on PrEP.


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