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Everything posted by PrEPpedForCum

  1. Went to my internal medicine PCP in Tampa and told him I was dating again for the first time in years, and that I'm HIV negative and my boyfriend is POZ but undetectable. Without missing a beat, he said "Then you need to be on something called PrEP. You still need to practice safe sex, but it'll protect you if a condom breaks." I also endorse the Hep A & B vaccine regimen.
  2. Just got mine and the co-pay was $5 with Florida Blue Select.
  3. It is not my intention to hijack this thread, so I have started a new one here https://breeding.zone/topic/35197-castrationeunuch-realityfantasy/#entry389897 Just wanted user SnakeTat to be aware that I've started a new thread with questions for hi.
  4. snaketat, on 29 Dec 2015 - 6:09 PM, said: Dude, like you I grew up just before the Internet, so in the early '90s, I subscribed to 2 gay mags called Friction and First Hand that published a lot of short stories and fiction. One of them I will never forget. It dealt with a young guy growing up on a ranch with several older brothers. They all fucked him and one of them learned of his fantasy of being castrated just like the animals on their ranch. That one told the others and they decided to set up a special treat for their youngest brother on his 18th birthday. They strung him up in the doorway to the barn, sliced open his scrotum, cut out his testicles, replaced them with something like egg-size marbles and sewed him back up. He ended up with an enormous set of balls that made a very attractive bulge in his jeans, but he was unable to get a hard-on naturally due to his lack of testosterone. (His brothers lovingly gave him a memorable fuck session and tremendous orgasm before removing his nads.) That story turned me on so much that it's the single one from all those mags I remember. Could you please share with us more details of how you became a eunuch; when it happened; how you decided to get castrated; the specifics of the physical procedures you went through; whether you had trouble find a physician willing to do the surgery; the process, length and details of your recovery and post-operative medications such as testosterone or estrogen supplements; how soon after you had the procedure before you were able to resume having sex; what sensations and feelings of sex have you permanently lost; and what sensations and feeling of sex have you acquired as a result of being castrated? Any pix or video you could upload of your castration would be greatly appreciated! (The OP I am responding to was replying to a thread unrelated to my query here, and I was unable edit this query after posting to that thread. Not wanting to hijack the original thread, I have started a new thread here.)
  5. Dude, like you I grew up just before the Internet, so in the early '90s, I subscribed to 2 gay mags called Friction and First Hand that published a lot of short stories and fiction. One of them I will never forget. It dealt with a young guy growing up on a ranch with several older brothers. They all fucked him and one of them learned of his fantasy of being castrated just like the animals on their ranch. That one told the others and they decided to set up a special treat for their youngest brother on his 18th birthday. They strung him up in the doorway to the barn, sliced open his scrotum, cut out his testicles, replaced them with something like egg-size marbles and sewed him back up. He ended up with an enormous set of balls that made a very attractive bulge in his jeans, but he was unable to get a hard-on naturally due to his lack of testosterone. (His brothers lovingly gave him a memorable fuck session and tremendous orgasm before removing his nads.) That story turned me on so much that it's the single one from all those mags I remember. Could you please share with us more details of how you became a eunuch; when it happened; how you decided to get castrated; the specifics of the physical procedures you went through; whether you had trouble find a physician willing to do the surgery; the process, length and details of your recovery and post-operative medications such as testosterone or estrogen supplements; how soon after you had the procedure before you were able to resume having sex; what sensations and feelings of sex have you permanently lost; and what sensations and feeling of sex have you acquired as a result of being castrated? Any pix or video you could upload of your castration would be greatly appreciated!
  6. You could do it with a $109 Ion Air Pro camera like this and a $14 LED penlight like this both taped together, turned on and inserted in the rectum facing the anus.
  7. This is an amazing vid that shows what a breeding looks like from inside the bottom's rectum. In my experience, it is unique! http://kinkogay.tumblr.com/post/134821025728/would-love-to-this-perspective-while-he-was
  8. Seems to me you should draw a distinction between (1) two Poz guys knowingly playing together in which neither one can be newly infected and in which no scientific study has shown that a "recharge" is possible and (2) a Neg guy who knowingly seeks to seroconvert with a Poz top who knowingly seeks to fulfill the Neg bottom's desire.
  9. You're much better protected if you take it daily. If you can tolerate the side effects, if any, and can afford it with insurance, that's much preferable to taking it just after you took a load.
