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Everything posted by bentover4u1972

  1. I recently took a new job and while the company is located in my current city, the office is located on the far other side of town. There is no easy (or quick) way to get from my old apartment to the new company, and so I moved to a shiny new apartment after Thanksgiving. The move puts me an easy walk from the office, but it had the side benefit of putting me within walking (or stumbling, depending on how much alcohol I've had!) distance of one of the city's best-known all-male 'fitness' clubs. While I had certainly heard about this place, its distance from my old apartment made it impractical for me to visit. Besides, there was a bookstore with booths and an adult movie theater near my old pad, and I used to frequent those. I had lots of luck there, too. On a typical Friday or Saturday night, I could count on going home with at least two and usually five or six loads in my hole. In all the years I've visited those places, I've never really cared about my HIV status, but I got tested two or three times a year and was always surprised when the results came back negative. You see, I'm a total cumdump slut. I prefer my encounters to be anonymous and raw, and once a cock is in my ass it isn't allowed to pull out until it has filled me with its load. I was always satisfied with my visits to the spots close to my old apartment, but I had heard the stories of the club near my new place. Tales ran rampant of guys leaving there with 20 or 30 loads in a single night, of bottoms spending hours in slings with lines of tops waiting their turns to use them, and of huge bareback orgies that lasted all night. I'd be a liar if I said I hadn't wondered about this place. I'd be an even bigger liar if I said that it wasn't one of the reasons I selected my new building when I moved! So, first chance I got, I went to check it out. My first visit was on a Friday night in early December, about a week and a half after I moved to the area. I was determined to get unpacked and settled in my new apartment first, so I could throw myself headlong into trying out what I hoped would be my new nightly haunt. I walked the quick 10 minutes to the club, and as I turned the final corner I was shocked to see a huge line waiting outside the door. It was only 10:00 pm! There must have been fifty or sixty guys waiting to get in, of all different ages and races and builds. My hole twitched involuntarily at the thought of this testosterone smorgasbord, but I couldn't help but wonder if I would get in. Two huge attendants in muscle shirts stood outside, patting down each customer before letting them through the doors. They weren't turning anyone away or making people wait, so I assumed the club must not have been at capacity and eagerly got in line. There was a couple in front of me in line, both average built guys in their early 30s. One had his hand discreetly down the front of his partner's pants, and I could see the movement of his hand gently stroking up and down. They smiled at me and we struck up a conversation. "I'm new here, haven't been before," I said. "Is it always this busy?" "Not always," said the guy stroking his partner's cock. "It gets busy, especially on weekends, but December is a special month." "Oh?" I asked. His partner chuckled. "You'll see," he said, a knowing grin on his face. The two of them turned to face the front of the line and he slid his hand down the back of his partner's jeans. Mercifully, the wait was not long. I got to the door and one of the attendants patted me down. Feeling the bulge of my little brown bottle in my pants pocket, he stopped and pointed. "Take that out," he ordered." I complied, and satisfied at what he saw, he motioned me through the door. The inside of the club was exactly as I expected. It was dark, the walls painted black. A rope of blue neon circled the room just below the ceiling, and black lights mounted in the recessed ceiling fixtures made the whites and fluorescents worn by some of the customers stand out. Loud music thumped in my ears as I proceeded to the desk, where a slender, hairless twink in a thong addressed me. "Here for the evening?" I nodded. "Locker or room?" I opted for a room, paid, and received the key. As I made my way to the third floor, I passed dozens and dozens of men, all milling about in a frenzy of color and dark under the black lights. My room was located down a narrow, dimly-lit hallway. Several of the other room doors were open as I walked past. A few were empty, and in others there were men sitting around, talking. It felt odd. Only in one room did I see any action going on. An older, chubby guy was ass up on the bed, with two younger guys spit-roasting him. The top who was fucking him gave his ass a mighty slap, so hard that I heard the smack over the constant beat of the music. He didn't skip a beat - the old man kept sucking the other guy while the top continued to pound his ass. Reaching my room, I unlocked the door and went inside. I shut the door long enough to strip down and hide my belongings in the combination-controlled drawer in the nightstand. Then I opened the door, took a big huff from my brown bottle, and climbed onto the bed on all fours with my ass facing the door. I was determined to make the most of this visit, and hoped that a passerby would be attracted inside by my pink fuckhole. Not two minutes had elapsed before I felt a hand softly caressing my ass. A finger found my hole and slipped easily inside. This was it, I thought, and I steeled myself for what I hoped would be a rough anonymous fuck. But instead, a face appeared in front of mine - the bottom from the couple who had been in front of me in line. "Hi there!" he shouted over the music. "Mark loves your hole. Normally he'd fuck you while I watch, but there's something downstairs you're not going to want to miss!" Intrigued, I stood up. Both he and Mark were naked. I could see now that Mark had a gorgeous 7-inch soft cock dangling between his legs. My hole twitched again as I thought of that cock pressing its way deep into my guts. But before the fantasy could go any further, his partner spoke again. "I'm Mark," shouted Mark's partner with a smile. "We're 'the Marks'." "Hi!" I shouted over the music. "I'm Jay." "Come with us!" Mark yelled, and the other Mark motioned us out the door. We walked back the way I had come, down the hallway and back down the stairs to the main floor. The three of us were naked, and I could see we were not alone. Most of the guys there had shed their clothes. I was surrounded by all manner of manmeat, from the short and thick to the long and slender. White cocks, Black cocks, Hispanic cocks. Some shaved clean and some almost lost in the pubes that surrounded them. A cornucopia of cum. And I wanted it all. Bottom Mark grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd, chasing after Top Mark. We turned a corner into a large, open room, and I stopped and stared in amazement. A man dressed like Santa Claus sat on an elevated chair in the middle of the room. Some men sat on the steps at his