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Dirtyfuckboy last won the day on May 20

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About Dirtyfuckboy

  • Birthday 12/24/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sauna or at your boyfriend's giving him what he needs
  • Interests
    Finding out how fucking depraved I can really get and savoring every second
    Update. Destruction is liberation. Corrupt. Infect. Destroy. Repeat.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Former good boy now becoming sicker and corrupted with every fuck. Going through a new phase in my life. My new self is invading every part of my life. Fuck work and respectability.
  • Porn Experience
    Got a few hot things my pigs leaked online
  • Looking For
    Does anyone actually fucking read this shit? We are all looking for the same thing here

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  1. Scorpion or Treasure Island media tattoo? Have been going through a wild phase both mentally and physically and now quit my job. Can finally begin to be the dirty fucker I truly am!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AznslutSF


      Mmmmmm well the right placement can work to make it look sleazy.  The scorpion definitely gives off that powerful vibe.  Maybe have the stinger drip poison ☠️ 


      Also you can add on to the tat as well to make it look sleazier.


      hows the nip healing?

    3. alwaysready


      I like the idea of a biohazard tatoo, maybe with a skull, centered around one tit. on the other, a scorpion, with a claw on your nip.

    4. Sarif98


      can't wait to earn my own biohazard ink

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