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Dirtyfuckboy last won the day on May 20 2024

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About Dirtyfuckboy

  • Birthday 12/24/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sauna or at your boyfriend's giving him what he needs
  • Interests
    Finding out how fucking depraved I can really get and savoring every second
    Update. Destruction is liberation. Corrupt. Infect. Destroy. Repeat.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Former good boy now becoming sicker and corrupted with every fuck. Going through a new phase in my life. My new self is invading every part of my life. Fuck work and respectability.
  • Porn Experience
    Got a few hot things my pigs leaked online
  • Looking For
    Does anyone actually fucking read this shit? We are all looking for the same thing here

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  1. After I became a bareback poz chem pig I remember I needed to do something really evil and twisted to celebrate my conversion. Being raised a good old Christian boy I used to go to church and I remember one of the choir boys was particularly beautiful, almost like an angel. I knew I had to have him and ruin something so pure and perfect. I remember going back to church just to see him sing and could tell he was at least bi most likely closeted gay. I made sure to 'accidentally' bump into him after and put on the mask of being a good 'big brother' looking for mates to hang out with. 

    Worked as planned and after inviting him back to mine to play on my PlayStation I soon had him drinking his first alcoholic drink (heavily laced with G but I told him all alcohol tastes like that) things were moving kinda slowly for my liking so I went in for the kill and showed him a good time. The g was kicking in a bit but the frigid virgin was tensing up and asking me to slow down as it was his first time. He was too sweet to not fuck and I needed to feel my toxic cum in him and so started to show him how real men fuck. 

    I can still remember him half high and horny and as I was ripping our clothes off he saw my cock and his eyes almost bulged out of his head in fear. I remember entering his tight hole as he tried to tell me I was too big. He knew I wasn't going to stop until I shot and then the fag started to pray, actually closed his eyes and pray as I took his cherry. I would have laughed if I wasn't so eager to cum and lucky for him I quickly found his prostate and the prayers turned to piggy squeals and I knew he was mine. 

    I dumped probably 4 loads in him that afternoon and we met up whenever I was back in town. Good kid lol.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. orange8


      probably he needs a recharge from you :)

    3. Guest


      Hm... Sounds pretty fictional to me.

    4. gabz2000



      Need to make sure you poz him up!

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