feet, others crowded around him. Still more lined the walls. Almost all were naked. I grabbed Bottom Mark's arm. "Who is that?" I asked. Mark grinned. "That," he said, "is Santa Poz. You're going to want to meet him." "Santa -?" I stammered. Mark simply nodded in reply, a mischievous grin on his face. "Come on, I'll introduce you!" Not sure what to make of the scene, I followed Mark through the crowd toward this man on his throne. He was naked from the neck down save for his big, black boots. His long white beard rested on a solid daddy belly. Top Mark stood next to him, bent over and saying something in his ear. Santa Poz nodded and Mark scanned the crowd, found Bottom Mark and me, and motioned us over. Nervous but curious, I followed Bottom Mark over to where this man was sitting. "He's known as Santa Poz because he has a 100% hit rate. If he gifts you, it takes. Every Thanksgiving he goes off his meds and lets his viral count climb. By December first, he's ready. He gifts one bottom a day through Christmas Eve. Twenty-four guys a year." As we drew closer, I saw a huge slab of man meat protruding from his lap. No wonder he had so much success! He probably tore apart every hole he fucked. I kind of wanted to see what it felt like to have suck a massive member buried in my guts. Top Mark leaned back over to speak to Santa Poz, motioning to me. "This is Jay!" he shouted. Santa gave me a silent nod of acknowledgement, then motioned for me to turn around. I slowly pivoted 360 degrees, letting him ogle my body, and returned to face him. He smiled, then stood and raised his arms, motioning for everyone to be quiet. His cock hung two thirds of the way down his thigh. It was at least 10 inches soft, and almost as thick as my forearm. It was framed by two huge, hairless balls. The music stopped and the crowd parted. A king-size sleigh bed appeared in the doorway, pushed by the two Marks who had somehow slipped out of my sight as I was modeling for Santa. Casters were mounted to the underside of the bed frame, and they rolled it through the crowd and stopped in front of the throne. Then Santa spoke. "Friends," he began, "you all know why we're here. Each night in December, I offer one man the opportunity to join the poz brotherhood." Wait, WHAT? My mind started spinning. Surely he didn't mean me! Yet he pointed to me. "I have selected this man to receive my gift, should he wish to receive it." I was reeling now. Was this happening spontaneously, or had the Marks singled me out in line? Did I fit a particular type that this Santa Poz preferred? What the hell was I doing?!?!?! I had resigned myself long ago to the idea that I would eventually become poz, but this was so explicit, so in-your-face, that I simultaneously felt titillated and repulsed. I couldn't think clearly. I wanted that cock to split me open, to tear my asshole and leave me a gaping, cum-dripping puddle of sweat in the middle of that bed. But I had never - in all my years of taking raw, anonymous cock - ever knowingly taken a poz load. Could I? I felt every eye in the room on me. Everyone watched and waited for my response. I looked at the two Marks, then at Santa Poz, and that huge slab of man meat hanging between his legs. I was torn, I was confused. And then my body began moving toward the bed, as if I were being guided by an invisible hand. Was this really happening? Was I about to go through with this? I climbed on the bed. The crowd cheered and applauded. The two Marks were grinning wildly. Santa Poz had a look of contentment on his face. "Let us prepare this man to receive my gift!" he cried, and the cheers and applause grew louder. Once on the bed, I assumed the ass-up position, offering my hole to this man with the huge cock and the balls full of toxic cum. Top Mark approached with a bottle of lube that had a nozzle screwed on in place of a cap. Inserting the nozzle into my hole, he proceeded to empty the contents of the bottle into my rectum. Next, Bottom Mark picked up a rather large plug from under Santa Poz's throne. He came to the other side of the bed and set it down next to me. Each of them then produced a small brown bottle and simultaneously held one under each of my nostrils. I inhaled until I couldn't inhale any longer. My head swam from the effects, but I exhaled and took another hit anyway. At that point I felt pressure on my hole, and assumed that Bottom Mark was inserting the plug. I glanced back, only to see the plug still on the bed beside me. Was this Santa Poz? No, he still sat on his throne, watching these men prepare me for him. I felt a searing pain in my hole and knew what the pressure was. A brush. They were scratching up my insides to make sure his gift took. Bottom Mark offered me a brown bottle again and I inhaled mightily as Top Mark began to work the brush in and out. My hands gripped the bed sheet as I endured this onslaught. After just a few moments, he was done, and Top Mark removed the brush from my hole. He held it up to show the crowd, and they cheered. Then he placed it within my view, and I saw that it was a standard-looking bathroom brush, about four inches across. The normally white bristles were red with my blood. Lube dripped from it as he placed it on the floor beside the bed. The crowd began to chant. "Santa Poz! Santa Poz!" The brown bottles appeared under my nose again, and I took two more long deep breaths. My head was swimming and my poor scratched up hole was throbbing, and I hadn't even gotten to the main event. Bottom Mark inserted the plug next. It felt larger than it appeared, and my hole spasmed a bit around its girth. He slowly worked it out, then slid it back in until my sphincter slammed shut on the base. Over and over he continued, until my hole had loosened to the point where he could move the plug in and out with ease. Then the crowd went quiet. Another hit on the brown bottles, and I felt the pressure of another body on the mattress. He pushed my ass down so I was laying on my stomach, my legs together as he straddled them. This was the first time I noticed that despite all the poppers, my cock was rock-hard. I felt the wetness of my precum on my stomach as I pressed into the mattress. "Spread your ass," Santa Poz ordered me, and I complied. I heard the click of a lube bottle, then a few drops dripped onto my ass as he slathered his giant shaft. Then it was time. He shifted on the bed to line up, and positioned that massive missile over my already-abused hole. I was breathless in anticipation. He was gentle at first, working the head of his cock into my ass. I opened easily and my hole greedily consumed it. He rested like that for a moment, gently rocking on his knees with just the tip of his shaft inside me. Then without warning, he plunged balls-deep into my tight, sore ass. Every last inch was suddenly and unexpectedly inside me. I screamed in pain. I writhed in pain. I tried futilely to get away from the burning, searing torture he had brought upon me. The two Marks held me in place as Santa Poz leaned forward and placed a hand on each of my shoulders, pressing me into the bed. With that, he began to work