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Posts posted by AirmaxUK

  1. Just now, gingerdaddyG said:

    Did you hand yours back to them?

    I didn't taken them, just the lube. 

    Actually it was a really disappointing visit on the whole. Normally they insist (and enforce) naked - no towels as well. There were plenty of guys in Jocks and wrapped in towels, which isn't in keeping with the CumUnion ethos. The venue has gone downhill a bit too - about half of the TV screens were displaying "No Input"  and you could really tell they turned the heating down. They used to do a nice lunch there too for cumunion, but it was just soup.  

    • Sad 1
  2. On 10/28/2022 at 2:08 PM, rawTOP said:

    I've been considering dropping Google Analytics completely for a while now. Was definitely going to do it before next year when they're forcing people to migrate to GA4. Guess now is the time to turn it off.

    Thanks for giving such a good bug report!



    Google Analytics is now turned off.

    api.js is part of reCAPTCHA v3 (also by Google). That I'm reluctant to turn it off because it's how I tell if site visits are by humans or not. Once you're logged in I don't mind turning it off (since that's another way to tell if you're human), but I'll need to do some research to figure out what my options are.

    Thanks for fixing this. 

  3. 19 hours ago, swoll said:

    OK so you've various saunas within an hours travelling. 


    Plastic ivy - Dewsbury 

    Steam - Leeds 

    Boiler room - Sheffield (has a cumunion night twice a month too) 

    Heat - Stockport (also has bareback parties) 

    Basement - Manchester 

    A bit further drive you've also got Northwich sauna which is well worth the trip. 


    As for poppers best to order amyl nitrate from France, just search French poppers on Google and a site will pop up 


    Good luck and welcome to UK! 

    Northwich definitely worth the trip - especially this coming Tuesday, 1st November as it's CumUnion 

  4. TL;DR - You may need to switch off "Hide IP Address from Trackers" in latest Safari/MacOS (or use Chrome)


    For admin/geeks - Have noticed since updating my Macbook a couple of days ago that pages on here are failing to load completely and the progress bar freezes up.

    Looking into this a bit with the Timeline Inspector in Safari it appears that two bits of google analytics are what's freezing - it looks like both analytics.js and api.js are getting stuck. 

    Although I could live without google analytics, their being non-operational seems to stop other parts of the page from rendering - for instance the Create New Topic page doesn't load the editor to type in the post content. 

    Switching to Chrome on the same machine, everything loads OK. 

    Figuring it's something to do with the extra security in the new MacOS / Safari I switched off the "Hide IP Address from trackers" in Safari Preferences. Breeding zone now loads ok in Safari.  I switched them back on again and it continues to load ok - until you quit and restart Safari.  I guess something gets cached and works for a while.  In the new safari you can choose options on a site by site basis, so Un-ticking "Enable Content Blockers" in "Settings for breeding.zone" seems like it might work, but it doesn't. 

    Have noticed similar behavior on Lenovo's and Aliexpress... there's likely others too. 

    Be interested to know the root cause?

    • Thanks 4
  5. 16 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    When i do need quantity, i go to a place where i can hook in person.

    Absolutely the best way, in my experience. Everyone is there because they actually really want to hook up. You don't get guys who're just after a quick wank over the idea of meeting before they fall asleep and the like.  

    • Upvote 1
  6. I've always liked and used "Your attitude is more important than your age, abs or inches"

    On the negative side when people are off their heads and write complete nonsense - probably sometimes with the aid of Apple Autocorrect or a dictation function - it can be funny... Spotted last night on NKP: " I lay in the slang Ma the rim CB high so I take fluid out of the baseballs I checked your turds and fish from above and the grunting and snorting bee bread beautiful evil black leather Cox Steven Cox the show" (Apologies in advance if this is some sort of code that I don't understand) 


    • Upvote 1
    • Haha 3
  7. Usually keep an empty beer glass to hand and when my mark heads toward the bathroom, I simply approach and ask if he wouldn't mind refilling my glass while he's in there.  Sometimes it works - sometimes you get told to fuck off. Much better chance of success in a sleazy/fetish environment.  Saunas and fluffy gay bars not so much!

    These days I'm a little more careful... if the guy's been taking any medication or drugs then it might well be present in his piss. I'd rather avoid that, so for drinking I tend to stick to guys I know. 

    I am spoiled having SOP in London every Sunday. If you're into piss, it's just awesome.  

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  8. On 8/23/2021 at 4:44 PM, skinbastard said:

    I think it's more a problem during big event like Folsom or Easter where 'berliner' are avoiding parties and where twinks are doing 'show me'. Seems many of them are just going to a club in small group and play together only or use the space for doing photo/video.

