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Everything posted by bentover4u1972

  1. Had plans arranged last night for a threesome. Me, the friend who always tops me, and a sexy younger bottom who we were going to share. Alas the bottom backed out part-way through the day, so we reverted to our usual M.O. - my friend would pump 2 or 3 loads into me before sucking me off and swallowing mine. I was just about to leave the office for his place when he messaged to say that he had been called to a highway project where a fellow engineer hadn't shown up for work. It was an hour and a half in the wrong direction, so there went my plans! So what to do? The obvious choice was the only one on my mind: bookstore! I drove to one that wasn't too far from home, paid my entrance fee and went into the booth area. This place is different from the last one I went to: there is no public room, just row after row of booths, a lot of them with glory holes. There were not many booths in use, mostly guys milling around, so I took my chance. I went into a booth with a glory hole, started the video and waited, my little brown bottle making regular trips to my nose while I did. The booth on the other side of the glory hole had a door with a very distinctive creak when it moved, so it was easy to tell when someone was entering. It didn't take long before I heard it. Like Pavlov's dog, I took another huff, placed my fingers in the glory hole to indicate I was sucking, then got on my knees and placed by mouth at the opening. I didn't have long to wait. My lips were soon wrapped around a cock of average size and I went to town, sucking and slobbering. But then he pulled back! He must have been close to cumming, because he zipped up and left the booth. I flipped through the videos and found a good bareback one while I waited. After about 10 minutes the door creaked again. I watched through the hole as the new guy stood and stroked a while with the door open. My fingers and open mouth indicated I was there to be used, and once he got hard he shoved a meaty 7-incher through the hole and down my throat. My head was swimming from the poppers as I bobbed my head back and forth, sucking and licking and drooling on the floor while I worked that beautiful piece of meat. Through the fog I did notice, however, that someone kept opening the door to the booth I was in. I could only imagine the sight of a business guy in his work clothes, on his knees and servicing a stranger's cock. After a few minutes I was rewarded. I heard his breathing quicken and then he grunted as the slightly sweet, slightly salty taste of his cum coated my tongue. I swallowed greedily. No sooner had he zipped up and left than someone else entered the booth - the guy who had checked me out, perhaps? He didn't need much prep, just unzipped and took out his hard cock and then pressed it through the hole. I worked it like the dutiful slut that I am, and soon he too was coating my tongue. There was a lull after that. I heard the hinge next door creak a couple of times but any time I looked there was no one in there. So eventually I stopped the video and left the booth to wander around a bit. There were only two or three guys and they all stood in corners checking their phones. But after walking around a bit longer I noticed that a few more guys had arrived, and no one seemed to be going into the booths. So I went back to the one I had been using to try my luck one more time. I had fifteen minutes before I had to leave. I restarted the movie and waited. Sure enough, I heard the door creak, then the latch click and the lock engage. Another huff and I was on my knees, open mouth waiting at the hole. I stayed there for what seemed like a few minutes, but nothing happened. Peeping through I saw that he was facing the screen and stroking a nice-sized uncut hog. Was he bogarting the booth to be a dick and keep me from getting any more cock? I needn't have worried. As I watched he turned toward the hole. I quickly got my mouth back into position and as soon as I did he shoved it in. I worked the tip with my tongue while I worked my head back and forth. The drool poured from my mouth and onto the floor as I took him as deep as I could (without breaking my nose, of course). Before long his cock began pulsing against my lips and I tasted his cum. Once again I swallowed like a good cum dump. Satisfied, he zipped up and left. I hung around for a few more minutes to see if anyone else might enter in the little time I had left, but that was it for the evening. I left the video playing in the booth so maybe someone could pick up where I left off, and headed out into the cooling night. Four cocks, three loads in just over an hour - not bad. Next time maybe I'll see how they react to a clean, lubed asshole waiting at the glory hole instead!
  2. It finally happened. I was perusing Grindr yesterday when I got a message from a blank profile. Don't you fucking hate those? Normally I ignore them or, if I'm particularly horny, I'll demand a dick pic to see if I want to keep chatting. But this one was different. The first chat message I received was, "2 tops here". WELL. That changes things. I decided to explore to see if they were for real, and if so to see if they could host. Hosting is difficult for me these days and that's usually where things go south - the top contacting me hasn't bothered reading my profile, so we get all the way up to arranging a meeting only to have him say he can't host. And my favorite is when he also can't travel! I like to engage guys early on with two provocative pics. First I send a picture of a raw cock in my ass from above. Then I send a shot of my ass with cum leaking from my hole. If the top is not into either of those I know I'll be wasting my time chatting with him further. In return I received two pics - one of a big black dick, ramrod straight without any discernable curve to the shaft. It was cut and had been slicked-up for the pic. It looked delicious! The other pic was of an even larger white cock, also cut with a nice upward curve. I began salivating immediately. After liking both pics I typed, "Raw only is that cool?" "Yeah," came the response. Then, "You poz?" I'm not, and I'm never sure how to answer that particular question. Some guys are looking for others who are poz. Others want to avoid playing with guys who are poz. So, I hedged my bet and responded with, "No, not yet." I waited breathlessly for the response. Would they block me? Go silent? In fact he did neither. Instead, his response was, "You wanna be?" Another potential trap. If I came right out and said 'yes' or 'no' it could be the opposite of what he wanted to hear. So again I hedged. "I don't refuse loads," I replied. A little flame appeared in the top corner of my message. He liked it! So, curious to find out who I was chatting with, I messaged him back. "You guys poz?" I asked. The picture of the beautiful black dick appeared again along with the message, "He is." That was all I needed. My hole twitched involuntarily and I felt a few butterflies in my stomach as I began to type my response. But before I could finish he added, "Come by." It was the middle of the afternoon and I was working from home. I quickly checked my calendar. It was wide open. I deleted what I had been typing and simply asked, "Where and when?" "Now," he replied along with the address. I checked the clock. While I surf the apps regularly while I'm working from home, I don't usually get hits that pan out so I never clean out until I have something actually lined up. I messaged him that I would need an hour, hoping that wouldn't put him off. "We'll be here," came the response. The butterflies increased as I rushed into the bathroom to clean out. I found myself wondering about the guy I had messaged with. He said his friend was poz, but what about him? Did he take a turn first, to stretch the bottom's hole and pump a neg load in there for his friend to follow? Was he also poz? I didn't even know if the poz guy was undetectable or not. I didn't care. I needed those cocks inside me, regardless of their status. I finished douching and pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, then stuck my feet in some flip flops. I wanted to be able to get naked as quickly as possible once I arrived! Grabbing my little brown bottle, I headed for the door. Once in the car I checked the time. I was going to be about 15 minutes early, so I sent him a message to let him know. "We're here," he responded. I was incredibly nervous the whole drive there. Thinking back on it I don't recall much of the drive itself. My mind may have been so preoccupied that I did it on autopilot. But I made it safely and pulled up in front of a large stately house on one of the nicest streets in town. I messaged from the car. "I'm here." "Come inside. Follow the music," he instructed. I was only too happy to obey! I took a quick huff from the brown bottle to steel my nerves, then walked up the walkway and through the front door. I found myself in a huge two-storey foyer. Stairs ran along both sides and met at a landing on the second floor. Below the landing and directly ahead of me was a set of double doors. They were closed but I could hear the thump! thump! thump! of a beat emanating from behind them. Next to the doors was a table, on which I found a blindfold and a note that simply red, "Put this on and knock." So, that's exactly what I did. I felt a slight change in air pressure and heard the creak of a hinge as the door opened. "Damn," I heard an appreciative voice say, "you're gonna be fun." He led me into the room and I heard the doors close behind me. He grabbed my chest from behind and ground his crotch against my ass. I could feel a large and very hard cock pressing on my cheeks through his pants. "Let's get him naked!" a second voice said. I was glad I had worn so little. I easily kicked off the flip-flops then felt a pair of hands pulling my t-shirt over my head. At the same time someone else unbuttoned my jeans and they fell to the floor. "You're on video," the first voice said. "We're gonna record all of this. Tell me why you're here." I was momentarily taken aback. He had not mentioned recording me when we had chatted. It was not something that occurred with great regularity and I was unsure how I felt about having this particular encounter on video, but the die had been cast. I was the fly and I was already firmly in their web. "To get fucked," I replied. "And get pozzed," he added, putting words in my mouth. "Yes," came my feeble reply. "You willingly accept that you're going to be fucked raw and have poz cum shot in your ass?" he asked. My cock stiffened a little at his words. "Yes." My voice was firmer this time. I heard the click of a plastic cap and two fingers applied lube to my crack, paying special attention to my hole. First one finger, then a second, slipped inside me to make sure I was greased up. I was led forward a few steps until my knees encountered what felt like a mattress. They spun me around and seated me on the edge of the bed then pushed me back. One guy grabbed me around the thighs and pulled me closer to the