his hips back and forth, sliding his cock in and out and stretching my hole like it had never been stretched. Once he had me held in place, the two Marks brought the brown bottles back to my nostrils, and after a few more whiffs I was able to begin relaxing. The fucking was relentless. This man's cock was easily 13 inches long and eight or nine inches around. It filled me like I have never been filled before or since. The head of his cock may have bounced off my diaphragm for all I know. I could neither think nor speak with that monstrosity inside me, and I was only vaguely aware that the crowd now surrounded the bed, watching and cheering and yelling as I submitted to my fate. A few times, he backed almost the entire way out before slamming balls-deep again, and for a brief moment each time, everything went dark. Finally, Santa Poz leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "It's time for your Christmas gift." I was surprised to find that I was sad this amazingly intense experience was coming to an end, and that I was oddly excited for the outcome. Almost automatically, I replied, "I want your poz gift, Santa. Please give me my gift!" A few more mighty thrusts, and he froze. His hips bucked as he pumped his toxic seed deep inside me. When he finished, he collapsed on my back, panting. The crowd cheered. It was all so surreal to think that I was now almost certainly poz. But somewhere in my clouded mind there came a sense of relief that it was done, that I knew it was done. The waiting was over. Santa Poz finally got up, his now flaccid but still huge cock sliding slowly out of me. I felt a sudden sense of disappointment; my hole felt oddly and sadly empty after having been so full. He walked to the head of the bed to show me his cock. It was covered in lube and cum and yes, my blood as well. I leaned forward and took what I could into my mouth, then ran my tongue back and forth along his shaft, cleaning it off as best I could. I savored the taste of his fluids and mine mixed together with the sweetness of the lube. As I slowly regained my composure, Bottom Mark appeared again, this time with an even bigger plug than before. "Keep this in for the rest of the night," he advised, as he worked it into my gaping hole. I suddenly felt full again. He helped me to my feet and then he and Top Mark escorted me back to my room. I thought briefly about offering to blow them both in thanks for the evening, but I was exhausted. I got dressed, and they walked me out of the club and put me into a cab for the short ride home. I vaguely remember some of the club patrons coming up to me as we exited, congratulating me and telling me how hot it was to watch me get pozzed. By the time I got home it was nearing 4:00 am. I stumbled into my apartment and collapsed on my bed, where I had a deep and dreamless sleep until 2:00 the next afternoon. When I awoke, the plug was still inside me from last night and my hole had started to tighten up again, so it took some effort to get it out. When it emerged with a "pop!," a puddle of cum and lube and blood gushed out of my hole and onto the bathroom floor. I cleaned up the mess and then, assuming they had meant for me to keep it as a souvenir, I washed off the plug and placed it in my nightstand. Then a long, hot shower and a cup of coffee to wake me up. I looked at the clock; it was almost 5:00. Time to grab some food and get ready to go back to the club. "I wonder who will receive Santa's gift tonight?" I thought to myself. One thing was for certain: I would not miss being in the audience to watch tonight! It's been two and a half months since I met Santa Poz, and I got the call today. His success rate remains steady at 100%.
  2. Got hit up by a guy on Grindr over the weekend. We've messaged on bbrt before too, but have never been able to make things work so we can get together. He's late 50's and his pic shows a huge uncut black cock, and I've wanted it inside me since I first saw it. This time, though, his timing couldn't have been better. I had been prepping myself for a guy who flaked on me (surprise!), so I was ready to roll. His orders were clear: message when I arrived at the parking lot. Proceed to his room where he would open the door. No talking. Strip and get on my knees. I did exactly as I was told. He stood behind the door when he opened it so I had no idea what he looked like. The room was dark, with the TV providing the only light - and covering sound in case things got noisy. As instructed, I removed my clothes. He sat on a towel at the end of the bed and I could see he was a shorter, slender, muscular guy. And his cock was totally out of proportion. It was huge! His pics did not do him justice. He was more than 8 inches semi-hard, with big shaved balls. I pulled out my brown bottle as I knelt on the floor in front of him. Taking a big whiff, I quickly took that massive member into my mouth, swallowing it all the way down my throat until my tongue was caressing his balls. He moaned in surprise - I don't think he expected that so quickly - and while he was only semi-erect when I first knelt down, by the time I let him slide back out of my throat and mouth he was rock hard, and had grown to at least ten inches. I grabbed his shaft and began tonguing his tight balls. He moaned some more in pleasure as I gently stroked him while my tongue danced across his scrotum. I shifted to take another whiff and suck him back into my mouth when he stood up. Grabbing my head on either side, he rammed that huge dick into my throat. I gagged and bucked, but being the good slut I am, took the pounding he wanted to give me. At one point he grunted that he was going to cum, so he slowed his pace and then removed his cock from my mouth. He motioned me onto the bed, and I eagerly got on all fours with my ass pointed at him. His cock was slick from fucking my throat, and despite his size, he slid into my hole with relative ease. I felt him go deeper and deeper until he hit my second sphincter. He paused for a moment, then pushed past that too. I tried to keep quiet as he grabbed my hips, placed one foot on the bed beside me, and proceeded to drill me in a way I haven't experienced in almost a year. It was sheer heaven! I grabbed the sheets to steady myself against his onslaught. Soon, his body began to shake and he let out an animalistic moan as his cock pumped a giant 3-day load deep in my guts. I squeezed his shaft, alternately tightening and loosening my sphincter to milk every drop from his balls. Finally, spent, he stepped back and slowly slid out of my ass. He gave one more involuntary shudder as I squeezed my hole one last time. I spun and gave him my customary cleaning. sucking the saliva and cum and ass juices off his dick. He stepped back and without a word, headed for the bathroom. I quickly dressed and as he finished cleaning himself up, stepped out of the bathroom to open the door for me. I slid past him without another word, into the hall.
  3. Just got back from my second time doing this with him. My hole's still dripping. His cock hits my prostate just right when he rams home. So fucking sexy.
