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Everything posted by BttmCub88

  1. Hey guys. Possibly visiting thw Ocala area around Feb 5th. Looking for a few guys to pig out with. Check my profile to see whata I'm looking for ;) and hit me up
  2. Bbrt not working for anyone else?
  3. Hoping other duys in NC start using a VPN to be able to get back on here.
  4. I try to be careful. Its happened to me a few times and always because I wasn't paying attention to where I was posting. Just hate getting restricted and missing out on stuff lol
  5. Just set a personal record. Went over to a guys house that I fuck with regularly. He had a friend over and they both took turns breeding me. Then had another guy waiting at my place when I got home and took a few loads from him. Total of 10 loads in 30 fucking minutes!
  6. I go over to a guys house a few times a week. Have for months. Dude is brutal. Gets me poppered up. Pounds the hell out of me. Even choked me out a few times. Slaps me around calling me a cheating whore. Usually gives me 3 or 4 loads every time. When hes done, spits in my face and kicks me out. I have no idea what he looks like since he makes me wear a hood every time. And i fucking love it.
  7. True. If you were the one taking the load, it typically stays localized to your ass. So unless shes digging in there i wouldnt worrry. As far as putting antibiotics in her food. I mean, its likely harmless if shes not allergic. But not exactly ethical.
  8. Any guys here go to the bookstores in the Raleigh/Durham area? Any advice to get in onbthe action, what you do to get it and where the best hookup spots are?
  9. Fucking love sniffies. Depending on the day can be hit or miss. But fining a shit load of tops since i moved to NC. And meeting up at the most random places lol.
  10. I do this a lot. Have a guy that breeds me a few times a week that has me put on a hood before i come in his apartment. Hes probably fucked me about 20 times and i have no idea what he looks like. And have had a few guys come over to fuck me. Theu have me blind fold myself with a shirt before they come in. Absolutely love taking true anonymous load.
  11. Nah. I would want to end things that way. But i see what you mean.
  12. In apex here. Hit me up
  13. Nope. I dont agree with him on that. I was actually kinda mad when he said it, cuz then he clearly doesnt know how my head works with this. I didnt respond. I just wanted him to speak and get things out and me listen. Theres an underlying issue that he thinks its ok for him to do things, but not me. In regards to everything. On top of his paranoia that ill find someone else to leave him for. So there a lot that has to be worked on. And not just pushing for an open thing. Its possible it might not ever get there. We'll see. Till then, im taking random loads lol
  14. Yeah. Dude has borderline personality disorder. So the issues run a bit deep. So it will be slow work if it works at all. Love him, but also want him to realize i love taking random loads lol. And that im not gonna leave him for some dick.
  15. Thats kinda what I'm pushing for. But as he said once, he knows how to compartmentalize a hook up from a relationship and that hes worried I cant and hates the thought of another dude fucking me. I think hes worried i will find a guy to leave him for. Ive actually hook uo with a dude a few times i wouldnt mind dating if i wasnt already in a relationship. And stopped hooking up simply because of that. I just love taking anon cock and not knowing the dude. So hopefully ill get my bf to realize that at some point.
  16. Im almost positive he has himself. And im pretty sure he might have a feeling things have happened on my end. Didnt stop me from taking a 9 inch massive cock yesterday before he got home last night.
  17. I fuck around every chance I get when my BF leaves for work. Been together a year. Been fucked by about 35 guys since june. I fucking love it and has made me kinda more sexually attracted to him for some reason. Hes fucked me once before and the loads from about 3 other guys came out and he somehow didn't notice. Been having guys over sometimes to fuck me in our bed. Which was hot as hell that he had no idea. One day he had me face down ass up. My face was in the pillow while he was fucking me and i could smell the sweat from a dude that i had over earlier while he was working. Another dude lives a couple minutes away and i go over a few times a week to get so he can beat my ass and fuck me the way i wish my bf would. Alwats send me home with at least 3 loads leaking out. Its a bit of work to cover it up and get away with it, but i love it.
  18. Up to 33 guys this year. Some multiple breedings. Actual load count probably 60 not counting my bf. Just had 2 guys come over and fuck me. One guy left 4 loads. Have an app that keeps track 😈 and hopefully a special one tomorrow and dude wants my hole brushed first
  19. Had a dude on sniffies last week tell me he wantedbto come over a breed me. My profile says into bareback only. He then goes on to ask if I'll use a condom. He then went on to lecture me about how I need to be safe, that theres a stds going around and all that. Im like "dude, thats not what breeding is" lol appreciated his concern and he was hot as hell. But blocked him. I would consider it if he left me the condom after. But the lecture was a mood kill
  20. About 32 this year. Most in the past 2 months
  21. Now in NC. In Apex, outside of Raleigh. 😉
  22. Just had a black dude with the largest dick I've been fucked by come over and fuck in me and my bfs bed while he was out. Dude was close by and on BBRT so he come over real quick. Chaser too and didnt know status. But hooks up with tons of poz dudes.
  23. And just now had 2 black guys take turns spit roasting me in a sketchy house.
  24. Just took a few loads from a dude on here for the first time 😈 met up in a wooded area and sucked him off. Then went back to his place to breed. Fucking so hot having his loads in me as im getting ready to go to my bfs house
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