edge of the mattress - presumably to better position my hole - while the other pulled my arms above my head. Once I was in position, though, they didn't release their grips. I wondered why until I felt still more hands on me, this time shackling both my wrists and my ankles. What was going on? I tried to sit up but they easily held me in place. As soon as the shackles were on they hooked my wrists together, then connected a chain that pulled tight and immobilized my arms. Another chain was pulled across my midsection and drawn tight. It was not uncomfortable but it was secure enough that I knew there was no getting out of it. Then they bent my knees until they were nearly touching the mattress on either side of me and connected the shackles to the chain, holding my legs in the air and exposing my hole perfectly. It had all happened so quickly! I was confused and more than a little nervous, even a bit scared. But, I reminded myself, I had come to take a poz load, and they were making sure that happened. There was no going back now. Next a small mask was placed over my nose and strapped to my head. What was this for? I wondered. I resolved to breathe through my mouth but a faint, familiar scent told me what it was for: it was connected to a brown bottle so I could take hits whenever I wanted! This was definitely a moment where I needed that, so I inhaled mightily and held it ever so briefly before exhaling through my mouth. Then it began. There was no warning, no probing finger in my hole or cock stuck into my mouth first to get hard. A large cock simply slid past my sphincter and deep into my guts. Before I could even catch my breath he had bottomed out and began plowing mercilessly. Whoever this was, he put his hands on the backs of my thighs and drove me relentlessly into the mattress. An involuntary moan of pleasure escaped my lips. Besides that and his grunting, though, there were no sounds audible above the thump! thump! thump! of the music. At last he relaxed his grip and I felt the telltale pulses of his cock as he pumped his load into me. Was this the guy I had been chatting with? Was he lubing me up with negative cum so the poz guys could take their turns, or had I taken my first poz load? I had no way of knowing. His cock was replaced not by another but by a small, scratchy object. A toothbrush. They were roughing up my insides to make sure their strains took! It was exceedingly uncomfortable but only for about thirty seconds before it was withdrawn. A voice I had not heard before said, "Good. Nice and red." I lost count of the number of cocks that bred me that afternoon. Somewhere north of ten my brain went foggy thanks to the regular hits through the little nose mask. I had no idea how many guys were there. There could have been dozens, or there could have been a few who kept taking turns. All I know is that I was impaled by cock after cock and there was no way of knowing how much poz cum had made its way into my guts or which strains had begun working their way into my bloodstream. At last the assault on my poor stretched-out sphincter wound down and I could hear some of the guys getting dressed and leaving. I was left chained and blindfolded a while longer and when they finally released me, only the two guys I originally thought I was meeting were there. As I sat up I felt like I had been put through the wringer. Well, really I had been. I wanted to ask about what had happened, about how many guys had used me and how many poz loads were swimming around inside me, but I was just too groggy. Silently they helped me get dressed and on my feet, and I slipped back into my flip flops. They walked me to the door and the white guy simply said, "See you again soon," as he pushed me out onto the porch and closed the door. Dazed, I walked back to my car and sat there for a while until my head was clear enough to drive. I went home and fell onto my bed and into a deep sleep that lasted through the night. The whole experience felt like a dream, yet the dull throbbing of my abused hole tells me it happened. Now the waiting game begins.
  3. Come breed me there next week. EZ.
  4. I have a friend who hosts and breeds me ever Thursday after work. It's our way of winding down before the weekend. Usually he pounds two or three loads into me, and sometimes we include other guys - and even the occasional woman. But occasionally one of us can't meet. That's what happened yesterday. He wasn't feeling well while I was horned up after a tough week at work. So, what to do... I had two choices: get a room or go to a bookstore. I've not had much luck on Thursdays at the bookstores around where I live, so I decided to head to a seedy motel frequented by cum dumps. I needed a new little brown bottle, so before going to the motel I stopped at a bookstore just down the street. The parking lot was surprisingly busy so once I had my brown bottle in hand, I decided to pay the $10 and check out the booth area. It was full, of course, of the usual lurkers, standing or pacing about. I never know what these guys are looking for - do they want to suck cock, or have theirs sucked? - but today I didn't care. I walked past them all to one of the public rooms at the back. I felt eyes following me so as soon as I reached the room, I simply dropped my pants and bent over the back of the sofa. I took a few hits off my new brown bottle and waited. I didn't have to wait long. Soon I felt hands roaming my ass and fingers sliding into my hole. It was a well-hung Hispanic guy who obviously appreciated a chubby guy. I bent over and sucked his cock before he guided me around the couch and told me to get onto it on my knees. My head hung over the back and as he slid his raw cock into my ass, another guy stepped up and fed me a stubby but quite thick cock. It didn't take him long to cum, and he did so by jacking off onto my face - not something I'm usually into but with a big cock in my ass at the same time I wasn't pulling away! And anyway it was kind of hot. Soon the guy behind me grabbed my hips and pumped a big load into me. As he withdrew I wanted to showcase my talents so I spun around and took his cum- and ass-covered cock in my mouth to clean him off. He tasted delicious! Unfortunately the other guys who had gathered were only interested in watching, so I dressed and decided to become one of the lurkers to see if I could find some more fun. I needn't have worried! As I approached a booth that had the door removed, a guy who had been watching me get fucked motioned for me to go in and sit down. As soon as I did he took out his cock - average length and cut - and stuffed it in my mouth. He held my head still and skull-fucked me until he fed me my third load of the day. It was sweet and delicious. I walked around for a while after that, and noticed a young, tall and skinny black guy. He wore a hoodie with the hood up and the lower half of his face was obscured by a mask. He seemed unsure of what (if anything) he was looking for, and didn't seem interested in me so I left him alone. Fast forward 20 minutes and as I wasn't finding any more fun, I was about to leave when he walked up to me in the hallway with his big dick out! It was long and cut and curved gracefully to the left. I took it in my hand and began to stroke my hand back and forth, feeling him harden. He turned and led me back to the public room where once again I dropped my pants and bent over the back of the couch. A few other guys followed. I heard a condom wrapper (boo!) but was too far gone to refuse. I squeezed a little lube on my finger to grease my hole and he slid inside. Immediately he went to town, pounding my hole relentlessly. Some of the other guys began jerking and one with a particularly nice, thick cock grabbed my head and skull-fucked me while the black guy slammed into me over and over. The guy in my mouth shot his load - my fourth - and was promptly replaced by another who quickly fed me my fifth. The guy in my ass stopped a few times, obviously not wanting to cum too quickly, until finally he took his last few strokes and then pulled out. He was gone before I could even turn around. I'll count that as my kind-of sixth load ... he didn't leave the condom so I never got to eat his cum or rub it inside my hole. 😞 By that point I had been there for about an hour and I was pretty much spent, so I pulled up my pants and headed for the door. As I neared the exit, though, a small-built Hispanic guy motioned to me to join him in a booth with a door. Intrigued, I followed him in. He locked the door and took out a perfect cock - about seven inches, cut, nice and thick with big balls. I sucked him for a moment but he was grabbing at my ass so I took the hint and dropped my pants. It was a larger booth with a bench seat so I knelt on the seat. He slid effortlessly into my hole, then grabbed my hips and pounded away. What I didn't realize was that the nails holding the bench to the wall had started to separate, so the bench rocked and creaked as he fucked me. It was hard to keep steady and we had to reposition a few times but he got the job done, and I left with my sixth full (and kind-of seventh) load. What an unexpected evening! The cum leaked out of me as I drove home, where I collapsed on the couch, exhausted. My friend isn't able to host again next week ... I know where I'll be going! And this time I'll hit some of the apps early to see if I can surpass the experience. 🙂
  5. That should be sphincter. Damn autocorrect! 😂