  4. Just got back from the hottest scene I've experienced this year. In any other year I'd still write about it, but it would be competing with some pretty amazing anonymous group sessions. Got a message from a guy on Grindr this morning. I was working, so we agreed I'd meet him around 4 pm. Of course, right there I figured he'd be offline and incommunicado when I was ready, but he stayed in touch throughout the day. Told me he had lube and poppers, all I needed to do was to bring my fat ass over for him to breed. So, I started prepping around 3, doing occasional douches to make sure all was clear by the time I left. Promptly at 4, I signed off my laptop and headed for the door. I had very specific instructions: Walk in the unlocked front door and follow the music to the bedroom. Strip, assume the ass up position, and message him on Grindr that I was ready. When I arrived at the house, the front door was ajar. I walked through to the back and found the bedroom where the music was playing. The door to the room next to it was closed, and I knew that's where he was waiting. I stripped and placed my clothes on the bed, where I could see them at all times. Then I climbed on the bed - he had even put down a towel - and sent him the message. "I'm ready." I heard the door of the neighboring room open even over the sound of the music. In no time his hands were exploring every inch - and there are a lot, lol - of my ass. I heard the click of a lube bottle, and as the fingers began probing my fuckhole, he threw a bottle of poppers onto the bed next to me. I took off the cap and inhaled mightily as I felt the tip of his still-soft cock against my hole. Like the greedy cum dump it is, my hole opened to welcome the advance. Before long, the head popped in, then out, then in again. I could tell he was getting stiffer with each thrust, and before I knew it, he was sliding into me balls-deep. I was looking for something quick, but I also wanted to enjoy myself, and he took his time. I kept hitting the brown bottle, savoring the sensation as he plunged in and out of my ass. Each time I thought he was going to fill me with cum, he slowed down and bided his time. He lasted the perfect amount of time. I was just beginning to feel like I needed to leave when he grabbed my hips and thrust deep. I squeezed my sphincter but didn't feel his cock spasming, so I wasn't sure he had cum. He collapsed on my back, then stood again, withdrew his cock, and I heard the door to the other room click shut again. I stood to get dressed, and that's when I realized that my hole is not as tight as it once was. As I bent to pull on my underwear and shorts, I felt a gush of cum dribble out of my ass and into my clothes. In a hurry to get going, I did up my shorts anyway and headed for the door. Once home, I made a beeline for the bathroom. My underwear was an unholy mess of white, but it hadn't seeped through my shorts. It was so hot to think this complete stranger blew a huge load in me, and I never saw his face. I sent him a message that I had a great time, and he messaged back that he did, too. Looking forward to the next time he shows up on Grindr. Maybe we can make that a regular thing!
  5. Posted on Doublelist for this morning after no one on Grindr was serious about meeting. Got hit up by a bbc top who lives 45 minutes away. I was headed out anyway, so I said sure, let's connect. I just had a feeling he was serious so I douched and waited for him to arrive. Finally I got the message: "Parking." I went to the building door to let him in and lead him to my new spot. He seemed a bit nervous, but followed me. Once we got inside he dropped his pants to reveal a monster. He had said 10 inches but come on, those are usually "Craigslist inches!" Not this guy. And he hadn't told me how thick it was, either! I knew I was going to have to work for that load, but I felt up to the task. I took off my shorts and dropped to my knees. I swallowed that giant dick down my throat as far as I could. He sighed and started pumping away in my mouth as I felt him get longer and harder. While I was on my knees, I slathered some lube on my hungry hole. When I determined that he was ready, I slathered some on his dick as well, then turned around and braced myself against the wall. I felt the pressure as he pushed that massive slab of meat into my hole, and for a moment I didn't think it would fit, before POP! The head was in. I ignored the pain and pushed back as he slid his entire length into my guts. Nervousness gone, he pounded my hole as I tried to be quiet. We were in a semi-public place, after all, and there were families in the apartments nearby! He grabbed my hips and his pace quickened, then he stood still and gasped as I felt his cock spasming in my hole. Spent, he pulled out and I spun around and dropped to my knees to clean him off. Delicious! We dressed and he seemed in a hurry to get out of there. Not sure if I'll see him again, but I'll keep his number for the first time I can get a motel room. I need more of that dick!!!
  6. Made arrangements to meet my friend who bred me in the apartment stairwell a few weeks ago. We were headed back to the same stairwell again when I tried the knob on a storage room and presto! It opened. The lights were off, so I reached in and flipped the switch, and it was empty. We slipped inside, locked the door, and stripped down. I found an old tarp, spread it out, and got down on all 4's. He crouched behind me and slathered some lube on my hole and his cock. Without a word, the tip of his cock pressed against my hole and it greedily opened up. He slid inside, balls deep, grabbed my hips and pounded away. Within a few minutes, his grip tightened and his pace quickened. I tightened my hole just in time to feel his cock spasming as it shot his huge load deep in my guts. Spent and sweating, he pulled out. We cleaned up using some paper towel I had brought, and we went our separate ways. Shortly after I returned home, I got a ping on Grindr. This was a BBC top who has been after me to meet for several months, but we either can't make the time work, or we haven't had a spot. He lives about 10 miles away, but it's a tough 10 miles of highway, bridges, and back roads that can take a half hour to traverse. Luckily, this morning I had an excuse to get out his way. We met at what turned out to be an old-school cruising spot in a park near his place. A small parking area led to a path into the woods. As I parked, I saw him off in the distance, already walking up the trail. He waved me on, and I scrambled to join him. He stayed ahead of me, leading the way. At a point on the trail, he turned and walked through some brush. Following him, I realized that the brush hid a side path. We walked a little further, and the path opened into a small clearing. It was warm and dry, and he stood in the sun and took out a massive slab of manmeat, punctuated by a thick metal cock ring around the base. He took out a small brown bottle - it's been so long!!! - and gave it to me. Inhaling like a man who's been saved from drowning, I dropped to my knees and took his cock in my mouth. It began hardening instantly, growing in my mouth until it was all I could do to force it down my hungry throat. He had been impatient for my hole, I could tell. As soon as he was hard, he pulled out a bottle of lube. Pushing me gently back, he greased up his shaft. I took the hint and undid my pants, spinning around on the ground and getting into the familiar all 4's position. He knelt behind me on the grass, and after some teasing he eased that missile into my already well-fucked hole. My friend's spunk provided some of the lubricant as it opened hungrily again and swallowed his shaft to the hilt. He took his time, enjoying the sensation of my sloppy hole on his cock. At last, I heard him whisper, "I'm cumming." I squeezed my sphincter on his shaft and felt the pulsations as he seeded me with my second load of the day. This time, as he withdrew I was able to spin around, taking his cock in my mouth and cleaning off the two loads and ass juices that coated it. He gasped a little from the sensitivity, then wiped himself off. I stood, checked for telltale grass stains and made myself presentable. We walked out together, and without another word, got in our cars and went our separate ways. I don't check my phone while driving, but when I got home, there was a message from him telling me he can't wait to use my holes again. The feeling is mutual!
