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Posts posted by AirmaxUK

  1. The stretchy jelly-like rings that look like they are made of clear silicone sometimes known as Jell-o or something similar are inexpensive and effective but the material 'melts' and turns into a sticky mess if it touches certain other materials like some plastics, and the black silicon silicon toys are made from. Keep them  in a plastic bag for storage so they can't touch anything and they are great. 

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  2. So you often see threads on here where guys share their contact details - be it a phone number, hook-up app profile name or their nickname on a messaging app of some kind. I'm curious to know if this ever leads to anything? I will admit I did have a look at some Twitter accounts during a bored moment in the lockdown, and shared my own, but I never got any engagement either way from this.  

  3. I thought of this thread the other day when I noted that Nasty Kink Pigs have changed their policy on the use of certain words in profiles. The issues they were citing were where some otherwise innocent words had gained additional meanings over time that alluded to illegal practices. My take on what they were saying was they were not banning the use of these these words outright, but making a judgement on the context they are used in.  That's going to be interesting to watch and see how it pans out. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, BBSMKR said:

    Just wondered if any guy from here went to the recent Smokinman Berlin event. There’s a 2nd one planned for September so would be good to get a review of the 1st. Much action, etc?

    So, I had a ticket to go.... but on the night I had a better offer and didn't go in the end. 

    My friend, however, did go and I bumped into him in Scheune later that night. He said that it wasn't very busy and it was more social of a social circuit party where smoking was allowed, than a fetish party. The venue was a straight club and had odd things like a jacuzzi tub. Maybe the kind of place a master takes his sub to show off, not a place to look for someone to hook up with to play.  He knew what I was looking for (non smoker looking for domination by forced smoke, gas mask play, etc) and said I'd made the right choice and hadn't missed out. 

    I note that there were various other similar parties - Berlin Cigar Men took over Pussycat bar opposite the "Gear" shop and seemed very busy.  

    I always say that unless you're in the top quartile of men the big parties tend to disappoint. The real fun in Berlin is in the smaller events and bars/clubs which are periphery to the main events - or even better on a normal week/weekend outside of Folsom/BLF. 

  5. This pushes us another step towards the superficial. If it's a date then how can you get to know someone in five minutes? At best it's just a visual check they aren't 15 years older than their online pics. IMO most meaningful relationships stem from spending time with people and getting to know them. 

    If it's for hooking up then, yeah - probably works okay for that in *some* circumstances - it sound a little like cruising but a bit sanitised and less sleazy. 

    But I enjoy the sleaziness - so not for me. 


  6. Some great responses here - the other thought I had is that unless you're a part of the fetish community then it must be quite difficult to really understand how the gear makes you feel different. And not understanding sows the seed from which is grown prejudice. 

    Personally, wearing gear has several effects:

    I've never had the stereotypical body image - few people do - but everyone fixates on them.  Wearing cool or interesting/unqiue gear offers a way to stand out and be noticed. Generally I tend to go for gear that is different or unique, and am attracted to those who're the same. That extends to everyday life - I tend to dress how I want, stand out, not to fit in. It's always a good excuse for a conversation starter at events. 

    Also certain gear can be practical, and enhances activities. Armoured bike gear for instance mean that "rough" can graduate to "extremely rough".   

    Rubber is an interesting one - the look/feel/smell/taste is very much amazing on the senses, but full coverage (inc a hood) adds to the thrill of making a truly anonymous encounter. I associate latex with a barrier and playing with someone in full rubber is like the opposite of someone wearing a condom - you can't experience their skin except their cock/ass/mouth are the only exposed parts. It leaves those parts unprotected. 

    13 hours ago, funpozbottom said:

    I've been trying to think of a good home-based business I could get into once I retire,  so ... how big of a market would there be for this?

    There are places that do made to measure latex and leather.  I have a Vanson bike leathers which were made to measure. Places like Bob's Rubber, latex catfish and libidex do made to measure, but my experience here is that measuring yourself and buying online isn't as good as made to measure in person.  What's missing is off the peg in XXL+ sizes, and cuts that suit dadbod/bear shapes rather than V-shapes.

