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No Chem Sex
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About Tallguy1982

  • Birthday 06/26/1992

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  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. @losolentI have read everyone of your stories on here. You are an amazing author and I cannot wait to read what comes next with this or another plot line.
  2. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
  3. Another amazing story @losolent
  4. Another great story just starting. Thanks losolent
  5. @losolent thank you for another amazing story. I hope there is another tale in the works!
  6. Have you thought about the fact Sean wants to ensure Simon lives long enough for them to have all the time together possible
  7. The return of Josh?
  8. What an amazing chapter. I’ve been in Conrad’s shoes before. Especially during my using days. It’s hard to overcome those feelings.
  9. Awesome that you started another story!
  10. Excellent writing, I can’t wait for more!
  11. You’re such an amazing author Iosolent. I can’t wait for your next story!
  12. Such an amazing author
  13. Amazing story! You are such a good author.
  14. Awesome so far. I’m hoping this one goes as long as The Gifted Virgin
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