  7. Yesterday marked 10 weeks in isolation for me. I haven't even been inside a store. I'm even getting my groceries delivered. So of course it's also been a 10-week dry spell. One of my regular top buds is in the same boat. We're both mildly at risk for the virus, so we've both been super careful. We've been messaging back and forth for weeks about how horny we are, and then it hit me - we can be exclusive until this is all over, and I can go back to hosting gang bangs again! Today was the first time we've been able to match up our schedules. Neither of us can host, and motels are still a bit too risky, so we went to an apartment building I used to live in. It's between him and me and it's easy walking distance. I went over and met him in the lobby, and we took the elevator to the top floor, both of us wearing masks for protection - the only protection I wanted or needed, aside from lots of hand sanitizer! We walked to the end of the hallway and entered a stairwell. It's 7 flights down, so the only time anyone ever goes in there is when the fire alarm goes off. As soon as the door closed, I dropped my shorts and he took out his big hard cock. A little lube on his shaft and a little lube on my hole, and he was inside me pumping away. I didn't realize just how much I missed being a cum dump bottom until that moment! In less than two minutes (we were both CRAZY horny!), his pace quickened and he whispered, "I'm cumming." I squeezed my sphincter extra tight to hold all that delicious cum inside me. We quickly tidied ourselves up and walked back to the elevator, each of us going our separate ways. I'm sitting here writing this now with his load still in my hole. Can't wait till I can go back to taking multiple loads at a time, but for now, this arrangement will definitely work!
  8. Spent a couple of hours after work Thursday at my favorite seedy motel. Turned the lights down low, flipped on the porn channel on the TV, got myself ready, then left the door ajar and climbed on the bed ass-up. Between BBRT, Grindr and Doublelist I had lined up 8 tops, but of course I knew some would flake. A couple guys, though, are regular breeders of mine, and always show when they say they will. First guy arrived within 5 minutes. BBC with a 3-day load (I took the previous one, too, so I know!). The second guy is on the DL. He loves to fuck me but I'm not allowed to look at him or talk to him. He usually breeds me silently, then disappears out the door, but this time as he felt my hole, he realized I'd been filled already and was extra turned-on as he pounded me. He got verbal for the first time, calling me a cum dump slut and a pig for raw cock. It was hot, he has a great cock, and at the end he made me clean both loads off his shaft. Delish! The third guy was a younger guy from Grindr, and his dick looked bigger on the app than when he walked in. Still, he managed to slide it in, and within a few minutes he added his DNA. I had a bit of a wait on the other two guys because of traffic. Guy #4 is another DL married dude whose face I'm not allowed to see. He has a long, thick cock that curves down so it hits my prostate as he pounds me. I've come closer to cumming from anal with him than with any other, and he did not disappoint! I spent 15 minutes being driven into the mattress as he worked out his sexual frustration on me, and as he came he said, "take my 6-day load!" His cock just kept pulsing in my hole, and I didn't know if it would stop. Afterward, I expected him to go into the bathroom, but instead he told me to get on my knees and clean his cock. Soooo fucking hot, taking that still-hard shaft down my throat and tasting my ass and the cum of four different guys all mixed together! I knew the fifth guy was outside waiting, and Guy #4 messaged me from outside to let me know someone else was there. He didn't need to, though. Guy #5 is a long-time breeder bud, and had instructions to come in as soon as the other guy left. I re-assumed my position on the bed, and he came in, ran his cock down my cummy crack a couple of times, then slid inside. He must have really needed release, too. He grabbed my hips and pounded me harder than he ever has before. Within a few minutes his speed increased and then he stopped with a gasp, and I felt the familiar pulsing as he added his load to the others. After the last guy left, caught up in the moment, I did something I've never done before. I realized that I wanted to taste the brew in my ass. Reaching behind me, I pushed some of the cum mix into my hand, and licked off every drop. Amazing! I left the rest where it belonged - inside me - dressed, and went home for the night.
  9. I'll be at a hotel on W 42nd for one night on Feb. 20. Hoping to find some tops into using a chub with a deep throat and a fat, hungry ass.
  10. Been lusting after one particular cock I met on Grindr for sometime. Finally made it happen last week. He met me at a short-stay motel. I had gone ahead to get the room and prep my ass. When he arrived I was naked and presented myself ass-up on the bed. He quickly got naked and started tonguing my hole. I knew the monster this guy had in store for me, so I was hitting the brown bottle pretty frequently. Finally, he finished licking my ass and spun me around into a seated position on the edge of the bed. Even semi-hard, his cock was intimidating! A solid seven uncut, and at least six around. I worked my mouth down his shaft, savoring the salty taste as I neared his balls. I stayed like that as long as I could, then worked my mouth back and forth on his behemoth until he was rock-hard. To make things easier for me, I had already injected a ton of lube into my freshly-cleaned hole. I had him sit on the edge of the bed and slathered more lube on his raging hard-on. Then, turning around, I lowered myself onto it slowly. At first my hole opened greedily for it, but then, like a kid who's had one to many desserts, I started to feel like I had bitten off more than I could chew. I worked myself up and down on his shaft, but there was one thick spot at the mid-point that I just could not get my sphincter past. Finally, he had me lay on the bed and pull my left knee up to my chest. I felt him working his cock back into my well-greased hole, and POP! He was in, and I mean IN. All the way to (and past) the second sphincter. I'd only had one other cock like it, but the one before was no match for his. Once he was sure I was okay, he started working in and out. He'd pull out every so often, jacking his cock as he teased my gaping hole with the tip before plunging it back in. Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, he muttered, "Here it comes!" He rammed his cock back inside me. I felt the rhythmic pulsing as he spilled his week-long load deeper than any man before. Once he finished loading me, he stayed motionless for a few moments. One last thrust, and he slid out. I turned and, dutiful bottom that I am, cleaned his cock with my mouth, savoring the combination of cum and lube and man funk. Satisfied, he dressed and left. I can't wait to do it again.