  6. It began, as so many encounters do, online. I had been asked to travel for work to another city in my state. It isn't very far from my own city - about an hour - but traffic sucks and the drive can be a nightmare. My boss was open to footing the bill, so I figured I would take advantage of having a free hotel room for a few nights. About a week ahead of time I went on BBRT and set up a local party in the new city (I did the same on Sniffies and specified that condoms would not be allowed). Now, as a big chubby guy I accept that I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I also know that not everyone on BBRT looks at the local parties list. So, a few days before my trip I began browsing all the guys at my destination. I had three criteria: they had to be a top (or versatile top), they had to include chubs in their "into" list, and they had to have been online in the past week. I craft a message to let them know I'm coming to town and hosting, then I send that note as a canned message to everyone who meets my criteria. Over the years I've reached out to dozens - hundreds - of guys. Percentage-wise my hit rate is barely into the double digits, if that. But it doesn't take a whole lot of time, and every additional guy I can get to come out is an additional load for my hungry holes. Naturally, I took the same approach while getting ready for this trip. Scrolling through page after page I would Oink and then send the canned message to every top who was into chubs and had been online in the past week. I sent messages to negative guys, and negative guys on PrEP, and undetectable guys. I don't discriminate against anyone who wants to pump a load into my hole. Then I came across his profile: A big, gorgeous cock front and center in his profile pic. So I looked inside. Was he a top? Yes. Was he into chubs? Yes! Had he been online in the past week? Why, he was online right now! Without another thought I hit the Oink button. And that's when I saw it: He had set 'Your status' to 'Don't Care' and his own status simply said 'Positive'. I felt my hole twitch involuntarily and my cock got slightly hard as I read the words. My brain froze momentarily as I wrestled with whether to send him a message. My profile says that I'm negative and on PrEP, but I lied. Negative yes, but PrEP? Never! Before I had a chance to decide, my messages lit up. It was him! He thanked me for the oink and told me that I had just the kind of ass he loved to breed. My hole twitched again and my cock got a little harder. As it turned out, he lived further from my destination than he did from my own city. He had chosen the other city as home because he frequented it for work. I'm in a situation where I am caring for my elderly father in my home, so no way can I host. But this guy could. He was checking all my boxes but that one word in his profile made me hesitate for some reason - even though I was obviously turned on by it! I explained to him that I was going to be traveling on business, figuring that might give me an out and let me delay long enough to get comfortable with the idea of meeting him - and being bred by him. And, as it turned out, he did not have plans to be in my destination city while I was staying there. Just as I thought I might be off the hook, he hit me with, "Come over tonight." My breath caught in my throat. My cock was at full attention now. But my father - I couldn't leave him alone. Before I even realized what I was doing, I had texted my home healthcare worker to see if he was free for the evening. He was. I had to have that gorgeous cock inside me regardless of his status! But there was no denying it. My hole thirsted for his poz load as much as it hungered for his cock. So, finally I messaged back. "Tonight works. What time?" We agreed that I would get to his house around 7 o'clock. It was about a 45-minute drive and I had an hour and a half. Perfect. I started by slamming a shot of whiskey to calm my nerves. Without it I might not even have gotten into the shower! I went into my room and closed the door. Taking my brown bottle from my nightstand drawer, I took two mighty huffs. My head spun and I had to steady myself for a moment, but at least now I had the nerve to get ready. In the blink of an eye I was showered, cleaned out, and dressed. The home healthcare worker arrived right on time, and at 6:15 I left the house - to get knocked up. The realization crashed over me like a tsunami and I had to steady myself for a moment against the car. I pulled a small flask from my jacket pocket and took a hit. Not enough to impair my driving, to be sure. It was such a small sip that the effect may have been more a placebo than anything. But it worked, and in a few short minutes I had left my driveway and pointed my car toward his place. I arrived in his driveway at the stroke of 7:00. I took another swig from my flask and hit the brown bottle a few more times before I stepped out and walked up to his door. The guy who answered was good-looking, tall and blond with a clean-shaven face. I guessed him to be in his mid-40s. He wore grey gym shorts and a t-shirt. "Come on in," he said with a grin. Nervously I stepped through the door and he closed it behind me. No sooner had it latched than he leaned in and kissed me. "Nervous, I see," he said. He had either smelled or tasted the alcohol on my breath. "Yeah," I admitted sheepishly. "I don't blame you," he responded. "But you're on PrEP, so the chances of you getting it are pretty low." If only he knew, I thought. Then, out loud, I asked him, "Where to?" "Follow me," he replied, and led me to a bedroom at the back of the house. There was a TV mounted on the wall and on it a video of guys fucking bareback. The top had a biohazard symbol tattooed on his hip. Below the TV was a low dresser. On it were various toys, bottles of lube, and little brown bottles too. I spied my all-time favorite, which I could never find in the stores I went to. I immediately picked it up and took a long huff. "Better?" he asked with a chuckle. A wave of relaxation washed over me. "Oh yeah." I replied. To show him just how much better, I took off my shirt and unbuckled my pants. "A man of action," he said, grinning. "My kinda guy." With that he peeled off his t-shirt before dropping his shorts to the floor. He was commando underneath and his beautiful cock sprang upward, standing at attention as he straightened. I was transfixed. As best I could judge he was almost 9 inches long and very thick - maybe 6 inches around. It was a rare occasion that I took something that large, though I was confident I could handle it. With some more hits from the little brown bottle, of course. I dropped my own pants - I was also commando underneath - and dropped to my knees. I took the tip of his cock in my mouth and flicked at the underside with my tongue. He moaned quietly as a drop of precum dribbled onto my tongue. Encouraged, I took another hit from the brown bottle with his tip still in my mouth. As the effects kicked in I slid my head down his shaft toward his stomach, until I had engulfed his entire length with my throat. Alas, his thickness prevented me from being able to tickle his balls with my tongue the way I like. "Fuck!" he muttered. He obviously approved of my oral talents. I slid my throat back and forth for a few moments until I could no longer breathe. I moved backward and his saliva-covered cock sprung free. Without a word he grabbed me under my arms and lifted me from the floor. "This is gonna happen quick," he growled. He pushed me onto the bed, placing my now cock-starved hole at just the right height. Grabbing a bottle of lube from the dresser behind him, he squeezed a drop into his hand and massaged it onto my pucker, slipping two fingers inside for good measure. He worked them in and out a few times, opening me up for the assault I was about to undergo. The tip of his cock pressed on my finger. Well-lubed with liquor and poppers and - well, lube - it opened greedily to admit him. With one fluid motion he slid easily inside me until he was buried to the hilt. I could not recall in that moment the last time my ass was so full of cock. I loved it! Hearing no objections from me, he placed my calves on his pecs, grabbed my legs and began pounding. He held nothing back. "I've wanted this ass since the moment I laid eyes on it," he snarled as he impaled me over and over. In between grunts of pleasure I managed to reply, "I can say the same about that cock." He lasted considerably longer than I expected. Not that I was complaining - I'd have gladly lay like that all night while he stretched my hole over and over. But alas, at last his thrusts eased and he looked me in the eyes. "Where do you want my load?" he asked. My head was swimming. I had been overcome with lust. There was only one answer - the natural answer. "Cum in my ass!" I moaned. His massive cock began twerking inside my hole as it spilled a huge load of cum deep in my guts. Instinctively I squeezed tight around him so I could feel the pulses better, but also ensure that hot, toxic load stayed inside me when he finally slipped out. And slip out he did. But he wasn't done with me. He walked around to the side of the bed and motioned to his still-erect cock. "Clean it off," he ordered. I was in no state of mind to refuse - not that I ever refuse when a top wants to go from my ass to my mouth - so I leaned over and took that glorious shaft balls-deep in my mouth again. My tongue slithered around it, making sure to completely clean it of all the ass juices, lube and cum that had accumulated. At last he stepped back and withdrew from my mouth. "That - was - amazing," he panted. "Fuck yeah it was," I replied with a grin. Any nerves I had felt about his status before had melted away. His toxic load was now brewing deep inside me. "Stay the night?" he asked. "I can go a few more rounds with a little break in between." I looked at the clock. Not quite a half hour had elapsed since I walked through his door, and already I was incubating his DNA. "I have some time," I said. He climbed on the bed and we cuddled as we watched the porn on the TV. Poz top after poz top bred bottom after bottom. Most of the bottoms begged for it, and the tops were equally verbal. The dialog was a huge turn-on for me, and I was about to reach for his stiffening cock when he said, "Roll over." I did as I was told, rolling over onto my stomach to expose my freshly fucked - and pozzed - hole. In a flash he was balls-deep inside me again, piledriving me into the mattress. At this angle his cock hit my prostate just right, and I felt the precum running from my own cock as his relentlessly pounded my hole. Taking a cue from the movie I moaned, "Fuck yeah! Give me that poz load!" "You want my toxic cum in your slutty hole?" he responded. "Fuck yeah, give it to me!" My little experiment worked. Soon his cock stiffened inside my ass and once again I felt the telltale pulses that told me I was taking another poz load from him. He let out a gasp as he collapsed on my back. We lay like that for a while before he rolled off of me and onto his back on the bed beside me. Needing no instruction this time I slid down and took his softening cock in my mouth, once again giving it a thorough cleaning. By now another hour had elapsed. I needed to get home to relieve the healthcare worker. I slid off the bed, careful not to let any of his precious seed drip from my hole. As he watched me, he said, "Take one of the plugs from the dresser. Keep my DNA in you all night. You can return it when you come back for Round 2 tomorrow." I think I surprised him when I selected one of the larger ones and slid it easily into my cum-filled hole. I got dressed and he saw me to the door. "Same time tomorrow," he said. "We've started you down the path, gotta make sure it sticks." I tentatively agreed - after all, my availability depended on the home healthcare worker - said good-bye and made the long drive home. The plug shifted inside my ass each time I made a turn or drove over a bump. By the time I got home it was all I could do not to rush my father's sitter out the door so I could go into my bathroom and jerk off. Wouldn't you know, the home healthcare worker was available the next night! I hurriedly packed for my trip after work and once again headed over to take more toxic cum. Another seventeen guys took their turns in my holes over the next few nights - my best showing of any business trip - and not one had any inkling that I had been taking poz loads for two days before I arrived. I visited my new friend several more times over the following weeks, and each time he bred me two or three times before sending me home. I just got back from the doctor and he will be happy to hear that it did 'stick', to use his words. I am now part of the brotherhood.
