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RandyCubby last won the day on November 8 2015

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About RandyCubby

  • Birthday 12/18/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    "A life filled, engulfed, consumed -- yes, consumed -- by LUST." The Devil in Miss Jones, 1973
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    One Labor Day weekend in New Orleans, I was giving BJs in Rawhide wearing nothing but jeans & boots. "Cum on my face," I begged. "Cum on my tits!"
    "She wants a pearl necklace," men sneered. SHE. "Give it to her." HER.
    I lost count @ 25. Kept going. [EG] Undid my jeans to play w/myself. Cocksnot saturated my beard, slimed my neck, oozed down my happy trail, puddled in my bellybutton & gummied up my pubes.
    I took breaks. Stood up, zipped up & elbowed my way thru shirtless sweaty horny drunk men to stand in line for a beer. BUKKAKED. Blackened knees.
    Crowd changed from GWMs on vacay to local blacks. [EG] I didn't stop. I was so gooned out, I got fucked w/out turning around to see who was fucking me. Just guided big black hands to my tits.
    Imagined my Mom, my Dad, my boss & my secretary watching me.
    Made Walk of Shame at 6 AM to Holiday Inn & thru the lobby looking like a 5'6" used Trojan. A shower reconstituted all that crusty cocksnot into slime for a masturbation marathon.
    I went back the next afternoon. [EG] AND the next night. And the next afternoon, and the next night...
  • Porn Experience
    Met 3 guys in bar. They "made" me suck off 8 trolls in ABS as "audition." Used me ATM on camera in motel room. Said I was THE biggest slut they'd ever picked up. I didn't get their names OR the video.
  • Looking For
    "Just looking at you, I'm guessing you're usually on the business end of a dick," an ex-con said.

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  1. Even at $20 a pop, I'm pissin away my paycheck to get fucked by grinnin, toothless retards my dealer sets me up with. I've taken 2 crackheads already; I've got 2 more lined up for later! That's $80 just for Sat! No rubbers, of course. (Plus, my dealer told em to feel free to smack me around. Show me who's boss. "Leave marks." One of em REALLY got off on it. Scared me. But I've already texted him, asking him back tomorrow. Hey, he's got a big dick!) I'm wondering... who's the real retard here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigbear4loads


      LOL  You are my kind of pig!

    3. RandyCubby


      Today, I'm everybody's kind of pig! I am fuckin my brains out, and I am not done yet. No. 4 just left, and I'm headed to a craigslist hook-up! Some black guy says he wants to fuck a fat white boy. That will be my 5th unsafe fuck in 24 hrs.

    4. Niagarapig


      I would love to get my tongue up that used hole to suck out the poz loads & feed them back to you...then leave my own in your pig hole, of course!

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