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  11. Is it just the area I live in where the guys on Grindr are all talk, and ghost just as you're about to meet? It's been a frustrating ride, but today I finally had some (more) luck. Hit up a guy about 3 miles away. He sent me some dick pics that had my hole twitching. Neither of us could host, so after some back and forth we both realized we had to go grocery shopping. The store in between us has a fairly secluded mens' room that isn't often used, so we agreed to meet there. Exchanged numbers, and then off I went. When I arrived, I headed straight for the bathroom. We had agreed that I would get in the handicap stall and text him when I was ready. Unfortunately, it was occupied, so I stepped into the smaller cube next to it. Once seated, I texted my hookup to let him know he needed to wait, and he replied that he had just walked into the store. I only had to wait a few minutes before the guy in the other stall finished up and left. I sent a text and switched into the handicap stall. I heard the bathroom door open, then a soft knock on the stall. I opened the door and he quickly stepped inside. I latched the door again and turned around, and he already had his cock out. It was a solid 7 inches, thick with a taper at the head. Without a word I sat down on the toilet and took him in my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and began thrusting until he was balls-deep in my throat. We were just getting into it when the bathroom door opened. He stopped suddenly, and we waited silently for the newcomer to piss, wash his hands, and leave. I slid my mouth slowly up and down that shaft to keep it nice and hard, and I heard his breath. When the hand dryer started, I began sucking with abandon again, and only slowed a little when I heard it shut off. Once the door closed, my hookup grabbed my head and began to thrust again. I was drooling on the floor as he pounded my throat, sighing with pleasure. Suddenly he stopped, and I was rewarded with the sweet taste of his load on my tongue. I waited for his cock to stop jerking in my mouth before slowly sliding off it, careful to keep all his cum in my mouth. After he zipped up he thanked me, then quickly exited the stall. I stayed behind to clean myself up a bit, and as he left I heard another guy enter. We finished just in the nick of time! The newcomer walked into the handicap stall as I walked out - could have been a bit awkward had he come in even 10 seconds earlier. My hole is still twitching thinking about that cock. He's going to save up another load and then breed me on Tuesday.
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  12. Haven't had a whole lot of luck with Grindr, but that changed this morning. Within 5 minutes of logging in, I got a message from a guy who said he wanted me to meet him at a local bookstore between noon and 12:30. "Yes," I replied. We agreed that I would message him when I arrived, and I did just that. He told me the number of the booth he was in, and I proceeded to the back room. As I approached the booth door, there were a few guys milling around, but overall it seemed pretty quiet - then again, it was noon on the Saturday before Christmas, so of course most people were out shopping. Walking past the booth, I slipped into a small restroom and locked the door. I took out my brown bottle and took a couple of good huffs. Reaching into my other pocket, I grabbed a bottle of lube I had brought with me. I lowered my pants and applied a liberal amount to my already hungry hole, making sure to slide a couple of fingers deep inside to make sure I was good and slick. I washed my hands, pulled up my pants, and took another deep huff from my brown bottle. I was ready. Opening the bathroom door, I made my way to the booth and tried the door. Sure enough, it was open. I slipped inside the tight quarters and locked the door behind me. Illuminated in the glow of the video screen was a guy in his early 50s, clean cut and clean shaven. As I gave him the once-over, I saw that his pants were down around his ankles, and in his hand he held a stiff, uncut 7-incher. His pubic area was shaved, and I hoped the size of his balls was directly linked to the size of the load he had stored in them! Without a word, I took out my bottle of lube, then let my own pants drop to the dirty floor. Pouring some lube in my hand, I reached for his shaft as he waggled it at me. He hardened even more as I grasped him, slicking up the entire length of that beautiful cock so it would disappear completely inside me. Then, with another huff on the brown bottle, I positioned myself over that missile and lowered myself until I could feel the pressure against my hole. A soft gasp escaped his lips as I settled onto his cock and first the head, then the rest of his length, disappeared inside me. My insides felt stretched as he slid in deep. Only when I felt my ass cheeks touch his thighs did I reverse direction. Slowly, taking the time to savor every stroke. He moaned and sighed, trying not to make too much noise as I slid my hole up and down that hard cock, working to milk the load from his big balls. I braced my hands against the walls of the booth for added leverage, and quickened my pace. He grabbed my hips and I could hear him breathing harder now. Our skin was smacking together now, such was the frenzy of this fuck, and I knew that the guys in the hallway were listening to everything. I impaled myself over and over on that thick uncut shaft, until his entire body stiffened beneath me and I heard him gasp, "Gaaaahhhh." I clenched my hole and sure enough, he was pumping his load deep into my guts. I stayed in that position, unmoving, for a few moments after the pulses subsided. Then, squeezing my sphincter tight to keep in all that cum, I stood up and he slid out of my well-fucked ass. I bent over, careful not to let any of his baby batter seep out, and cleaned his cock thoroughly with my mouth. I could tell he was now sensitive by the way he jerked and bucked under my attention. Leaving him spent in the chair, I pulled up my pants, stuck my lube and brown bottle back in my pockets, and slipped out of the booth. The few guys in the hallway were still there, and I felt their eyes on me as I walked through the turnstile and back into the store.