    Oh yes - Instagram Queens - interested in posing for a photo op with guys in fetish gear or in fetish venues - but never in engaging in any actual play. 

    • Upvote 2
  9. Saw this in my Apple News feed today: 

    [think before following links] https://apple.news/At8YHLhVURriaHfWQk6tO4w

    tl;dr - people putting pineapple stickers on their cruise ship cabin doors to signify they are swingers. 

    it mentions pineapple and upside down pineapple stickers although it didn’t explain the significance of the upside down one. 

    wondered if there was an equivalent for gay men and if it’s something we might encourage in hotels as well as cruise ships… 



  10. Visiting Antwerp with a friend and we've done the usual trips to The Boots on Friday and Saturday nights. Great to see the place is still going well and there were some interesting fetish guys there to play with. I was stoked that the cute Bolivian barman, Daniel remembered my name after two and a half years. 

    The real surprise however was today. My friend is really into saunas, so we walked the 4km over to T'herrenhuis. What a gem of a place! It's an 1800's built house with playrooms upstairs, a decent sized jacuzzi (10-12man) and a nice pool, showers, sauna and steam in the basement. Ground floor there is a bar that serves alcohol and food, and a ball room which was quite dark with various beds and platforms.  There's a couple of 'cinemas' and a TV lounge as well as the ubiquitous sling room. If you've ever been to Greenhouse Darlaston its a similar thing but manages to be even nicer. 

    We got there when it opened at 12pm on a Sunday and the clientele was more skewed toward 'dads' and 'bears' and their admirers - I really enjoyed myself with a wide range of guys. What was great was everyone was just so nice - absolutely no attitudes - and it seemed everyone was really horny and up for it. There was none of the constant pacing and wandering around in a loop you get at British saunas and cruise venues. It was really good, and almost exclusively bareback. 

    My friend booked a hour long massage and enjoyed it immensely.

    As the afternoon wore on to about 5pm, the crowd was getting younger and younger. We were getting quite exhausted and met up in the bar to regroup over a lovely cold draught Maes.  We were about to head home when we spotted the food coming out from the bar - really nice stuff you'd be happy to have in a Restaurant - so we ordered a couple of meals before heading back out.

    I'd really recommend going there if you're in Antwerp. It's a beautiful place and some wonderfully sexy horny men. You can easily spend a whole day there. 

    My friend beat me on the load count, but he did get three from the same guy. So, if you count that as one, then I won! 

    My favourite fuck of the day was a Mexican guy who had the hardest dick I have ever encountered. It was like a piece of steel. And wow he knew how to use it.  

    I am glad I wore black trackkies - hopefully they hid any leakage as we trekked the 4km back swapping notes on the various guys.  


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  11. 19 hours ago, RawUK said:

    If a guy has just removed his underwear and is fucking me I'll happily grab them and sniff on those whilst he's plowing my ass.

    If its been a hot day or even better a hot day and his cock has leaked a few drops of piss and precum then I'll inhale deeply - smells better than poppers too!

    Pretty much anything that contains masculine pheromones works for me - pits, socks, sneakers/boots, worn gym gear. 

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  12. Just bumping this topic - I've heard from a couple of guys but when it comes to arranging something it's been the usual "I'd love to meet but my Nan's cat has anxiety and I can't leaver her alone, so I can't meet up after all" or similar excuses... So looking for others who are interested in meeting - it doesn't have to be a full-on session worthy of The Backroom on here - even a Coffee or Beer can be good.  

    Again, DM me on here, Recon or Romeo (same user name) and mention you're from BZ. 

  13. Out today at SOP and someone spilled a   Entire bottle of poppers over me - fairly sure it was an accident but it burned my neck and chest and now I absolutely stink of poppers despite washing and a change of clothes. Not happy. 

    gonna be an interesting journey home! 

  14. Like anything - Monkeypox, C19, HIV, Riding a motorcycle in t-shirt and shorts... It's all about how you perceive risk and how you mange it, to keep your anxieties low enough to still have fun. I find that if I have figured that out in advance, then I am able to make sensible decisions in the moment without overthinking or procrastinating.  I think that then when guys haven't reached this point it leads to the worst sin in hookup world: leading someone on then changing your mind. 