    My partner wears M/L in regular clothing (eg Superdry). When you go shopping for gear he's an XL/XXL. Many places don't stock anything bigger than XL off the peg. 

    Through lockdown we've experimented with making our own rubber. Using t-shirts, vests, jocks and shorts as patterns to get the shapes of the panels and then cutting and sticking the latex with the correct glue. It's really had to get a professional finish but we learned a lot doing it. 

    Thinking back, in the 70's, when I was a kid there was a TV programme called "Mr Ben".  (See link below) I often wonder how many guys my age watched that and grew up believing that you could really be a knight if you just have the right gear.  I bet it put a lot of us on the path to escapism through fetishwear!

    And for those interested - the Skinhead/sports party at Woof was great. 

    Link to Mr Ben video: youtube.com/watch?v=KJuj_ZT8pjU

    • Like 2
  7. No posts recently as I've been enjoying Berlin Leather Fetish weekend. 

    On the train from Alexanderplatz to Nollendorfplatz (where most of the events are), two guys are sat a few seats away. They have voices that kinda carry and speaking English they stand out to me. I gather from the conversation they are both living/working in the city for a period and hooked up last night. 

    #1: Hey we should go to "Der Boiler" (Sauna) tomorrow - it'll be fun.

    #2: Maybe not - its leather weekend over Easter.  

    #1: So, it'll be busy?

    #2: Those fetish guys will be around and they will totally ruin it. They only dress up in the fetish gear because it's like putting on a costume to try and polish a turd.

    #1: Yeah, I know. Hate that.

    My thoughts:

    • Gay men have been discriminated against for so long but why do we find it so easy to turn on each other like that?
    • Most guys dress in fetish gear because it turns them on - I think there likely are a few who benefit from what it can hide, but it's not the reason people are into it. 
    • If you try shopping for fetish gear it is very hard to get anything in larger sizes or cut for the 'fuller figure', especially in London and Berlin. Made to measure is the only option. 
    • and lastly, Fuck 'em:  I'm about to get my gear on and head out to Woof for the afternoon. Not only polishing this turd, but rolling it in glitter and enjoying every minute. 
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    • Piggy 2
  8. My cynical answer is that because, it seems maybe 90% of guys online are here for only gratification and/or tittilation.  Fewer are here to make friends or arrange to meet.  He may be looking for the modern equivalent of phonesex?

    Less cynically: On the other hand, telling someone or acknowledging how hot they look or whatever actually doesn't cost much time and strokes their ego, while giving out some positive vibe/energy makes both parties feel better, so I don't think it's a bad thing. Some of us appreciate compliments, even from far off, as they don't come often enough!  

    But, I agree, it can be a distraction if you are trying to arrange meets. As always being open and up front about what you're looking for helps. 

    I have also had a few great meets with guys who messaged me from afar but were planning a trip to London or Berlin.  

    • Upvote 3
  9. Photos that look like they're quite old. Giveaways include background details like: CRT TV/Computer screens, old mobiles, VHS tapes.

    Photos that are inconsistent - eg: seem to be taken years apart.  

    Focusing on setting up something that is very prescribed in too much detail the first time meeting. 

    Focus on "what will you do to me" with no thought on "what I can do for you".

    Unwilling to contact off the app/website eg by phone or text.

    No linked friends on the site/app. 

    Recently created profile (eg that evening) - on its own more of a yellow flag, but combined with others...maybe a red. 

    Asking inappropriate questions - eg: where do you work, anything financial, anything about family. 

    Any hints they are off their face.

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  10. BBRT you can add the mobile-web-app as an icon on your iPhone - it's just a shortcut to their website, really. 

    I think the apps vary a lot depending on your location as some are more popular than others in different regions.

    You also have to factor in what kind of guys you're into.  

    My advice is to try a few out and explore, but be ready that the apps are for many guys just a tool to wank off over the *idea* of meeting someone. After exchanging messages for a while, you'll discover a whole new world of excuses why guys can't actually meet despite talking about it... can't accommodate... no transport... looking after a relative... pet is sick... actually they're minding someone's kid... covid isolation... waiting for the cable/telephone engineer to arrive... baking something and can't leave... stolen bicycle... sudden power outage... car won't start... can't afford petrol/gas...  


