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Everything posted by sluttony

  1. Yeah I don't care. I am always clear what I am after. And if it helps the guy get in the mood to fuck me, then... yeah, whatever.
  2. North Notts. Interested too.
  3. Unfortunately many sauna's don't seem to be anything like as close to as popular as pre-COVID and the ones that are there seem to be so much more choosy.
  4. Good story, but... come on... no one (especially women) talk like that.
  5. I frequently do this. I have a hood which has an integrated blindfold and it's complete - no peaking around. It has a mouth hole so my mouth is free for use as well. I love dark rooms but none of them seem to be pitch black anymore. My other favourite is night time cruising in the woods. Yeah I LOVE anonymous sex.
  6. Yeah I spoke with a top guy years ago who wanted to live a kidnap scenario whereby I'd be tied, blindfolded and put naked into the boot (trunk) of his car and driven to a cruise. At the cruise he intended to offer me out. We discussed limits and safe words for stopping. So far, so good. Then he started to send photos he'd either taken or got hold of from cruising sites of used condoms. Some had clearly been there months if not years. He was proposing to cut the ends off and force me to drink them. When I said it was unsafe to the point of causing food poisoning types of illness - or worse - he got very angry, suggesting that as a slut, it wasn't my place to want to look after my own wellbeing, but to do whatever he, as a top, wanted without question and regardless of any negative outcome no matter how serious. Oh and he even said "and don't think you're getting back in my car if you're puking"...erm...naked, in a cruise in the relative middle of nowhere at night and possibly still bound. Not a fucking chance. Glad it happened that way as he clearly wouldn't have actually respected any safe word. It made me much more careful about putting myself into potentially harmful scenarios. I suggest you do the same and pass on this one and be a bit more circumspect in future meets.
  7. I don't believe physical location has any bearing on needing to be GDPR compliant. [think before following links] https://gdpr.eu/checklist/
  8. We really need to start supporting these places again. The handful of times I've been to the Luton Greenhouse since lockdown, there were literally more staff than members and nothing was happening. And this was on naked night. Darlaston was busier but again there seemed to be a distinct lack of action and what was there was behind closed doors. I don't know but the whole sleazy vibe of places seems to have diminished and/or there's lots of overly choosy guys. Though I do accept that I probably just got unlucky on the visits. That is the luck of things with saunas and cruises.
  9. I've been a few times to the new place but only in the week. As with a lot of places lately, it's very hit and miss but I don't think (my own opinion) that they've made the best use of the space. The glory holes all seem a bit too high to be comfortable (and I'm 6'1"), the cinema room upstairs is just wasted space. The dark room isn't that dark. I loved the old place about 7/8 years ago - loads of little nooks and crannies to get nailed in.
  10. Honestly, I've never understood the appeal of rimming. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be rimmed, if it turns the guy I am with on, because I won't meet if I haven't done my best to be spotlessly clean - but I won't ever return the favor. It's just a line I am not prepared to cross.
  11. Going to be in London this Weds eve (wasn't planned so kind of last minute). I can be flexible on location - any suggestions for a cum dump? Thanks
  12. I am on there as slut_tony
  13. I am 100% bareback, 100% bottom for meets with guys

    For F/Fully MTF though I love to plant my spunk in you. Crossdressers and non fully transitioned don't do it for though, sorry. We all have our own likes. Nor am I into twinks.

    When I play with couples I can be top or bottom.

  14. I will be in Birmingham on Weds eve - probably pop back to Boltz as had a fab time a few weeks ago. Can anyone recommend any easy access hotels that don't need key cards?
  15. Just to add to this, it's not just there/at cum union. I used to love both Greenhouse Sauna's for their Weds night naked nights. Used to get multiple loads there without even trying. And yet I went to the Luton one a couple of months ago and it was dead - there were more staff than punters and those that were there were just walking around like they were lost. And since then I've been to Darlaston twice and both times it's been busy but hardly anyone fucking. All walking around or stood in little groups chatting (usually bitching about the other clientele). Something (though I admit I have no idea what) needs to change or these places will end up going under.
  16. I have posted here before about the Sheffield one but that was all pre-pandemic. When I first went (way back around 2016/27) it was amazing. I took so much cock I lost count and I was told by 11 different guys they were blowing in me. But then they took some decisions which I feel made it less of an experience - primarily the frequency increased from once a month to once ever two weeks and inevitably you started to see fewer guys. Then they took the doors off the gloryholes. I haven't been back since about 2019, so I don't know what it's like post-pandemic. I do know the two Greenhouse sauna's in Darlaston and Luton are terribly quiet now, though. Or I just go really unlucky. I don't know if I was just unlucky but my gut tells me we are still not seeing close to the numbers we used to.
  17. Who is? Share some details.. it might help it draw people in
  18. That's a shame but it lost it's sleazy vibe for me when they rejigged the layout a few years ago. I took dozens of loads in the one little glory hole room that was there and hardly any int the row of them that they created. Hopefully they will return though as it was always a friendly place to spend spend few hours.
  19. However... the very first topic in tips and tricks discusses it. And there's a search function. So you don't have to be a daily visitor to find the info. I wasn't having a go but come on... some of this is plain lazy.
  20. In fairness though, it has been discussed more than once in great detail.
  21. And feel the need to repeatedly post to say you're not posting here anymore... (Plus a quick scan of their posts shows that the site [probably comes as no shock to anyone] certainly won't be any worse off for them going).
  22. I generally prefer a silicon lube but I've found some can actually lead to pain during sex. My next up would be the anal relaxing (but not numbing) water based ones but they tend to become sticky. Just wondering what bottoms prefer (and please if you're one of those who say "spit", all good luck to you, but back in the real world some of us need proper lube).
  23. Yeah sorry - I meant to add that I can't speak for the US but here in the UK truck stops aren't usually known for their random hookups like that. Laybyes though - basically places where cars and trucks can pull it for rest, that are beside wooded areas, are where you can find this kind of action (though not at all of them) as well as car parks in wooded areas (ditto - far from all and some are more for the straight doggers). One of the biggest complaints you see about such places is too many guys just sitting in their cars. Maybe driving around a bit, but on the whole giving no clue they're there to actually score. For that, you have to get out and walk into the wooded areas. It is usually fairly obvious who is looking for fun.
  24. @barebackme2 Live just north of Nottingham but outside of lockdown I travel all over for work.
  25. I genuinely don't get this "mostly straight" type moniker. Surely if you have any kind of sex with men, you're bisexual. If you have a cum fetish...ditto. Not picking fights I am genuinely curious why some guys identify like this, as it seem fairly common.
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