  7. I'll be hosting ass-up at the Shoreline Motel in Milford, CT on Tuesday, Oct. 25th. This is a daytime event, scheduled from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm. I'll be cleaned out and blindfolded with the room door ajar for all anonymous tops who want to stop by. Both holes wide open! Pump and dump and go. I'm not on this site very often so look for my 'local party' in New Haven on BBRT, or hit barebacking72 on Twitter. I'll also be cruising Grindr and Sniffies in between visitors.
  8. Let's chat, maybe I can help with that dry spell
  9. Nice cock! I'm between Hartford and Middletown. HMU
  10. I'll be ass up in a motel room convenient to I-91 exit 33 and taking anonymous loads on Tuesday (Sept 20) from noon until about 5:30 pm. Looking to break my record of 15 loads at one of these events so stop by! Best to contact me through bbrt (chubbbbttm) or twitter (barebacking72).
  11. [This is Part Two of the story, "The Out-of-Towner." If you have not yet read it, start there before continuing.] Moderator's Note: I merged the two threads to keep the two parts together. Nearly a month had passed and I found myself checking the apps multiple times each day, searching for the anonymous out-of-town stranger who bred me with his poz cum. I had taken several OraQuick tests but all had - so far - come back negative. I found myself thinking more and more about that beautiful poz cock, how it split me open and pounded my hole and left me a soggy mess. That's not to say I had been celibate for the past month. Even the prospect of being poz gave me a new-found freedom and I found myself behaving like the wanton slut I've always wanted to be. Instead of going home and searching for cock on the apps, I would go to the local adult theater or to one of the several bookstores in my area. I had taken more cock in one month than I had in the entire previous year. But still, I continued to check the apps searching for that one specific profile. I ached to be filled the way my out-of-towner had filled me. It happened on a Wednesday. I was in one of the more popular bookstores, bent over the back of a couch in their public area. My lips were wrapped around a big black cock that stood in front of me while a twentysomething guy pounded me from behind, his hands grabbing my hips so hard I could feel his nails digging into me through the fog of poppers and pleasure. At last the twentysomething gasped and unloaded deep inside me. "My turn," said the big black cock in my mouth. He stepped around the couch and in one fluid motion slid balls deep inside me. He had obviously enjoyed my mouth because after just a few thrusts, I heard a grunt and the telltale pulse of his cock as he, too, unloaded deep in my guts. After cleaning his cock with my mouth - I found the taste of cum and ass intoxicating - I pulled up my pants and took my phone from my pocket. The bookstore was pretty quiet, with just a few other guys milling around looking for a cock to suck. I opened the apps and there it was - the message I had been waiting for. "Back in town," it read. "Come get some more poz cum." Without a moment's hesitation I responded. My hands trembled with excitement as I typed, "At the bookstore now. Same hotel? Room?" "Which bookstore?" was the reply. I gave him the name and address. "Stay there," he wrote. "I'll be there in 15 minutes. I'll let you know when I arrive and you're to bend over and be ready." "OK," I replied. I hadn't expected him to be mobile, but I'm big on public displays so I waited and watched the app. At last, he messaged that he'd arrived. "I'm in the public room," I responded. "Bend over the couch," he ordered. Quickly, I stood behind the couch and dropped my pants. The TV on the opposite wall showed two guys spit-roasting a third. There wasn't a condom in sight. I took a couple of hits from my brown bottle as I heard the turnstile at the entrance. Not once, not twice, but three times. Was that him? Did he bring others? I was tempted to look but forced myself to concentrate on the video that was playing. It didn't take long before I felt a hand on my ass. "See, what did I tell you?" said a voice. His voice. I heard a few grunts of agreement and more hands on my ass. Then, a finger slipped inside me. "He's pre-loaded," my out-of-towner told his friends. "This is gonna be fun." Then, to me he asked, "You test positive yet, slut?" "No not yet," I replied. The finger in my hole became two, then three. My hole twitched with pleasure, squeezing them as they slid in and out. "I brought some friends," he said. "They're here to make sure you get knocked up tonight if you aren't already." My breath caught in my throat as I heard those words. I took a few more hits from my brown bottle and as I did so, became vaguely aware that some of the other guys who had been milling around the bookstore were now standing around and watching. I felt a mild pressure on my hole and then once again the sharp sting of a toothbrush inside me. The sensation lasted only a few moments before it was withdrawn. "We're pozzing this slut tonight," my out-of-towner announced to the audience. "After tonight, his hole will be toxic." A few guys turned and left the public room at this, but the others - I counted four or five - leaned in a little more to watch. At last the fingers withdrew. One of the friends stepped behind me and I felt the tip of his cock press on my hole. The click of a lube bottle, then a cool stream of liquid ran down my crack. He massaged my hole with his cock, spreading the lube around. Then I felt the head slip inside. A steady pressure and soon he was buried to the hilt, his thighs pressing against my ass as he dug in as deep as he could. His cock hit my prostate and the precum started to flow, dripping from my cock not only onto the floor but also my pants, which I had simply dropped around my ankles. The first guy pounded hard, ramming that cock into me over and over. The precum flowed freely as I steadied myself against this assault. I tried to stay quiet since we were in a public place, but I wasn't able to fully stifle the moans of pleasure escaping my lips. That only spurred him on more. His grasp on my hips tightened and his thrusts took on a frantic pace, the sound of his thighs slapping my ass reverberating around the room. Then his thrusts stopped, his cock buried deep inside me. I heard him gasp and, as I clenched my hole around his shaft, I felt him pulse over and over as he emptied his balls. At last his grasp relaxed, and after a few more orgasmic pulses he slid out of my hole. Immediately I felt a wetness running down my legs. He shifted around to the side and grabbed my head, forcing his half-stiff cock into my mouth for the customary cleaning. The taste of blood mixing with that of the other juices was heavenly! Then I noticed the biohazard tattoo just to the left of his cock, and I felt a huge drop of my own precum drip from my cock onto the floor below me. "Fuck!" he exclaimed. "Amazing." "Told you," I heard my out-of-towner reply. "OK, you're up." The next guy took his place behind me, pushing into my ass in one motion as the previous guy had done. This cock was a bit bigger, though not as large as the out-of-towner's. His pace was more measured, taking his time to enjoy my hole with now three loads inside. His hips swayed from side to side as he worked his shaft in and out of my hole, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. With one hand flat on my back, he grabbed my left hip with the other and increased the speed and force with which he fucked me, once again hitting my prostate just right and sending even more of my precum onto the floor below. It was even harder to keep quiet with his cock in my ass, and I finally decided that I didn't care. I let the moans flow as freely as the precum. It didn't take long before he, too, picked up his pace. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," he announced to the room. "This guy has a viral load over a million," said the out-of-towner. "He's gonna get you good and pregnant." "Gaaaaaah," exclaimed the top in my hole as he began to pump his load into me. "Fuuuuuuuuuck!" He collapsed onto my back for a moment, his rapid breathing warming my skin. He was soaked in sweat, as was I. After a moment he stood up and like the first guy, stepped around the couch to feed me his cock. No sooner had he vacated the spot behind me than the out-of-towner stepped in. Before the second guy's cock was even in my mouth he was balls-deep inside me, stirring the toxic brew his friends had already deposited in my hole. I took a couple of hits from my brown bottle, but by then I was stretched so wide that he slid in with relative ease. The second guy's now-softening cock entered my mouth and the flavor of ass and blood and four different loads of cum momentarily took my focus away from how good the cock in my ass was feeling. I had the presence of mind to check for a tattoo but did not see one near his groin. As I looked up, though, I spied the biohazard symbol tattooed around his left nipple. HOT! The second cock was removed from my mouth and once again all my attention turned to the huge cock in my ass. Just like last time he was pounding me, so hard that the couch slid forward several inches and I had to shift my feet to keep from falling over. He followed me in stride, never breaking the rhythm of his thrusts as he worked to plant yet another toxic load in my well-used hole. "Fuck yeah, take that poz cock!" he hissed through clenched teeth. "You're never gonna know whose baby you're carrying, slut." The dirty talk once again struck just the right chord, and before long I was shooting a huge load of cum all over the back of the couch and onto the floor. My ass clenched and unclenched around his cock as my load shot out, which must have been just the thing he needed. "Here it comes! Get ready for this poz load!" He rammed his cock deep and for the fifth time tonight, I felt his cock jump inside me as he shot his load into my guts. It took a while for the pulses to subside, but at last he was spent. He slid out of my hole and, like the others, offered me his cock to clean off. The toxic brew on his cock looked more red than the others had and I gobbled it down greedily, taking him in my throat all the way to the root to make sure I cleaned off every last drop. As I slowly regained my senses and became aware of the room around me, I saw that his two friends had already dressed and had joined the other guys who had watched the entire time. As the out-of-towner stepped back, one of the guys in the audience moved forward. "Not so fast," the out-of-towner growled. Once again, I felt the pressure of a plug against my hole and once again, it opened eagerly to accept the plug and then clenched around the base to ensure none of the poz loads inside me leaked out. "But I wanted a taste," the audience member protested. "Too bad, those loads are all for him," replied the out-of-towner. With that, the small group dispersed. The out-of-towner's friends waited for him to pull up his pants and straighten his shirt, then they too turned toward the exit. The out-of-towner paused for a moment and slapped me on my still-bare ass. "Not sure if I'll ever get back this way again, but if I do, you'll hear from me." With that, he turned and walked over to the exit where his friends were waiting. The door beside the turnstile opened, and they were gone into the night. This time, I held off on testing myself for three and a half months. I didn't want to know which of the three had knocked me up, or whether it happened my first time with the out-of-towner or when the three of them bred me at the bookstore. Finally, one day on my way home from work I stopped and picked up an OraQuick test. After waiting the 20 minutes as instructed I looked - and there, in all its glory, was the second line. I was knocked up. I went to the gay and lesbian health clinic a few days later and they confirmed the good news. I don't know if I'll see the out-of-towner again, but even if I don't, now I have something to remember him by.
  12. It started like any other evening. I was super horny when I got home from work, so I pulled out my phone and browsed the apps while I surfed some porn to edge. As we all know, the apps are really hit or miss. Most nights I end up jerking off to the porn I'm watching (always bareback cream pie, of course), but occasionally I have some success and end up either hosting or traveling to meet a top to pound my hungry hole. This night, I received a message as soon as I logged on. "Hey," it read. "I'm in town for the night, staying by the airport. I don't have a vehicle but I can host if you come to me." The pic that followed showed a long, thick, cut cock next to a 12 oz. soda can. It was much longer (I estimated about 9") and damn near as thick as the can! My mouth immediately began salivating. Now I hate condoms - don't we all - but my hole has a special dislike of condoms on large cocks. It takes a surprising amount of lube for a wrapped-up cock to slide comfortably in and out, so as I always do with the hung ones, I figured I'd test the waters. I have two ass pics, one with and one without cum dripping from my hole. They were taken recently by a friend so I could use them in just such a situation. I sent the pic showing my friend's cum dripping out of me and the message, "Interested. Do you fuck raw?" I held my breath waiting for the response. At last it came: "Raw is law." YES! "Which hotel are you at?" I messaged back. Turned out that he was at the go-to hotel for people who schedule gang bangs, pump & dumps, and other filthy activities. Even better! "One thing," he wrote before I could ask the room number. "I'm poz and I'm not on meds. Is that a problem?" My hole twitched involuntarily. When I began fucking raw I knew I was taking a risk, but once I knew how good it felt to be fucked raw there was no going back. I was hooked! More recently, I've begun more actively searching it out, to join the poz brotherhood and fully embrace my role as a no-loads-refused cum dump. But the men I met were either negative and/or on PrEP, or poz and undetectable. I hosted anonymous tops more times than I could count - often blindfolded and ass up so I truly had no idea whose cock was dumping a load inside me. I had lost count but over the course of 10 years I had taken hundreds of loads, I know, and still I remained negative. But now, at last, here was a stranger from out of town giving me the chance to make my fantasy a reality! My heart was in my throat as I quickly responded. "Not at all! I'm chasing. I want all the cum you can give me!" "Come and get it." And his room number. The mixture of excitement and nervousness I felt had me shaking and light-headed as I quickly douched my hole, pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt, and headed out the door. The drive was a blur, focused as I was on getting to the hotel and being bred by that beautiful poz cock. It was almost a surprise when I found myself parked in the hotel parking lot. My pulse throbbed rapidly in my ears and my hands were cold and clammy as I opened the car door and walked into the hotel and past the reception desk. Reaching the elevator, I pressed the call button and the doors immediately opened. Bright light spilled out into the lobby, creating an almost ethereal effect as I entered what I hoped would be the portal to a new life. As soon as the elevator doors closed, I took two big hits from my little brown bottle. My head swam and I had to steady myself against the elevator wall, but it had the desired effect of calming my nerves a bit. Of course, it also had the effect of stoking the immense horniness I felt at the prospect of being filled with poz cum! His room was just a few doors down from the elevator. The door was ajar and the lights inside were off. I tentatively pushed the door open and stepped inside. I closed the door behind me as my eyes began to adjust to the darkness. I could just make out his form standing by the closed curtains at the opposite end of the room. Judging from his silhouette, his cock was already standing at full attention. "Get undressed and get on the bed doggy style," he ordered. As I dropped my pants I made sure to grab my little brown bottle from the left pocket. I had a feeling I'd be needing it. Naked now, I climbed up onto the bed as ordered, my back arched to project my ass toward him. He approached silently and I felt his hand caress first my left ass cheek, then the right. Then it slid into the crack between them, deftly finding my hole. His finger traced the outline of my pucker, causing involuntary shudders to run through my body. I heard the pop of a plastic cap and then a cold stream ran down from the top of my crack to meet his finger. He swirled the lube around, slipping a finger - and then two, and then three - into my hole. I took two more big hits from my little brown bottle, causing my head to swim again. His fingers felt amazing and it was all I could do to keep from demanding he fuck me right then and there. He pushed me forward until I was laying on my stomach on the bed, legs spread wide. "I'm only going to ask you this once," he said. "Once I am inside you, you will be bred. Do you understand that I am HIV positive, and that I will be gifting you with a poz load?" "Yes," I replied, almost begged. "I want your poz load inside me. Fill me with your poz cum!" The lube cap popped once more and I assumed he was applying some to his cock before he entered me. But instead he slipped something