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Everything posted by iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hey like-minded, fucking respect to you being a Proud, Poz, Not On Meds! Same here.
Proud, toxic Sleazy dirty pozpig here. infectionsex a major turn on. Love to exchange it all and taking new strains and STIs. ts meet and share bugs!
https://www.facebook.com/ryan.bernier.54 this std dump LOVES all stds
pervy lad here, extremely proud of each and every strain of hiv and stds, looking for genuine sick twisted taboo breaking, filthy top bro like you!. Toxic blood sharing poz and HEP C pig here. Chasing full blown Aids. Any and all bugs welcome...no disease refused. Full-blown AIDS fuckers get me rock hard.
hey like-minded proud poz perv! Greetz from your AIDS wasted sunked cheeks with a bloated crix AIDS gut, sick-minded perv pig friend whose deathseed is drippin here now ... looking to bond with you!
kannst du deutsch schreiben?
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proud toxic perv pig bruder here into getting lots of loads - highly toxic and resistant!
scheinst nen guten geschmack zu haben - viele geile vorlieben! hier eine virengeile süksau
danke, brauche mehr und mehr
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du bist genau mein kaliber! Wenn, dann abartig, krank, dreckig, hochverseucht, medifrei für schweinisch tabulosen Sex, medifrei. Tabus brechen. geil gegenseitig einen blasen und in das maul rotzen, alles wird geschluckt und dann wird sich geil gegenseitig abgefickt und besamt ...... bis einer nicht mehr kann .... immer im wechsel! grenzen sprengen und abssaufaktor stetig erhöhen. den verstand wegballern - verpeilt zusammen abheben - sich gegenseitig hochviren, goilst Arsch leerfresse...
Hail my like-minded PROUD SICK PERVBRUDER. Would be my honour you flood me with all your manly perversion and filth.
thinking about your dripping, infected cock makes me hard! want to mix with you.
proud farm-grown brother of the soil and Hardcore aids proud perv here — poz no-meds since january 2013. I want your AIDS coursing through my infected body!
Poz, not on meds since january 2013 and damn proud of. Thinking about your dripping, infected cock makes me hard!
voller respekt für dich: poz, proud, no meds! GOILER VERSOICHTER SüK- und DRECK-KAMERADENGRUSS ... wenn schon, dann richtig und abartig. Derb und dreckig ist angesagt, Schweiß, Pisse, Sperma, Scheiße, Rotze, alles was aus nem Kerl rauskommen kann gehört dazu.
Hail WHITE MALE SUPREMACY always and forever - I feel like sharing it all with you. Total immoral sickness and perversion. Horned for you PROUD White Dirty Junking HELL RAISING, NAZI!!
Proud POZ pig pervert top you are! excellent! thinking about your dripping, infected cock makes me hard! . only into catching the most deadly strain of AIDS I can find.
important it is that you are highly infected
no meds AIDS / STD craving pig starting down the path. Anyone want to cum journey down that Dark path together
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Hell yeah...I'll join you
I want to join in this journey!
looking to catching the most deadly strain of AIDS I can find
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Unmedicated aids here and proud of it
you're looking hiv2 & NOT 1 - 2 is much more toxic
I would love to join your quest to AIDS.
Looking forward the hours to breed with you in unholy incest sex, using you and being used by you. totally toxic full blown unmedicated breeding juice... a week of daily loads and a harsh cleaning in between to make your breeding hole fertile... you'd be fevered by the time your cunt is knocked up