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  13. Set up another anon motel room scene last week. Took the afternoon off work and spent about 5 hours just taking anonymous loads. Over that period of time I entertained 7 hard cocks, and by the time the last guy arrived my ass was gaping and sopping wet with cum. Even when my hole is open and slick, I can still tell when a guy is wearing a rubber. It's like my hole rebels, and I can't really enjoy myself. And so it was with guy #7. I never heard him put it on, but I felt the extra friction of the rubber against my walls. I tolerated it briefly before telling him that I wanted him bare. I was doggy-style on the bed while he stood behind me. I raised myself up onto my knees and reached behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck as my hand found his shaft. I gripped it tight, and it hardened even more in my hand. His breathing quickened. I worked my hand down to his balls and began to roll the condom off. "But I want to be protected," he protested. I stopped. "I want it raw," was my response. He hesitated, my hand still gripping his shaft. "OK," came the reply, and in one quick motion I slid the rubber off the rest of the way. I grabbed his shaft again and guided it to my hungry hole, slipping the head inside before settling back into the doggy position. Sure enough, he seemed to love being raw inside me. He rammed home and pounded my hole hard and deep. He was hitting my prostate just right when he asked, "Where should I cum?" "Inside me," I hissed. "Fill me with your cum." That was all the encouragement he needed. He grabbed my hips, gave a final thrust, and buried his load deep inside me. I squeezed my sphincter and felt the pulsing of his shaft as he delivered what I wanted. As he withdrew, I spun around and took him in my mouth, cleaning him off thoroughly. He left without another word, and I figured he was probably too freaked out by what had happened to contact me again. But I was wrong! Got an email from him this morning - he wants to breed me after work.
  14. It was my first weekend as a vers/bottom, in my late 30s. For much of my life when I was with a guy I was always the top. I didn't like bottoming because it hurt and was uncomfortable. Then the SO went out of town for the weekend and I found myself intrigued at the thought of getting fucked. I played with my ass, used a toy to open it up, and posted on CL. Before long, I had a married daddy stopping by on his way home from the airport. He had a condom with him. I sucked him hard, he wrapped it up and got behind me. It was bumpy and not very pleasant. He came and then left. I was almost ready then and there to give it up and find a nice ass to fuck, when the most gorgeous black dick I ever saw appeared in my inbox. In less than an hour he was in my apartment. He didn't have a condom, but I liked to top bare, so I never hesitated at the idea of taking him raw. I was on my knees on the couch, bracing myself against the wall, as he slid inside me. It was the most amazing feeling I've ever had. He took his time and I loved every second of it! Long, sensual strokes, hitting my prostate just right. Then, he informed me he was about to cum, and without a thought I told him I wanted him to cum in my ass. A few more thrusts and I could feel his cock pulsing against my sphincter as he loaded me. After he came, my first raw top withdrew, cleaned himself up, and left. Early the next morning, he emailed me again asking if he could stop by again. Thrilled, I said yes, and within a half hour his beautiful dick was back in my hole. This time nothing needed to be said. He knew I wanted his load, and he filled me again. I've never looked back. Now it's up to the top to say he needs a condom; otherwise I assume we're fucking skin-on-skin.
  15. Staying 2 nights in Manhattan (W 42nd and 10th) and spending the entire visit ass-up with my hotel door unlocked. All welcome. PM me for details or see my BBRT party postings.
  16. Totally agree, BadInBrooklyn. I've had a lot of guys ask for 'time slots' for my cum dump scenes for that exact reason. And almost to a guy, when you can't unlock the door and just leave it ajar, they close it tight behind them when they walk in, so anyone else has to knock.
  17. I had good luck at the Doubletree on Lexington at 51st. Walls are kind of thin but it worked well. Elevator requires key card access after 11 pm, but before that anyone can come up to your room. And, if you're ass-up around the end of the work day, you can help relieve some tension from all the Midtown workers headed to Grand Central to go home.
  18. Significant other had car trouble today, so I ended up coming home so my car was available. AAA got there before I did and said once jumped, the car needs to be driven for a while. Soooo, while the SO was doing that, I came in the house and hopped on Grindr. Turned out one of the tops from my record-setting gang bang was only a few miles away, so I messaged him. Prepped my ass in the time it took him to drive over. I let him in, dropped my shorts and bent over my kitchen table. He shoved his big cock deep in my hole, pounded me until he shot his wad, zipped up and left. I'm working from home for the rest of the day with his cum slowly seeping out of my gape. Best Friday in a while!!!
  19. Had a bunch of guys lined up for an afternoon gang bang today. It's a lot of work, managing posts on BBRT, Grindr, Doublelist, and Fet. But, today it all finally paid off! Instead of the 3-4 I was hoping for, I got nine guys - and 6 of them dumped their loads in me! Two fed me their cum, and the 9th - the biggest BBC I have EVER seen, sucked, or ridden - insisted on using a condom. But I swallowed his load from the condom once he left. I thought I was going to have to close up shop once he was finished with me. It took him a while to work it into my tight hole, but once there, he pounded me almost into oblivion. My brown bottle made MANY trips to my nose so I could fit him in my ass! Still, I powered through and took two more loads after him. I suspect the last two guys noticed how gaped I was, but that's OK. They did their duty and filled me too. I've never had an afternoon in a motel go quite that well. And to think, I was considering cancelling it!!!
  20. I was a late bloomer - in my late 30s. I always considered myself a top but one weekend I had a burning desire to bottom. The first guy who stopped over used a condom and was not well-coordinated - not a pleasant experience. I almost gave up when I got a message from a black guy with a gorgeous cock. He came over, I sucked him till he was hard, then I turned and presented my ass. He rubbed his cock head on my hole, and instead of pulling back and putting on a condom, he slid right in. I was hooked that instant. He fucked me right, and when he was ready, asked where I wanted him to cum. "Inside me," was all I could think to answer. He left after dumping his load, but I saw him online again later and with one quick message, he was on his way back. I got 2 loads from him that night and have never looked back.
  21. Thursday, Oct. 17. Passing through and staying in the jetport/Maine Mall area for one night. I'll have a room at an upscale hotel, and I'll be blindfolded and ass up with the door unlocked. Looking for tops. NO LOAD REFUSED. On Friday morning, Oct. 18 I move on.