else inside, something rough and mildly sharp. A toothbrush. I grit my teeth at the sensation as he slid the bristles in and out, prepping me to fully receive his DNA. After a moment he withdrew it, and I felt him climb up onto the bed behind me. I took a couple more big hits from my little brown bottle as he positioned his cock at my hole. "Ready to get pozzed?" he asked. "Yes!" He plunged that monster cock balls-deep inside me in one thrust. To say I was unprepared, even with my head swimming from the poppers, is an understatement. My hole burned and spasmed around the invader as I cried out in pain. "That's it," he whispered in my ear. "Now that hole is nice and open and ready to be pozzed." He remained motionless as my hole slowly relaxed around his shaft. The pain slowly subsided. A few more hits from my little brown bottle helped things along. A few more moments passed and then I felt his cock begin to slide out of me. He began thrusting in slow, rhythmic movements that gradually quickened as my resistance melted away. He felt so good stretching my insides the way he was! "You like that poz cock in your slutty hole?" he asked kind of loudly. Normally I'm not huge into a verbal top, but the way he emphasized the word 'poz' struck just the right chord. "Fuck yes," I hissed my response through clenched teeth as he continued his relentless pounding. "I need that poz cum in my ass." His hips slapped against my ass as he thrust balls-deep over and over. I felt his breath on the back of my neck and a few beads of sweat dripped from his chest onto my back. My hands grasped the sheets in a death grip as waves of pleasure swept over me. Then he stopped and withdrew his amazing cock. I felt suddenly empty. Sliding up the bed, he positioned his cock near my mouth. "Suck it," he ordered. "Taste your blood on that poz cock." I greedily took him in my mouth. The taste of lube and his cock and my ass and, yes, blood mixed on my tongue, a concoction I had never tasted before. It was incredible. I couldn't get enough of it! I gulped his cock as far down my throat as I could work it, cleaning off almost the entire length as I did. He reached down and lifted my left thigh, prompting me to flip onto my back. Moving back down my body, he grabbed my ankles and held them high as he once more positioned his cock at my hole. Like before, he slid inside me in a single thrust, but unlike before it sent shock waves of pleasure, not pain, throughout my body as he hit my prostate just right. The precum flowed from my cock and I became vaguely aware of the deep, gutteral moans escaping my lips. "That's it," he panted. "Take it all like the wannabe poz slut you are!" He continued to pound my hole for what seemed like an eternity but like all good things, it eventually had to come to an end. "I'm gonna cum," he announced. "I'm gonna fill you with my toxic load, knock you up and make you a poz slut for the rest of your life!" It was all too much. His words coupled with the continued stimulation of his cock hitting my prostate sent me over the edge, and I felt my own load release in the biggest orgasm I've ever had, before or since. I shot geysers of cum all over my stomach and chest as I felt his pace quicken. "Here it comes, slut. Your life is about to change!" And with that, I felt his cock begin to pulse and throb in my hole as his poz load began to fill me up. He made sure to thrust in as deep as he could, burying his shaft balls-deep to make sure that sweet toxic seed stuck. At last, spent, he slowly pulled his cock out of my ass. "Don't move," he ordered as he climbed off the bed. I stayed still as he reached behind him and took something from beside the TV. He bent over slightly and I felt a pressure on my hole. A plug! It slid in easily given how stretched out I was, but still my hole was able to clamp down enough to hold it in place. "A little souvenir," he said. "Leave that in all night to make sure you're knocked up." He walked around to the side of the bed and offered me his now-flaccid cock. I greedily cleaned it off with my mouth a second time, savoring the different tastes all mixed together. I got up slowly, careful not to dislodge the plug in my ass. He offered me a towel to wipe off my own cum, and I gratefully accepted it. I then dressed and prepared to head for the door. "I'll be back this way next month," he said as I headed for the door. "You won't know for sure by then if you're carrying my babies, so come take another load just for good measure. I need to poz that ass again." "I'd love to," I said. I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. As the elevator doors opened, the lights inside seemed even more ethereal than they had on my way in. Was it a sign? I'd have to wait a few months to find out for sure. And in the meantime, I had another amazing fuck to look forward to next month. But next time, I resolved, I'd spend a little time pre-stretching!
  13. On Tuesday, I got a motel room and waited blindfolded and ass up. I posted on every site and app I use - BBRTS, Grindr, Sniffies, hell even Doublelist and Twitter. I started at lunch time and went until 5:00. Would have stayed later but I had an appointment to get to. What a day! My previous record was 10 loads in one day, but on Tuesday I smashed that with a new total of 15! It was such a rush every time a new, unfamiliar cock slid deep into my hole and released a big load. But the most memorable was #11, a guy who told me afterward that he's been hitting me up on Grindr for months and we just haven't been able to make it work so we could meet. When he first arrived, he didn't say anything. He might have been wearing shorts or sweats because I didn't even hear a zipper. But I knew I was in for a royal fucking when he started slapping his dick on my ass, then sliding the head up and down my slick crack. The head was huge so I took a few big hits from my brown bottle before I felt the tip stop at my well-used hole and begin to push in. It has been a LONG time since my insides were stretched that much. My hole is used enough at this point that most cocks slide in with relative ease, and if I want to give my top an extra thrill I can squeeze tight around his shaft, letting him feel the full luxury of my velvet grip. But with this guy, there was no squeezing. My hole was stretched to its utmost. This guy knew he was big, so he started slowly, inserting and then removing the tip. Slowly he worked it deeper, a little more with each gentle thrust until at last I felt his thighs against mine. He was balls-deep and it felt AMAZING. He rocked his hips back and forth, sliding out and in, gradually increasing the length of his strokes to let me get fully used to that giant piece of pipe. When he was confident that I was ready, he repositioned himself behind me and began an all-out assault on my hole. His hips slapped against my ass as he drove that cock deep into my guts, hitting my prostate with each thrust. I could feel the precum oozing from my own dick as he pounded me relentlessly, and I felt a wetness dripping down my balls as well. The assault on my hole continued for what seemed an eternity. I have never tapped out before but I was on the verge when he finally announced, "I'm gonna cum." I gritted my teeth and steeled myself for a few more thrusts as he gasped and went still, pumping his load deeper inside me than anyone else that day. At last he withdrew. I lay there motionless, recovering from the pounding I had taken. He quietly got dressed, thanked me, and headed for the door. Once it closed behind him I took the blindfold off and felt my ass. It was still gaped open and my balls were slick. Looking down at the sheets on the bed I realized that he dug me out - the other 10 loads I had taken had been forced out, running down my balls and onto the bed (and the carpet below). I had a brief respite, a period of about 15 minutes before anyone else showed up. When they did, I was rested and able to continue taking loads - 4 more before I finished my day. All in all, an epic day that I won't soon forget.
  14. Only available daytime Tuesday, March 29th between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. Open door, dark room cum dump waiting ass up for loads. Completely anonymous - you don't even need to talk if you don't want to. Shoreline Motel on Boston Post Rd, Milford, CT. I have a BBRT 'local party' set up for New Haven and also an event on Fetlife. Please RSVP to one of those as I may not be checking emails here on the day of the event.
  15. Chub bottom. Ass up in an unlocked motel room. Lights down low, porn on the TV. Walk in, breed, and go. Completely anonymous. Motel is just south of Hartford in the town of Wethersfield. Party posted on BBRT, Fetlife and Sniffies. Will also be cruising Grindr throughout.
