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Everything posted by bend4it

  1. like the start SFMike, hope you continue .
  2. shit, that chapter was so fucking hot..................
  3. Please carry on this story, hope the boy gets poppered up and becomes a real slut for gramps.
  4. fucking hot, hope its going to get hotter and very dirty next chapters really fuck the little cunt hard.
  5. Really hope this continues.
  6. Defiantly man over board and well knocked up.
  7. so fucking hot
  8. damn that was a 2 wank story
  9. Hot !!!!!
  10. Nice story wished there had been a continuation.
  11. Think one of my hottest scenes in a video is "What I can't see" has Jay Taylor fucking a drugged passed out guy who wants to be fucked bare but does not want to know its happening, SOoooooo fucking hot never last to the end so I have to cum twice . For some reason all the other scenes are available except this one so cant find it on any of the sites.
  12. Hi guys, thanks for the replies. I found the entire film on youtube. It is only about 15 mins long and to be honest a real let down, so glad I did not spend good money on something so worthless.
  13. Moderator's Note: Not really porn but it seems to fit better here than anywhere else. Anyone know the name of this film and where it can be found?? [think before following links] http://www.xvideos.com/video16802245/chaser
  14. Hot story, hope it gets down and dirty with lots of chems and cum. More please.
  15. I hope you are going to continue ?
  16. Nice start, please carry on.
  17. Thanks biwolfkid, your a star, thats the story, not read it all yet but yeah thats it. Big Thankyou for all you guys who helped. Now got to get in the mood and read it through and blow a few loads
  18. Hi Guys, I hope you can help. I am looking for a story that I think I read on this site somewhere. Story line is this. 1/. Dad send his straight young brat of a college son to a "friend" of his that he owes money to. 2/. Dad also sent him with a letter addressed to his "friend" 3/. Boy is waiting for something his Dad wanted him to get. 4/. "Friend" reads letter and tells boy that he is his and that his Dad is letting the guy use him in payment for money he's owed. 5/. "Friend" then teaches the straight boy all about mansex and pozzes him. Well thats the jist of the story, but I can not remember if drugs were involved etc but toys, forced fucking, poz were all used, after the boy was finished with, the "friend" sent him back to his dad to use. Hope you can help.
  19. Fuck, thats hot and hes only just got in to the locker room, more please !!!!!!!!!!
  20. Hi LeCross , Are we going to read any of these stories? it has been over a year now.
  21. Hi Rawtop, i have been trying to find a film clip of Jay Taylor breeding a knocked out sleeping guy. Its from i think Treasure Island films. "What I Cant See" It was doing the rounds now seems to have vanished although many of the other scenes are still available to watch. Has it been pulled? or do you have a copy you can add to your site?? Thanks.
  22. Very nice, got major hard on thinking how lucky Tommy is. Next chapter please .
  23. Please continue, vere hot so far
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