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Posts posted by AirmaxUK

  1. 20 minutes ago, RawUK said:

    I thought the rail strikes were only today and Friday this week.

    Not sure where in Bucks you need to get from but looking at Sunday from High Wycombe for example, instead of Marylebone the trains are going into Liverpool Street.

    Hope that helps?

    Chiltern rail says trains from Wycombe are only going to Ruislip. TFL suggests a 2h21 bus journey to get from there to Kings Cross on Sunday. 

    Some outside London suggestions would be welcomed as a change of scenery is always nice.  

  2. On 1/18/2023 at 7:12 AM, VersGuyAnon said:

    Thoughts from those living in the UK? 

    I've been giiving it some thought and I haven't really come to any firm conclusions. When the time comes I'd be looking at the local NHS trusts and how they perform.  Having seen how Buckinghamshire (a fairly affluent area) struggles to cope with my elderly parents needs I *really* wouldn't want to grow older here. My folks have me to help them navigate the NHS and in some cases sort private treatment, but I won't have anyone to look out for me in the same way.  A friend of mine thinks we should get a group together and start some kind of gay commune - it's an extreme idea but it has its merits. 


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  3. 12 minutes ago, AirmaxAndy said:

    When you search for members and get the list of results, you can sort the list by various means - reputation score, number of posts, date joined. 

    What would be really useful is to sort by "last active" so you can see who remains an active participant and who hasn't logged in for 10 years. 

    Is that possible?




    Follow up question: where profile names appear around the site, could profile names be tagged (maybe with a sleepy emoji 😴 ) or "greyed out" if the member has not logged in here for more than a year (or some threshold) to indicate they are probably no longer active?

  4. When you search for members and get the list of results, you can sort the list by various means - reputation score, number of posts, date joined. 

    What would be really useful is to sort by "last active" so you can see who remains an active participant and who hasn't logged in for 10 years. 

    Is that possible?




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  5. 10 minutes ago, RawPlug said:

    I still find guys think I’m exaggerating when I tell them what that place was like. If Hogarth had drawn a debauched gay saturnalia he wouldn’t have captured the spirit of The Fort. And yet there was a raw (no pun intended) honesty about the place. With its boots only policy, you could be interacting with a city banker or a scally from a sink estate. There was never any attitude. Just unadulterated rutting. Expensive apartments now stand on the site I understand (haven’t been there since The Fort closed). I wonder what their owners would make of what went in there. It would be awful to tell them. Wouldn’t it…? 

    Did you ever go to the Pride of Stepney? Not as extreme as The Fort (but, then, what could be?) , but raunchy as hell in its own way. 

    Sadly I missed out on The Fort - but I did frequent Play Pit in the Caledonian Road. Every time I walk past the old place I get pangs of nostalgia for it. It sounds like much the same sort of place - no attitude - just lots of horny guys doing their thing. 

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  6. I'm on twitter but only passively so as a consumer, but I do find the noise level quite high. Some guys reel you in with interesting stuff and then retweet political garbage.  I don't plan on leaving or using it a great deal. 

    I see that Wicker got bought by Amazon and they're not allowing new consumer accounts from end of 2022 and will discontinue it completely in 2023. They appear to be focusing on enterprise and corporate services going forward. 

    I use WhatsApp mostly and Telegram occasionally. 

  7. 47 minutes ago, BBrooklynWS said:

    I'd like more slutty t shirts and the boldness to wear them in public. The closest I have is a tank top that says "you can pee next to me", still haven't worn it outside yet.

    I'd like a decal like the one pictured here in a T-shirt


    There's a guy that goes to SOP regularly who has this - and similar graphics - tattooed  prominently on him.

    If you have the graphic, you can get it printed easily. It can be done by an online printer, you can get iron-on print at home transfers - or if you know someone with a Cricut they could make it using transfer film or inpregnating ink.   

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  8. Less of a seminal moment but more of a culmination of moments...

    Back when breakdancing was a thing  we'd unroll peices of linoleum at break and lunchtime practice and show off moves. I remember one of the lads who was a better dancer came back from holiday to Florida and had a pair of Nike Hitops ho brought there. He claimed they were the reason he could do various moves so well, so one lunchtime I asked him to let me have a try, so I laced on his hitops and unexpecedly, it made me feel so good wearing them.   That I think was the initiating moment. 

    I also have incredibly focused intense friendships - probably a autistic spectrum thing - they were innocent - not at all sexual and I think that was also the beginning of the path for me.

    Time passed and  I recall in my mid to late teens I was pushed to go to baptist church sunday school and the teenage 'christian endeavour' group.  The way the group worked was everyone took turn to organise an evening's discussion, sutdies, or activities.  One particular evening was organised by one of the lads who was in my year at 6th Form - he was one of those boys who was just good at everything they did - I think he was even Head Boy.  I recall the evening was a discussion on avoiding teenage temptations - and started as a lecture in abstinance,  but then rather quickly he started going on about the sins of being gay and delivered that part of the lecture staring right at me, spewing all kinds of vitriol.  Everything fell into place for me at that moment.  Hidden feelings, desires, internal conflicts all popped into focus and made sense. Somehow he'd seen through me and I knew what I hadn't figured out yet... and I guessed I'd been sussed out at that point. I never went back figuring I wasn't welcome. Since I was 18 at the time I was soon to leave to go to University, so my disappearance went almost unnoticed. Looking back, I wonder if part of the reason he sussed me so easily was because he saw a reflection of something he recongnised in himself? 

