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Everything posted by bend4it

  1. More please....!!!!!
  2. So hot, just had to jerk off and got spunk all over me now, more please............
  3. Like this so far, am nice and hard waiting for next chapter.
  4. Very hot story, LOVE INCEST stories they really gets me spunking hard.
  5. Oh yeah, just spunked a huge load reading this, pity it was wasted over me and not in a guy.
  6. Very hot, stroked myself good reading this.
  7. Is that the huge round tree stump several hundred yards in ?, if so been had there a few times, fuck now you have got my hole tingling. But must confess not been to the heath this year ;(
  8. Hi Bugchaser. This version is much easier to read and has made the story far more enjoyable. Its easy for us to make comments on another authors work, but often in doing so we do not have all the facts as to why the story caused these comments to be made. Now we know, you were rushed for time and wanted to post quick. For your first attempt it was good and I was harder than the first time I read it. LOL LOL Hit the save button and when you get the chance reread and when happy, Post. Hope our comments have not put you off, you have a real talent. Hope to read more from you soon
  9. WTF?? now that sucks...... Thanks for the info Bugchaser93, guess I will have to reread and wank off a few times now until at least his new story is posted. Cheers mate.
  10. Has the author been banned again?? its been a while since the last chapter.
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