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About Shooter_099

  • Birthday 02/12/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Australia, Adelaide
  • Interests
    Barebacking, breeding, hot sex in general.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Vers, played safe for many of my younger years but got addicted to taking raw cock in my fuckhole and never went back to rubbers.
    I only go raw when topping any willing bottom too.

    Tested Poz last month (March 2019), got converted at a sex party in a basement in Melbourne, Australia. Two of the five tops were poz and knowing they were Poz i got excited and decided to concentrate my bottoming with them because lets face it, Poz tops know how to fuck. I guess i just assumed they were Undetectable. Obviously months later i learnt one or both of them weren't on their meds because i tested positive.
    Im ok with it, i wasn't chasing but knew eventually i would hook up with a poz breeder.
  • Looking For
    Fuck buddies

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  1. Thanks for the following mate! Love to hook up when i get down that way!

    1. Shooter_099


      Sounds good mate! Keen as!

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