    In parallel to this I was at an all-boys grammar school. It wasn't what you might expect - back in the late 80's early 90's it was a very hostile place to be openly gay. I am not aware anyone was, at the time.  There was no support, and people generally supported Thatcher's Section 28. I rememeber we had someone come in to talk to us about HIV/AIDS from Terrance Higgins Trust and he got booed and jeered so much they abandoned it. Looking back a there were five of us that were friends - none of us were open about who we were or what we might feel but it turns out that in later life we all had something in common we didn't realise. The first I bumped into in Balans Soho. He was a waiter there.  Others popped up over the years on gaydar.co.uk when that was a thing, and others I've met up at reunions and even job interviews. Strange how we all gravitated together but never revealed our true selves to each other.

    Oddly I recall we had someone in our year who was very disruptive - punishment didn't work and he was often exluded.  He didn't really have any friends and wasn't violent towards other students or staff... just attention seeking, destructive and distruptive. They brought a therapist and as part of his therapy, he had to pick three students who he trusted to observe, feedback and help him. The three guys he picked... all of us it turned out were from that group of five. Looking back it really makes me wonder... 

    Grammar School was very competitive academically and in sport - and there was a strong emphasis on Rugby and Gymnastics. I was far from an athlete and much more at home in the computer science and engineering labs. I remember trying to get out of having to do rugby practice or athletics by 'forgetting' my kit.  I figured if you didn't have your kit, you can't play. If you had one of the softer games masters, you'd get sent to the Library. But two out of the three games masters were ex-army and seemd to be sadisic..  Generally their approach was that you had to pick some kit from the lost property box and carry on...  It was likely unwashed, and not quite the right size, so it made you stand out and get picked on.  So this idea of forgetting kit was not great... but it triggered something.  I kinda enjoyed wearing other lad's kit and not knowing who's it was.  The humiliation wasn't that good, but at least for a moment I had people's attention. At the time it was negative but I got a kick out of it somehow. 

    The gamechanger for me was when one of the guys I was in engineering class with and  had a secret crush on had rugby in the morning and offered to lend me his kit for my afternoon rugby session to avoid the humiliation of wearing lost property. I believe it was totally born out of purely innocent good intentions on his part. Initially at least,  he didn't realise the effect on me - and the bonus was at lunchbreak he played in it again, and he took it off moments before giving it to me, so it was warm and filled with his fresh pheromones.  I think, in that moment my gearfetish was born.  It became a regular thing on Wednesdays that he'd play in the morning and at lunchtime, and in the afternoon I'd borrow his kit and play in it in the afternoon.  After a while, he even got a little bit flirtatious sometimes, but never led to anything. What became of him I don't really know: I never bumped into him again but thanks for FriendReunited (remember that?),  I understand he got married, had a family, kids, etc. 

    So all this was hidden... and definetly not out in the open.

    Fast forward a few years and I'm in the final year of my masters degree. Still hiding in plain sight. But then I discovered IRC (Internet Relay Chat - a bit like Discord) and there were a lot of student run channels.  In particular #uk-poofs was a very friendly channel - and unlike the social media internet today had one foot in reality. The channel had regular meet-ups and parties. I lurked to start with, then started to engage, met a couple of guys on a 1-1 basis and then and went to my first party in Finchley, north London.  Fromt there I made friend who took me to places and I discovered 79CXR, The Anvil, the Sauna in Lavender Hill and Play Pit.  

    And from there it's only gotten more interesting.... So here I am today.  


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  9. 22 hours ago, adelaidefistpig said:

    Lately I’ve been getting heaps into eating soft snake lollies stuffed into one of my regular buddies. Put half a pack in him and leave it there for an hour to soften up, then he usually sits on me and bares down hard pushing them into my mouth. 

    Anyone else love eating food anally like me? Any suggestions for new foods to try?

    Cadbury's Creme Eggs. 

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  10. I think there's a chasm between fantasy and reality.  For a few of us, we've mentally closed that gap or bridged it. Making the leap from one side to the other isn't an easy step for most guys.  

    Then the internet came along and made it easy for guys on the fantasy side to communicate with the guys on the reality side. Indeed it made it easy for them to vicariously get off on what was going on in the reality side. 

    I think we have to realise when talking to guys online that we can't assume we're all on the same side. Getting someone to cross from the fantasy side to the reality side is hard work - it's very much a journey for them.   

    So - we need to figure out which side the guys are on. In the fetish and bareback communities, there are proportionally more people on the fantasy side and fewer on the reality side. So, I start by assuming guys are on the fantasy side initially and then look for flags that might indicate otherwise: reputation, history, attendance of in-person events or bars/clubs/saunas, and experience that sounds real rather than a plotline from Treasure Island Media. 

    @BBSMKR mentioned his hotel experience. When it comes to a meet like that where there is travel and accommodation involved, for me, the other guy needs to have "skin in the game" -  have some kind of commitment to the meet so he has something to lose if he flakes. That might be material, or in a community like this one,  it could be reputational. That's not always possible, so it's best to have a Plan B, like a nearby Bar, Club or Sauna where you can still have fun.  I don't rely on apps for my Plan B as you usually get more of the same!

    Hope that helps.

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