    Everyone's perceptions of risk and their situation and anxieties are different. What's good for one person may not suit another. The best answer for you is one of your own devising, based on facts you trust. We live in an age of influencers and pundits trying to foist their own agendas on us. Even if you think your agendas are aligned, you can never be sure the facts and thinking behind them are sound. Asking this question here is going to get an answer biased toward the lifestyle this site promotes. Only you can figure out the best answer for yourself but if it helps you figure it out, I think understanding other people decisions and most importantly, the reasoning behind them is helplful.     

    For example, during C19 lockdown I was really exceptionally risk averse: my mother was having treatment for cancer. Although we were vaccinated, catching C19 - however mild after the vaccine - would likely have been fatal. Some guys I spoke to thought I was being overcautious, but I didn't want that on my conscience, so despite having opportunities and getting invites - I had to decline. 

    Last year the situation inevitably changed and once the dust settled,  I was able to adjust my attitude to risk.  What I've found is that the landscape had changed somewhat - and the online/app scene is now very hard to get guys to switch from fantasy to reality. When the clubs, bars and saunas reopened, this was my playtime, although many were slow to return. Even before monkeypox, numbers were 50-70% of where they were. 

    As far a Monkeypox goes, knowing my body and how it reacts, I figured that I'd likely be OK in the long term if I had it, and the worst thing was that it might be embarrassing to explain at work. My partner is quite scared of it, so I had to take his feelings into account. After talking to a couple of guys I knew who caught it at Darklands, I felt a bit more informed about what to expect.  Based on this, I figured I was happy reducing down to a few 1-2-1 meets, but not comfortable in darkrooms and saunas.  

    We were lucky enough to get the monkeypox vaccine about three weeks ago, and I've re-adjusted again. They tell me it's not 100% effective so there is still residual risk... But it's low enough that I've really enjoyed SOP and done a couple of sessions in the saunas. It's been fun, but it has been really quiet out as a lot of guys are still staying away...

    TL;DR: Everyone should inform themselves to make their own balance of risk/anxiety vs reward.

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  15. 3 hours ago, RawPlug said:

    There seems to be mixed messages about this. When I went for my regular 6 month check up and bloods last week, I asked my consultant about monkeypox. She asked if I’d had the smallpox jab as a kid. I said I had and even showed her the scar. “Oh, you should be okay, then,” she said. “You should have some good immunity.” And that was it. Not terribly convincing if I’m honest. But I’m guessing that means over 50s (the vaccination programme in the UK ended in 1971) won’t be prioritised in any new vaccination programme for monkeypox.


    Indeed, it seems variable. My friend had smallpox vaccine in the 1960's rang our local clinic for a checkup appointment this week and asked if he needed the shot. They asked him about his habits and he mentioned saunas, darkrooms and cruising... that seemed to fit the criteria and they booked him in for the jab on Monday. 

    • Like 1
  16. Cockoos: (intentional spelling)

    Luton Greenhouse Sauna has cabins off of a narrow corridor. The corridor is wide enough to pass closely.

    Some guys don't like having the ones they're not into pass so close and want to keep some space between them. These guys tend to stand in the doorways of the cabins - even if there is someone in there trying to attract guys passing by, thus blocking. 

    Also when it gets busy and all the cabins are occupied I've seen guys use a similar technique to block someone in a cabin, and then when they engage with someone in the corridor they physically block the passage - someone will inevitably ask them to move and that when they will move into the occupied cabin and force the occupant out. 

    Bio-warfare guy:

    There was a guy who used go to Central Station who had really bad flatulence. Bad in a nasty smelling way. He was in his early 60s at the time and got more than fun you'd think, but if he was having an off day (on reflection - perhaps because of his condition), he'd get off by ruining everyone else's fun. His favourite if someone was on their knees giving a BJ was to sneak up close by and let one rip as close as he could and try and make it look like it wasn't him or he was innocent. If confronted he'd either deny it or say he can't control it. Haven't seen him around since before C19 lockdowns.      

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  17. Whoa. When I asked the question it was meant kinda lightheartedly - I hadn't expected it be to taken so seriously and for it to blow up in quite the way it has.  

    I do wonder if, when guys read this kind of discourse, it discourages them from participating here: Even as seasoned user of this site,  I know that I haven't replied or commented until now because I don't want to get dragged into the flames. Is that healthy? I don't think so.   

    So, thank you everyone for your input - I consider my question answered. 

    Let's leave it to rest.

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  18. Out of the blue, you get an Oink (or whatever) from a stranger on a hook up site or app. How do you react? 

    Some guys block oinks altogether- does that work? Do you get more real messages? 

    Do you deal with oinks differently if the person is 100s of miles away? Or if you like /don’t like them? 

    I found that replying to an oink with a real message saying thanks for the oink works better than just oinking back. 

    how about you?

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