  16. I had been going through a dry spell for several weeks. Every guy who hit me up online was unable to host, and my parents had just moved in with me so I could help my mother care for my ailing father. At last, some luck. A message popped up on Grindr. I opened it to find a pic of one of the most amazing cocks I had ever seen. About 9 inches cut, thick, a little veiny. Gorgeous. I wasted no time in replying to the sender. Turned out he was visiting on business - and had a hotel room he wanted to put to good use. We exchanged a few more emails and then he invited me to join him in his room. Excitedly I jumped in the shower and cleaned out (my parents have their own private bathroom so I didn't have to disconnect my shower wand attachment). I tucked a small bottle of lube and my little brown bottle in my pocket and, making some feeble excuse about needing to run out, grabbed my keys and headed for the door. The drive across town to the hotel was not long, but it seemed to take forever. I felt myself becoming increasingly horny the closer I got. I just had to feel that cock sliding into me, stretching my sphincter. Pulling into the parking lot, I found a spot near the entrance and messaged that I had arrived. I took a quick hit from my little brown bottle as I waited for his response. I didn't have to wait long. "610," he wrote. I jumped out of my car and headed for the hotel entrance. I hurried past the front desk, absently nodding at the clerk who acknowledged me as I walked in. An elevator was waiting; I got in and pressed "6," and as soon as the doors closed I took another huff. Why was I so nervous? The elevator glided quickly to a stop at the 6th floor. I stepped out and Room 610 was directly across from the elevator. I took another huff as I approached the door, then knocked softly. It opened to reveal a darkened room lit only by a sliver of light from the bathroom. My host stood behind the door as I entered, and I noticed that he was already naked - and the silhouette of his cock told me he was already hard as a rock. "Strip and get on the bed," he ordered. "Lay down on your stomach." I shed my shoes and clothes and did as told. I climbed onto the tall, soft bed and positioned myself in the middle, on my stomach, with just my feet hanging over the end of the mattress. It didn't take long before I felt the bed move as he climbed on as well. He spread my cheeks and spit on my hole, rubbing it in with a finger that he then slipped inside me. I squeezed my pucker around the digit to show him what he was in for. He must have liked it - he quickly withdrew his finger and replaced it with his tongue, flicking and darting and penetrating my hole. The waves of pleasure ran through me like little electric shocks. He pulled back, spit on it again, then went back to his lingual assault. He did this a few more times, letting his saliva run down my crack and balls and onto the bed. Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, I felt him pull away and then slide his body up mine, his chest hair gliding along my back as he did. Anticipating what was coming, I took a few mighty huffs from my little brown bottle as I felt his breath on my neck. His huge cock was nestled in the valley between my thighs. He spit on his hand and I felt him reach down and position the tip at my now-glistening back door. He hadn't stopped to put on a condom, nor had we discussed condom use before we met. That was just the way I liked it - anonymous and raw. He slid inside me with relative ease, having opened me so well with his tongue. In no time he was in me balls-deep, and I felt the pressure as he squeezed past my second hole. He stayed motionless for a moment to allow my hole to adjust, then slowly began moving his hips up and down and sliding that amazing cock in and out of me. My hole felt stretched and full in the best way possible as he picked up the pace, taking advantage as he felt me relax beneath him. My brown bottle made a few more trips to my nose as he pounded me harder and harder. My head swam with the combination of poppers and endorphins. Then on one of his downward thrusts, he stopped. No explanation, the pounding just stopped! His cock was lodged firmly in my hole, balls-deep. "I'm getting close to cumming," he said. "Before I do, you should know I'm poz. And I'm not on meds." In a fog, my brain tried to compute what he had just said. Try as I might to think logically, the only thought that made any sense was that I wanted him to keep going. I wanted him to finish, and I wanted my reward - to feel him pumping his load deep in my guts. Did I care that his load was poz? I finally gave up trying to figure it out. "Keep going," I said after a moment's hesitation. "I want you to cum deep in me. Breed me!" That was all the encouragement he needed. Without another word, the pounding resumed. I took another huff, grateful that the momentary pause seemed to have helped him last longer. After a few more minutes he let out a loud gasp. The pounding stopped and I felt his cock pulsing as he pumped his load deep in my guts - just like I had asked. Spent, he collapsed on top of me, his weight pressing me into the bed. I felt his cock begin to soften inside me, but he made no move to pull out. We stayed in a sweaty tangle for about five minutes, presumably as he regained his strength. At last, he slid off me, and I felt his now limp cock slide out of my hole. As it did it left a trail of cum that dribbled down my balls to mix with the saliva on the sheet beneath me. Before I could get up, he had maneuvered himself so that he was sitting on the pillows, his cock positioned in front of my mouth. "Clean me off," he ordered. I was only too happy to! I took his shaft in my mouth, tasting the mixture of cum and ass. I then ran my tongue along the base of his shaft, cleaning the saliva and cum and ass juices from his balls. Satisfied, he got up. "Get dressed." I slid off the bed, steadying myself as my legs threatened to collapse under me. I sat on the edge of the bed to slide my pants on, then pulled my shirt on and stuck my feet in my shoes. Grabbing my brown bottle, I headed for the door. He didn't follow. "I'm here tomorrow night if you want a repeat," he said as I opened the door. My head was still a bit foggy so I didn't respond. Instead I let the door close behind me and headed for the elevator. Back in my car, I checked my phone. He had messaged me on Grindr: "I meant what I said. 7 pm." Without hesitating, I responded. "I'll be there."
  17. Was chatting this morning with a guy I met previously on Grindr. He was back in town from a long business trip, and horny for my hole. The first time we met he only experienced my mouth, and he's been jonesing for my ass ever since. The reason I only blew him last time was because neither of us had a condom, and he was rather insistent on using one as he has a girlfriend. So today, I told him I had a few and if he really needed my ass that badly, I would bring one. We were in the middle of making plans when out of the blue he asked me, "Ever down for a threesome? Two dicks at once?" Intrigued, I responded emphatically in the affirmative. "Do you have someone in mind?" I asked. Turned out he was messaging with another top who lived near him, and making plans to share my holes. My friend set up a group on Grindr so the three of us could chat. The second guy wasn't as hung as my friend's BBC, but he looked like he could stretch me open. And besides, when the hell would I ever say no to being used by two tops??? I finished cleaning out and headed to my friend's place (he works from home and hosts while his girlfriend is at work). The other guy arrived mere seconds before me, and I followed him inside. The two of them stood there stroking their dicks hard as I stripped, threw a condom on the couch, and assumed the agreed-upon position: doggy-style on the coffee table so they could use me at the same time. My friend presented his big dick at my mouth while the other guy spit on my hole and slid inside. I sucked my friend greedily as the other guy grabbed my hips and began drilling me relentlessly. He had said up front that he was fucking me raw, and was true to his word. After a few minutes they switched positions, and I found the stranger's cock in my mouth, creamy from the spit and precum and my ass juices. It tasted amazing! I teased the underside of his cock head with my tongue as I heard the condom wrapper tear, the sound of rubber rolling down a shaft, and then my friend was inside me. I opened easily for him and in mere seconds he was pounding me for all he was worth. At that angle he hit my prostate just right, and I felt the precum dribbling from my cock onto the table. They then switched positions again so the other guy could load my hole first. After a few minutes he gasped. I clenched my hole around him and felt the pulses as he pumped his load into me. But what surprised me was what happened while he was doing that. My friend presented his BBC at my mouth again. It was bare, though I hadn't heard him remove the condom. He held my head as he thrust into my mouth. As soon as the other guy was finished, he slid his bog dick into me - raw! I gripped the edges of the table for leverage and thrust back on him, determined to milk the load from his balls to join the other one already brewing inside me. After a few minutes he also gasped, and once again I felt those telltale pulses against my stretched-out sphincter. Spent, we all dressed quickly. The stranger left first while I chatted for a moment with my friend, their loads seeping into my underwear as we talked. He's hoping that he's back in town for a while, though right now it might just be for the week. I find myself hoping that he gets to work from home for a while, too. I need more breaks like that during my work day.
  18. No load refused! Chub bottom hosting raw cock in a Milford motel room, Tuesday April 12th from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm. Completely anonymous pump and dump scene. Milford is located between Bridgeport and New Haven, CT. The motel is easy on/off from I-95 exit 37, and a short hop from the Milford Metro North station. PM me for details. I have another pump and dump planned in the Hartford area in March, so please indicate that you wish to attend April 12th when you message me.
  19. Go bare the Ides of March! Chub bottom hosting raw cock in a Hartford motel room, Tuesday March 15th from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. Completely anonymous pump and dump scene. All loads welcome. PM me for details. I have a second pump and dump planned on the shoreline of CT in April, so please indicate that you wish to attend March 15th in Hartford when you message me.
  20. OMG OMG OMG you guys! Been lusting after this out of state guy on BBRT for YEARS. He comes to CT a couple of times a year to visit family and we have never been able to make the timing work to get together. He has a huge partially cut cock, and in about 2 hours he's finally gonna be breeding me with it.  Sooooo excited!

