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Everything posted by SFRubberLeather

  1. Love those 3 new rubber pics you added to your profile pics!!

  2. Man, I wish I was in the UK to take your toxic loads. It would be an honor getting them.....

  3. Great story, I'd give anything for all that to happen to me......
  4. Wish I was in the UK so you could use me in ANY sadistic way you could think of.

  5. When I use poppers I use rubber hoods with a popper delivery system as part of the hood. Got them from Fetters in London, UK and they are fantastic!!!
  6. In general the MAJORITY of flakes & fakes I run into are the on-line variety. What I've learned to do if someone wants to connect on-line I'll arrange a meet sometime during the weekend at my "regular" hang out bar. If they TRULY want to meet up they'll show up, if they flake out it's not a waste of my time as I would have hung out at the bar on the weekend anyway. It's also a safe place to meet as if they do show and turn out to be nothing like their on line photo or if they "lied" about what they're really into, again it's not a waste of my time. As far as meeting up right after you chat on-line, I don't do that anymore. I too wound up going over to someone's apartment only to have them not answer their door-bell and/or not answer their phone if I call from out front. I REFUSE to get burnt like that anymore!!!
  7. I have two rubber hoods I ordered from Fetters in the UK and they both have a popper delivery system. These are great!! Just give the cotton ball a quick soak of poppers, put them in the container on the side of the hoods & off you go!!!! However a quick question for you Maxium Impact/Thunder Bolt users. I do the same with that stuff but it's like that has absolutely no effect on me? Am I doing something wrong?
  8. Great profile! It's good to see guys with the same mindset as me....

  9. The more pics you put on here the more & more I wish I was closer to your area. I'd love to have you use me as your "no limits" toxic cumdump, total toilet & "no mercy" torture object.

  10. Great profile!! If you ever get in the the mood to force chem an older bottom & use them as your toxic cum dump I'd be your willing "victim"..

  11. This is a fantasy of mine as well that I want made into a reality. Want to get drugged/sedated just enough so I'm fully aware of what's going on but can't do anything to resist what's happening to me. I especially want to remember EVERYTHING that happened to me the next day.
  12. Great profile & pics, I'd love to be your total toilet & cumdump!!!

  13. Fantastic profile & pics, what I wouldn't give to become your cumdump, total toilet & torture object....

  14. Thanks for the friends invite. Man, what I wouldn't give to eat out your hole & have you shoot some loads in me!!!

  15. Great profile!! You & I pretty well are seeking the same thing.....

  16. Great pics & profile, wish I was in the UK. Would love to be fed by you & lick your hole totally clean. Then you use me as your cumdump...

  17. Your profile sounds almost like mine. Good luck in your "hunt".

  18. This is a wish of mine as well that i'd love to be made into a reality also. Would love to be forced chemmed and used as a torture object, cum dump & toilet.....
  19. Looks as if you and I are of the same mindset.

  20. Saw your post about forced chemming, looks like we both are looking for the same thing...

  21. Need to connect up with a BRUTAL edge play Top in the SF Bay area. I have a need to be forced chemmed/sedated (just chemmed/sedated enough so I am completely aware of everything & will remember everything the next day) but can not resist the Top while he uses me in no safeword/no mercy/no limits/consensual-nonconsensual torture, toilet & raw cumdump session(s). He also uses various gasses & additional chems to keep me in this sedated/compliant state for as long as he needs me to be kept under his control. Also looking to for an expert in tubing, want to expand into NG tubes & intubation (already into catheters & bardex/colon tubes), so ALL my holes will be totally controlled in the above training session(s). In addition he trains me to become his TOTAL/COMPLETE toilet/bastille pig. He also totally restrains me at times force feeding me his shit. Checkout my profile if you need more info about me.... This is NOT some wank off fantasy mind trip I'm looking for, this is a VERY serious need I have, so PLEASE, only respond if you're a Top who's seriously interested in using me in this manner......
  22. Thanks for the friends request....

  23. MAJOR league popper user here, I can't get enough of them. For lack of a better word it flips a "switch" in me & I become a complete bottom pig!!...... Since Fort Troff stopped selling them I now get mine at powerpoppers.com. So far I haven't had a bad experience on there but in general they sell only the small size bottles of the brands they do carry. My all time favs from Fort Troff were Amsterdam, English & Jungle Juice. These are hit & miss with powerpoppers carrying them.
  24. Wish I was in Chicago. Would love to have you hood & restrain me, force chem me (I'm a virgin pnp'er) , then shoot as many poz loads as you can in my neg butt...

  25. Damn, I wish I was closer to you. Would love to have you gag & restrain me then bb rape me for hours on end with your Toxic loads...

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