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Everything posted by bottombottoy

  1. Every time I play I supersize my boi cunt. My first cock I took at 19 was 9inch, I think my smallest dildo is an 8inch. I have rather large hands and have fisted myself a number of times. . I have come on to the scene in a rather short amount of time so I can't compare the past but, I do see a lot of guys out there like me. Sadly I have not been fisted by another guy yet. still on the bucket list. Could it be that m2m sex is more accepted these days or maybe its just in the water, speaking of ... gulp!
  2. From what I know much of it is in the forums. I personally haven't been looking so I'm not much help.
  3. What is the hearing about?? I thought this was all for building code violations?
  4. OMG, I could never ever! I worship my black brothers! OINK!
  5. Why do they have to go to court? All I heard was that they needed a Fire Marshall inspection.
  6. Does the DC eagle allow sex like GHC used too? I have never been.
  7. I know I have been meaning to get back there and party hardy
  8. From what I understand they attempted to get an appointment with the fire marshal but have not as of yet received a date. I would venture to guess this is the end of GHC.
  9. Just found this if any one is interested .... https://www.washingtonblade.com/2019/03/26/d-c-gay-club-closed-temporarily-for-code-violations/
  10. I just heard from a buddy that its closed because someone commuted suicide?
  11. Doesn't make sense. a sub would do as their master says. But a cumdump doesn't mean they are a sub. You should be free to choose. The fact that your asking means you have reservations about not taking prep. I personally, for my own health, would continue to take it.
  12. I love fucking women. But I only bottom when it cums to me. some of these responses though... lol
  13. mine is Useitbottom let me know what you think. OINK
  14. and crew club about a block north.
  15. MId atlantic Leather. Good place to get poz'd but also a great place to have fun. UP to u breederJock.
  16. So. CODE is now HUMMER DC parties. (http://www.hummer-dc.com/Home.html) I was not aware that they are now held at the Crucible as well. They are held at https://www.ghcdc.com/. The place in full out raunch. If your looking to stay neg and clean I am not sure this is the venue for you. However, if your looking for unlimited attention and your ass full of dick then this is a great spot. The highly suggested gear wearing is fun as fuck. As for Crucible there is no Code party planned on their calendar for MAL..
  17. I miss raunchyfuckers.com when it wasn't memberships and paid BS. All the videos in one location. so much easier. I also dearly miss craigslist. I hope that doublelist.com becomes more like what CL had.
  18. Something must be lost in translation. The organizing or invites are not really the problem, its making sure they don't all show up at once and cause undue attention. Additionally don't want to keep my BBC brothers standing around for too long with no attention. Just wondering how others have notified groups of men to come to a gangbang, or is it just send out the location and let them show up when they show. ?
  19. At a hotel in DC. Any thoughts on how best to invite?
  20. So I am going to host a party/gangbang at a hotel this weekend and I am wondering how best to get everyone over. BBRT only lets you send mass emails to those approved to the party. If Everyone shows up at once the hotel will obviously know what is up. Any thoughts on the subject would be appreciated. OINK!
  21. Guess I have to sell my ass to get one then... OINK> lol
  22. They will want you to cum up to NY for an audition.
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