    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Loveitraw said:

    On the second time when I took the penicillin shots with ease the nurse joked that it was only because I was used to having pricks in my behind.

    That reminds me - a friend mentioned that you don't have to have the penicillin shots in your butt - they can give you tablets instead (particularly if you can't tolerate penicillin).  The downside is that it takes a bit longer to resolve. So next time I needed it, I asked about having tablets instead. The nurse said  "you have to do some sort of penance for your actions" - It could have been said in jest, but the tone said otherwise.  I insisted on seeing the doctor and complained: They gave me the tablets instead. 

    • Upvote 2
  12. It likely depends a lot on where you are and the local NHS trust/provider.  I live in a small town, and in my clinic the medical staff are generally fine,  but the member of staff you see after a diagnosis to talk about contract tracing is a totally different matter. She thought I was being evasive because I couldn't tell her who I'd had anon encounters with and it spiralled down from there. She pretty much demanded to know who my BF is because "it was very important he is aware he's been put at risk by your behaviour." Actually he was the first to know. The conversation ended with her telling me that "if you don't change your attitude you'll only end up in the clinic again" as I left I said "well, certainly I hope so because I'm obviously getting a lot more fun than you are...". 

    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  13. So this is a trip to meet one particular person rather than going cruising...  

    Sameday/overnight within the UK: West London to Kent, Hull, Sheffield, Salford, Bristol and Blackpool.

    Weekend trips  to Brussels, Antwerp, Eindhoven, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne. 

    Most were OK:  Always, I have a plan B in case it goes awry. 

    The most unreliable seem to be Central London or Birmingham or Manchester where guys have more choice and are less inclined to plan a meet in advance unless it's special, like a niche fetish interest. 


    • Like 2
  14. Yeah, I went... Was there early as I thought it might be busy. It wasn't as busy as some of the birthday specials I remember, but it was busy enough to be fun and not so busy as to drive anxieties about crowds. They had their inflatable pool, but no sling set up in the darkroom. There was a bit of a slow start as the floor remained dry to begin with - I think everyone was still socialising and catching up. I saw and spoke to a lot of guys I haven't seen around in a couple of years. In terms of cruising and play, it seemed a little more cliquey and not quite the free-for-all that I remember, but then it is the first one and guys may just be settling back into it.   

  15. On 1/21/2022 at 3:04 PM, Muscledadbod said:

    You can't put anything related to doing drugs in your profile text, but there is a drugs yes/no indicator.

    My biggest complaint is the messaging.

    When logging on you see  how many emails you have and you get excited only to be disappointed that one is for unlocking pics, the next is an oink, and the third is the actual message, Multiply this by how many guys send messages and it gets frustrating have to delete two thirds of the list and not have as many as you thought.

    Then there is that occasional tweaked guy who hits the send key multiple times.

    **DIng** Yay! I got a message on BBRT"....Awwwww just *another* message about CumUnion parties. 

    So does anyone know anything about the people behind CumUnion and are they linked with BBRT at all?

  16. There were some comments made earlier about concerning the speed of BBRT. When I used BT (British Telecom) as my fixed line ISP there were a lot of problems with BBRT being laggy which went away if I connected through a VPN or used a different ISP connection. Now with Virgin Media and it isn't laggy at all.  

    Also, if my iPhone connects to a WiFi network that has filtering on it preventing access to BBRT, and I forget and try to access it, then the device seems to cache the DNS of the filter's prohibited landing page and even disconnecting from that network and rebooting the phone, the site still comes up as blocked. It seems to be persistently cached and needs a 24hr rest before it will work. 

    For me, the most annoying thing is that the GPS location seems to get stuck. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. Usually finish my preparations at home with vaseline or crisco. Add a plug for the journey. Take a small container of silicon based lube to use in the darkroom/sauna as the free stuff is usually water based and doesn't last long. I found that when cruising sleazier places guys like to finger you and see if you're already loaded, if it's just lube they tend to walk away, but if it smells/tastes of cum they they'll top it up. In a pinch, frozen cum can be useful. 


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