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Status Updates posted by Dirtyfuckboy

  1. Been away for far too long.  I think lockdown really fucked me up big time.  I met a guy and he convinced me to settle down,  tbh it was really hard to fuck around in London so i decided to settle.  One thing led to another and before i knew it we were in a relationship and i was back in intense therapy and rehab and back on meds.  I was back to being a model citizen and completely clean and was trying to convince myself this was it.  This was who i should be and it's  fucking sustainable and right.  

    But nothing lasts forever and finally came back to my senses over a week ago.  Got a dealer coming over with t and am eager to become a God again. 

    1. ScaredCumdump


      There will be times when you'll need to ensure your long healthy life by being on meds and not over indulging in drugs until they fuck your life up. I don't recommend people like us settle down with someone who doesn't understand and occasionally enjoys gift giving and pnp because we'll always have a part of us that if we do not provide occasional outlets as well as therapy (metaphysical options able to engage with your consciousness and energy and have guides working on your soul pieces for transformation and restructuring are better for this kind of lifestyle issue requiring the ability to help without whole sale repression or social stigma, message me for suggestions and because I admire you free healing sessions and hypnotherapy and other things not just for this but anything anytime for life just because you're a God incarnate needing the aid of a shamanic servant while in your mortal form) we will eventually crash and burn and often worse than before and hurt ourselves over it without meaning to. The only problem in this new life was there was no space to acknowledge this side of you is part of you and welcome but requires a stage where your venom isn't lethal but that doesn't mean you can't train a pet fwb to be the viral giver while you participate and encourage but for your healths sake you're taking something to prevent turning to aids too soon and returning to Olympus with the other gods before more of us can have the chance to worship you and bask in the glory and the deadly blessings you breed into us. It's frustrating but next time you're ready to try please think of me and reach out. It's my honor and privilege to serve you, Unholy One. received_10153010271682004.jpeg.94b449419307aa44005c20b58e7955fa.jpeg

  2. Forcing a fag to accept his fate was a cum hungry pig


    1. bttm4all


      I’m very thirsty just now! Can I get some?


    1. methslamjunkie


      Hot as fuck. 💉☣️

  4. What's your go-to gym set list of songs?

    1. AznslutSF


      I have a playlist I create for the gym.  It’s a mix of amalee (j-pop), ceui (j-pop), Aimee (j-pop), Katy perry and Shawn mendes.  Looking now a lot are j-pop lol yours?

  5. I love myself some corn fed country boy. Face of an angel and body of a man. All that's left to do is infect, corrupt and transform


    1. dickluva


      ☣ Fuckin' Oink~! Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun. Please keep sharing your pix & adventures. Wood love to swap ? Cumholez too. Lone, I read your profile. Wood be hot to know where you are too. X☣️X

  6. Just fucked an old mate who knew me when I was still a good boy. Shame the condom broke and everything ?☣️?

  7. In one of those moods where I am craving a twisted long breeding with a guy like this


  8. My god this man would make an excellent addition to the club. Would love to transform him into a fellow Dom POZ fucker


  9. Just curious would any fags donate cash etc so I can buy more leather gear?

  10. All it takes is some t and every god boy turns into a slutty pig

  11. In the middle of creating a beautiful fucking bull. One of the few men who take my cum and directions fully in

  12. Made that fucker bleed then cry but moaning like the fag he was.  First fuck in forever and IT FEELS FUCKING AMAZING! DADDY IS BACK PIGS!

  13. Born to be an evil God

  14. Seriously need more protein and sexy work out gear to snare the gym guy

  15. Saving up for my first tattoo. Fuck pigs am going to commit to being a real dirty fucker now

  16. Ideally wanted to find out the potential good news on my birthday but due to lockdown aka tier 4 has and the unbearable itchy discharge I had to get treatment and find out if the last few weeks of fun have been successful. 

  17. Sorry for the radio silence pigs. Been a crazy few weeks where I been on the  wagon both for chems and sex. Longest I have be clean for and fucking loathed every second, hence the last post. I am now back though. One of my dealers turned up unannounced at my door at 2 am and we parTyed all night. Man I feel alive now!

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