  10. BY MARILYNN MARCHIONE AP CHIEF MEDICAL WRITER SEATTLE (AP) -- For the first time, a study shows that a drug used to treat HIV infection also can help prevent it when taken before and after risky sex by gay men. The results offer hope of a more appealing way to help prevent the disease beyond taking daily pills and using condoms, although those methods are still considered best. The study, done in France and Canada, is the first to test "on demand" use of Truvada, a pill combining two AIDS drugs, by people planning to have risky sex. The uninfected men who took it were 86 percent less likely to get HIV compared to men given dummy pills. Read more here: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_MED_HIV_PREVENTION_PILLS?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  11. Well, I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience and had to go through so much shit to take care of the damage and fallout. I was worried that Tumblr was forcing the issue as Google's Blogger and Reddit have done with sexually explicit images this past week.
  12. Consider it done. Sinful was full of beautiful men and hot sex. What happened to Sinful?
  13. Didn't even know Tampa Men's Club existed until I saw this thread and looked it up. I drove by it on the way home from work tonight. I counted 24 cars in the parking lot at 1 AM on a Tuesday night.
  14. Anyone else have this medical + pharmacy insurance combination? Especially if you are on PrEP or taking any HIV meds. Company I work for switched everyone's health insurance carrier from Humana to UnitedHealthcare as of Jan. 1. Our prescription drugs are administered by OptumRx, which is a subsidiary. OptumRx has refused to cover refills for 3 prescription medications (all generics) I was on. Two of them I have been on for more than a year, and they want me to take something else. Both were covered when I was put on them without question by Cigna, which was our health insurer until Dec. 31, 2013. When we switched to Humana a year ago, a "prior authorization" paperwork from the doctor was required, then Humana covered them. Third one I've been on for several months, and OptumRx wants prior authorization because the off-label dosage was high, which Humana hadn't questioned. The worker at the doctor's office who handles prescription refills tells me the doctor signing off on the medications I've been on won't be enough this time, that I will need to try the medications the insurer approves first. So I want to get on Truvada soon, and now I'm worried that this insurer will not cover it because condoms are available. Anyone else run into this problem?
  15. It does seem to me that if the bottom has cleaned the top's cummy cock off after a previous breeding that the next time and thereafter the top should be expected after more ATM to clean his seed off the bottom's ass so they can both taste that sweet nectar and none of his seed should go to waste unconsumed. If a top isn't committed to making sure every bit of his seed is planted properly in the bottom, that he's not worthy of being a breeder.
  16. Thanks for the FFriend!

  17. Thanks. Damn, I need to drop a couple of pounds and hire him to teach me to be a fisting top.
  18. Given your age, relationship and fatigue, the first thought that comes to mind is mononucleosis. In 90% of the cases, it's caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, a variation of the herpes virus and is transmitted by saliva. I came down with it when I was 25, and woke up on a Saturday in a new city after my first night in an apartment all by myself. I felt like crap and had a persistent ringing in my ears. After about 8 hours and the symptoms didn't improve and I was scared of losing my hearing, I went to the emergency room at the highly regarded University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical Center. I presented with every single one of the classic symptoms of mono, but my chief complaint was the ringing in my ears. The UAB doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, so they referred me to an ENT practice the next week. I was on my third visit to the ENT 3 weeks later before the ringing in my ears quit, but I still had all the other symptoms. Finally a doctor asked me if I'd ever had mono. I said what's that? So he did a blood test and it was positive. It took several months to get back close to normal as far as fatigue and energy go. And I never felt like I completely recovered to the level of energy I had before. From what I've read, a number of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome had mono or another viral infection at the onset of their condition.
  19. 1, how do you evaluate and quantify the "risk" data you enter and 2, what does "repeats" signify? Is that like the loads you took from him? The total loads you gave and took?
  20. Damn horny blog you got there. Hundreds of great pix and vids.
  21. What is his screen name on BBRT? Can't find him under Raz. He tweeted a link Friday to his first bareback porn vid for Dudes Raw. If you follow the link in his tweet, click on his vid, then you can watch a trailer for it that clearly ends with Raz getting a breeding. http://t.co/dH4mEhLSrn
  22. What is his screen name on BBRT? Can't find him under Raz. He tweeted a link Friday to his first bareback porn vid for Dudes Raw. If you follow the link in his tweet, click on his vid, then you can watch a trailer for it that clearly ends with Raz getting a breeding. http://t.co/dH4mEhLSrn
  23. Tim Lowe had a tortured life afterward, including serving 3 years in prison on a homicide, supporting a wife and child by hustling on the streets of San Francisco, drug addiction and sugar daddies. Be glad you weren't involved with him then. http://www.nightcharm.com/2007/08/04/jailhouse-cock-gay-porn-stars-doing-hard-time/
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