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Everything posted by CumJunkiePig

  1. Great to find another pipe smoker here! And damn nice ink you've got, stud.

  2. Zou graag je high viral load sperma in me, maat! En ik geef me mijn poz sperma retour! Waar in Nederland ben je? Amsterdam hier....

  3. Having a friend who was arrested and got to "enjoy" the hot prison sex there, I can tell you - it's not hot. It's not something you'd want to experience....
  4. You're going to need to take a look at what the local legislation - and court cases! - tell you. In some places you're required to inform each and every partner that you're HIV+. Will stating so in your profile be enough? Maybe. In other locations, the law/courts may decide that it can be safely assumed you're poz depending on which profile site the hookup was made (meaning if it's on a website for poz men, it can safely be assumed you're poz). Personally - all my profiles are explicit in me being HIV+, and if the chats don't make it clear, I'll usually ask the other person if they're poz or poz friendly (partly because I love poz cum up my ass, and breeding neg hole, too!) and this allows me to inform my partner. But in darkrooms, saunas, cruising parks, etc - I'll disclose if asked, but no-one ever asks....
  5. I like mine, and am planning on getting more rods put in. Worst part about it is that you really need to wait 4-6 weeks for the piercings to heal before you fuck....
  6. "Reasonably" is going to depend on a lot of things. Where you live, what sex options are around, how "picky" you are about your partners, the sex culture where you go, etc.... I've noticed a HUGE change in the number of loads I can reasonably get in a year since I got clean from my drug addiction. Both when I was in active addiction, and now, I've lived in Amsterdam with easy access to the darkrooms of several bars, movie theaters, and some major sex parties (although the two big ones with 500-750 men have closed down over the years). I used to go out twice in the weekend, and easily take 15-20 loads a night. Hell - anything less than 10 loads felt like I wasted my time cleaning out and my money.... Since I've gotten clean, I don't go out to the organized sex parties anymore, and not too often to the bars at night. I choose not to play with people who's profiles are too explicit about their drug use. And maybe I'm getting old, but once 2 am hits it's yawning that I'm doing and not opening my mouth to suck a cock! And, without the drugs to numb/kill the pain, my ass will end up getting sore and tired after 4 or 5 good fucks, and hanging out in the bars to let it rest just isn't all that much fun anymore.... But I'm still in Amsterdam where I could probably easily still be getting 20 loads a week if I wanted to. Not everyone is that lucky where a 25 minute walk gets me into the heart of the gay sex area. If you're in a rural location and the closest gay place is the public restroom down the highway, you might be lucky to get one load a week if you don't have a local fuck buddy. And not every city with a good gay bar scene allows sex there.....
  7. I've got a 2 ga PA, and three bars for a Jacob's Ladder. I can get about 5 more bars on my cock shaft, and then I'll start on rings on my ball sack. Also got both tits pierced and a septum piercing.
  8. Well, in the right mood I can be a down right filthy scat pig myself, so rank will always be good for me. But "man smell" would probably be my #1 as men not into rank themselves will probably be inhibited if they think they're smelling rank themselves. Clean is good - if it's a natural clean smell, and not doused in perfumes....
  9. If you're ever in Amstedam let me know and I'll pump you full of my cum....

  10. I'm at over 100, but most of those will be from a regular fucker of mine. On a good day he'll give me three! As for different numbers of men, I'd probably say only 50 different men so far this year.
  11. Would fucking love to swap STDs with you, pig. Got herpes to give me?

  12. Looking fucking good! Sounder, too??

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