    1. wyobtmbnk


      Nice. Be sure to let us know the details‼️

  21. Was hit up on Grindr by a top guy today. He was 3,600 feet away according to the app. When I saw his dick pics I knew I had to take his load! He was 7.5" and thick with a slight curve. We arranged to meet in an hour, so I went to work prepping myself. I had sent him all the directions and info he needed in advance so he knew I was serious. Like usual, he would walk into the storage room I use in my building and find me ass up. At the appointed time I was there and ready when he messaged that he had arrived. I stripped and assumed the position. Within a few minutes the door opened and I felt a hand on my ass. He walked around so I could suck him hard, and like the Grinch's heart, his cock grew three sizes in my mouth! All slicked up, he got on his knees behind me. I had forgotten my lube, but he slid in without much resistance. I loosened up as he began thrusting. Within a couple of minutes, I felt the telltale pulse of his shaft as he moaned and pumped a huge load into me. He dressed and left, having never shown me his face. He doesn't live in the area and only comes here for work occasionally. He knows to hit me up whenever he does. }:-)
  22. This has never happened to me before, but I got to chatting with a guy on Twitter and as it turns out, he lives literally around the corner from me. He's "straight" and just wants an ass to fuck once in a while, so we agreed that I would come to his place and take an anonymous load. But because his apartment is "really bright" (i.e. lots of windows), he wanted me to go into the bathroom. get on my knees on the floor and support myself on the edge of the tub. Then cover myself with a sheet he provided. Well, I was horny as fuck so I followed his requests. He left the apartment door unlocked and waited in his bedroom with the door closed. I walked in, went straight to the bathroom, stripped and put everything in the tub where I could see it, then covered myself with the sheet. I messaged him a ready signal and he came in, lifted the sheet and slid his cock into my ass. A few minutes of pumping and I felt him unload inside me - except he used a condom. Bummer! When he was done he went back into his bedroom and closed the door until he heard me leave. I gotta admit, it was kinda weird, but since I'm soooo into anon scenes it was kinda hot too! I hope the next time he reaches out, I can convince him to breed me.
  23. It started like so many of my interactions with guys on the websites and apps I use to find tops. Perusing Grindr one day, a message popped up containing one of the most beautiful cocks I have ever seen. Ever. It was photographed next to a 16-oz can of my favorite craft beer; it was longer and almost as thick. And what luck, he was only about three miles away! I wasted no time in replying with my standard two pics: one of a large bare cock stuffed deep in my hole, and the other with the after effect - a shot from behind as a thick dollop of cum ran out. The latter photo, I find, weeds out the guys who are squeamish about fucking bareback, and when I didn't hear back from him for several minutes I assumed I had scared him off. Damn the luck! A few more minutes went by before the little red dot reappeared on the messages icon. It was him. "I was looking at your Twitter, and from there found your profile on BBRT. You really love getting fucked raw." "Hell yeah," I replied, all the while hoping that he wouldn't follow up by saying he needed to use a condom. "Me too," he replied, the grinning purple devil emoji reinforcing how he felt about it. I've encountered my fair share of 'right now' tops who don't even want to wait for a guy to clean out, so I've taken to douching throughout the day to make sure I'm always clean and ready. So I wasted no time in asking The Question: "Wanna meet?" He responded with nothing more than a map showing his location. It was a hotel that I know well, popular with business visitors coming to the area. "Message me for the room number when you park." Normally, a message like that would have me assuming that he was going to ghost, but I was so drawn to that beautiful piece of man meat that it was worth the risk. "Be there in 10," I replied. "OK" I quickly pulled on shoes and a jacket, and headed out the door. I keep poppers and lube in my car so they're always available. I grabbed them from the trunk, then got in the car and began driving. It was probably the most distracted I've ever been behind the wheel, thinking about having that huge cock splitting me open and filling me with cum. After a few minutes I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and found a space. Shutting off the car, I realized that I was trembling slightly with the anticipation. I pulled out my little brown bottle and took a huff to help me relax, then picked up my phone. "I'm here." He responded immediately with the room number and instructions to just walk in when I got there. I climbed out of the car and made through the lobby and up the elevator. When I got there, the door was slightly ajar so I pushed it open. Laying on his back on the bed was a guy around my age, tall with a slender build. His massive member stood straight up, beckoning me. I took a couple more hits off my brown bottle and quickly undressed. I moved over to the foot of the bed and climbed up between his legs, intent on getting his cock slick with my throat saliva so I could slide it deep into my guts. As my face reached his crotch, I noticed a small tattoo in his pubic area. A biohazard symbol! Surprised, I felt myself recoil slightly as my body froze and my mind raced. He read my thoughts. "Yes, I'm poz, and I'm off my meds. I hope that's not a problem." I was in a daze. For more than a decade I have taken raw cock with impunity, contracting a few minor STIs but nothing more. I had always assumed that one day I would be pozzed, but I never imagined that I might know when it happened, never mind have the decision whether or not to accept a poz load. I looked up to see him staring intently at me, but I couldn't read his thoughts. Was he expecting me to get up and leave? I had to imagine he was. He said nothing, his face expressionless as I weighed the options before me. And still that beautiful cock beckoned. It was mere inches from my face. I could smell the faint musk of his balls, and I was hungry to take him into my mouth. Time stood still as my mind continued to race. What should I do? Maybe I should go. I had gone more than ten years, none of them on PrEP, without being pozzed. With PrEP so prevalent these days, I could possibly go the rest of my life without contracting the virus. But a little voice in the back of my head told me to stay, that it was inevitable that I would be pozzed, that this was my chance to finally stop waiting for it and let it happen. The little voice slowly began to win the argument. My arm, almost involuntarily, brought my brown bottle to my nose. I unscrewed the cap and took two mighty huffs. My head began to swim as I pulled myself up onto my elbows. Slowly, I took first the head of his cock into my mouth. As the poppers took their full effect, I slid my head down as much of his shaft as I could fit in my throat. He sighed in pleasure. "Atta boy." I began working my head up and down, swirling my tongue around the head of his cock and was rewarded with a taste of precum as I did so. All the while, my eyes were locked on that tattoo, partially hidden by his pubes, that reminded me of the probable outcome of what I was doing. I choked and gagged on that gorgeous cock, my deep-throat saliva running in rivers down his shaft and balls and soaking the sheet under him. My brown bottle made regular trips to my nose, and soon all my inhibitions had melted away. I was committed. I was going to make him shoot that poz load for me. "Get up on it," he ordered. Without a thought, I climbed up, straddling him cowboy-style. Reaching behind me, I grabbed his slicked-up shaft and positioned it at my hole. Slowly I eased myself back, taking his head inside me. It slid in easily. I continued to settle back on his shaft, feeling my hole stretch around it as it slid deeper and deeper into my guts. His face wore a twisted grin as I impaled myself on his poz cock. At last he was balls-deep and I could go no further. I had never felt so full! I began to rock back and forth, sliding my ass up and down on his shaft. After a few minutes, he grabbed my hips and began to stroke up and down. I was in complete ecstasy as he plowed in and out of my hole. Then without missing a beat, he rolled me over onto my back and held my legs high in the air. His pace increased and his balls slapped my ass as he hammered my hole relentlessly, pulling almost all the way out before slamming home again. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and dripped onto my chest. I was in heaven! After much longer than I had ever thought possible, I felt his cock swell even larger inside me and he let out a moan as the telltale pulses of his cock told me he was pumping his poz load deep in my guts. At last, spent, he collapsed on top of me. We lay like that for a minute before he slowly withdrew. His now flaccid cock left a trail of cum on the sheet as it seeped from my gaping hole. Not quite finished, he climbed up and straddled my chest, his cock positioned at my mouth. I slowly licked it off, savoring the taste of his cum mixed with my ass juices. Still panting, he climbed off of me and sat on the bed. I got up - slowly and a bit gingerly - and began to get dressed. He grinned at me. "Congratulations," he said, "you're now poz." Slipping my brown bottle back into my pocket, I smiled. "Am I?" I asked teasingly. "I think we should do that again just to make sure." "I'll be back in town next week," he said. "It's a date," I replied, opening the door. I stepped outside, pulling the door closed behind me. His cum seeped out of my well-fucked hole as I walked to my car, already fantasizing about my next visit.
  24. The holidays are almost here, so time to get seasonal! Read my story about everyone's hero, Santa Poz, here:
  25. You would be welcome to!
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