  22. Dropped into the local bookstore today after work. Made a beeline past the booths to the public room in back to see what was going on. Found a young guy standing in the corner, leaning against the wall. As I came in he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out a beautiful cut 7-incher. Still fully dressed, I took a couple of hits off my brown bottle and dropped to my knees in front of him. His cock head was already slick with precum when I took it into my mouth, slowly working the entire length down my throat until I could tickle his balls with my tongue. My head was swimming as I worked my throat back and forth on his shaft, occasionally gagging and drooling onto the floor at his feet. It wasn't long before I felt another pair of hands groping my ass through my dress pants. Without missing a stroke on the cock in my throat, I stood up, remaining bent over at the waist, and undid my pants to show this new unseen stranger that I was open to his advances. They fell to the floor with the whisper of fabric. Taking his cue, this new guy slowly worked my boxer briefs down over my ass, letting them drop around my ankles as well. I immediately felt a tongue on my exposed hole, and heard my ass eater's frantic grunts over the sound of the porn on the TV. I love having my ass eaten, and this guy was an expert! I tried to enjoy his rimming while continuing to work the other stranger's cock with my mouth. Before long, the tongue withdrew and I felt a light pressure in its place. I knew what it was, of course. He held there, pressing on my hole with the tip of his cock but making no effort to enter me. So, I took matters into my own hands. Grasping the first cock in my hand, I slowly eased back onto what proved to be a thick monster! My ass stretched around the head as I worked my way down his shaft. With a few more hits from my brown bottle, I thrust myself backward, impaling myself. The first guy stepped forward so he could continue to feed me his cock, and there I stayed, bent over with a cock in each end, for what seemed like a blissful eternity. Eventually, the first guy gave into my oral skills and let his load fly. With a satisfied sigh, his cock bobbed and pulsed in my mouth as he pumped a considerable load onto my tongue. I savored the salty flavor for a moment before greedily gulping it down. That was all the other guy needed. He grabbed my hips and gave a few mighty thrusts, and I was rewarded with the sensation of his cock doing the same dance deep in my hole. I gripped his shaft tight, intent on keeping all that seed inside me. As he pulled out, I spun around and wrapped my mouth around his softening cock, cleaning all the cum and ass from it so he could buckle up and leave. I never did see his face, or hear his voice. Just the way I like it. Some days the bookstore can be a bust - waste of time, waste of money. But scenes like this make it all worthwhile. I'll always cum back for more!
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  23. Went to The D on business for the first time. Set up a gang bang for myself on Labor Day, but alas everyone flaked except one guy. He came over to my hotel late. I let him into my darkened room, and immediately got onto a chair on my knees with my ass pointed toward him. I never saw his face, but he shoved a big black cock in my face so I could suck it and get it slick for my hole. After only a few bobs of my head he was behind me, then inside me, pumping away. I was moaning with pleasure but he stayed completely silent until I heard him say, "I'm gonna breed you, slut." I clamped my sphincter tight around his shaft and felt the muscles spasm as he pumped his load deep inside me. I don't plug my ass to keep my tops' loads in; instead I prefer to feel them dribble out of my gaping hole and down my legs - and I dribbled his load for hours! Next night, three tops came by, one from BBRT, one from Grindr, and one from A4A. It pays to have everything open and going! The second guy made me spin and get on my back on the chair I was using - which can be tough, cuz I'm a big guy - but as I spun I felt the first guy's load spill out of me. The second guy saw this, growled, and rammed his cock into my hole using nothing but the first guy's load. Soon he was grunting and pumping his own load in to join the first. I never told the third guy that I already had two loads in. He stopped by, late at night as I was getting ready for bed. This time I opened the door and got on all fours on a towel I had spread on the floor. He took off his pants, squatted behind me, and in less than 30 seconds I felt his cock pumping its seed deep in my guts. He dressed and left without saying a word. The third night had been more promising than it turned out to be, but it was still hot! I opened Grindr at the office and got a message from a guy who was close by, asking if I could host "rn." My work was mostly wrapped up for the day, so I ducked out early and went back to my hotel to prep. I had just finished applying lube to my already well-fucked hole when the knock came at the door. I turned the lights off, opened the door, and assumed the usual position on the chair. Except this time, as my visitor presented his cock to be sucked, I felt another one tapping on my ass. I love a good spit-roasting, and sure enough, as I swallowed the first sword, the second discovered that I was already lubed and slid slowly inside. I gasped around the first cock as the sheer girth of the second felt like it was tearing me only. But they held me in place to make sure I knew that I was there only to be used by them. The first guy held my head and pumped his cock in and out of my throat, causing me to choke and gag and get him all slick. The second guy had a firm grip on my hips as he silently plowed me. They changed positions, and I was presented with a giant black cock that was all slick with lube and my ass. I greedily took it in my mouth as the first guy slid into my stretched-out hole. I gripped him with my hole as he pumped away, and soon he let out a little moan and stopped pumping. Again, I clenched and felt those muscle spasms that can only mean he was emptying his balls in my ass. As soon as he finished, they traded positions again. I was made to clean the lube, ass, and cum off the first cock as the second used my worn hole as a toy. Before long he also gave a satisfied grunt, slid out, and made me clean him off with my mouth. They dressed quickly and headed out the door, leaving me slouched over the chair with their loads dripping out of me, too spent to move. All in all, not a bad first visit. Thanks, Detroit!
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  24. Chub bottom cum dump staying at a hotel in Troy, MI for three nights starting Sept. 2. Looking for tops (only) to breed my holes while I'm there. Message me here or look for me on BBRT under cuminside72.
  25. Business traveler will be in greater Detroit a couple of times in September. First trip is Sept. 2-5, so I'll be available the evenings of Monday, Sept. 2, Tuesday, Sept. 3, and Wednesday, Sept. 4. I have a Local Party set up on BBRT under Detroit. Labor Day Monday from 6 pm until I drain the last cock. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): I prefer anon so no need to call me anything. If you must, call me Slut Your cell number OR EMAIL: oralversmwm@yahoo.com. You can also find me on BBRT as cuminside72, and A4A as bentover4u1972. A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Embassy Suites, 850 Tower Dr, Troy, 48098 Times you're generally not available: Working hours. I'll also be traveling with a colleague so figure I'll be available after dinner each evening until about midnight Age: Mid-40s Height: 6'2" Weight: 290, chub build Ethnicity: White Into sexually: Total cum dump bottom. There isn't much I'll say no to when I'm poppered up. Not into smoke or other substances. I'm mainly looking to deep throat and bottom. Let me know if you have other kinks. I am NOT looking for any kind of reciprocation, nor am I interested in sharing the experience with other bottoms.
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