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Everything posted by pigwest

  1. Yep. More please!
  2. Oh for fucks sake! Did you die mid word!?
  3. It takes great skill to write about such a deliciously vulgar thing with erudite eloquence. MORE PLEASE, straining in my cage.
  4. Really nice writing, refreshing. But, this being a raunchy chemsex forum, I hope there is a continuation where things get nasty..thanks for sharing!
  5. So this is just the foreplay. Would love some feedback as there are so many directions to go after this. Thanks for reading. -sewerffag@gmail.com I’ll just get right down to it, cuz that’s what we’re here for right? So my meth dealer is fucking sexy/sleazy/I’d fuck him when I’m sober/I drool over him when high and is the kinda confident macho bro that knows it. I’d guess he’s right around 40 but his demeanor and look is younger, as if he’s not maturing past his early 30s. He works out plenty, and while he's definitely always high, he handles his drug well, so well that he’s made it apart if his swagger, upping his sex appeal (course this aspect probably only appeals to meth users). Now, he’'s definitely straight because he always has hungry, territorial bitches hangin on him when I come to pick up, but like most straight guys who know they're hot, hung, and have an inflated ego (false or otherwise) he teases the fags shamelessly. Whores for attention, and I’m a sucker for an attention whore. One Friday afternoon when I am over to pick up, I know he’s horny and in a mood because he is shirtless and wearing these navy blue Gym shorts (why is it always gym shorts?) that he sags, showing off some nice furry crack and about an inch of what looks like dingy CK boxer briefs. I’ve seen these shorts numerous times but it dawns on me just now that if he didn’t sag them so much they’d only fall to about mid thigh, peculiarly short for such a bro. In any case his huge cock flops visibly around in them when he saunters towards me, his muscled ass stretching the worn navy nylon in the back, and a few holes show flesh or underwear beneath. Without fail he always manages to bend over or squat at least once each visit in locations that are blatant appeals to my obvious faggot desires. Sure, he knows that I know that he knows I’d get on my knees and beg for it if he allowed me the opportunity, but what he doesn’t know are the all the diverse and extreme ways I would beg to service him. It is this knowledge, this indecorous depravity, that allows me to barely maintain my confidence around him. I was sure that if given the chance and motivation I could blow his mind by getting him to blow his load in 3 minutes or less, and change his life forever. The fucker sure gives me a run for my money though...those first few clouds he offers me, knowing I haven't smoked in a while so he can watch me go from composed business-casual gay to sweaty, needy, chemwhore in 60 seconds flat. I just can't help it. That bitch Tina immediately hijacks my brain, silencing any self control, dignity or hesitations and ignites a pathetic hunger, an inexhaustible need… My eyes (and my kunt) dilate, my cock twitches, and I salivate from both holes and my cock all at once. Unconsciously I rub my inner thigh and readjust my cum swollen balls and swelling cock. I know that I'm staring at him, at his muscles as he flexes his arms ripping the bong, the size of his hands, and then my eyes following the massive cloud he blows purposely down onto his crotch. The perfectly timed twitch of his cock through the swirling smoke, a trap I realize immediately when he snickers and my eyes snap to his leering back at me. Without breaking eye contact he leans forward, let’s spreading wider (those fucking gym shorts!) and passes me the bong. “Here ya go man, best shit I’ve had in a while. Been making me wicked horny all day. Take a couple good rips off that while I weigh you out.” I don’t even hesitate or don’t break eye contact till he smiles and looks away to go about our transaction. Torch clicks, crystal melts, chamber fills and I suck that bong like the glass cock it is. He watches me exhale a thick cloud even bigger than his and whistles. I’m already power lunging my 3rd rip when he leans back into his chair, folding his beefy arms behind his buzzed sandy blonde head and exposing those ripe pits. He slouches more, legs spreading further and crotch pushing forward even more and resumes his leering as I exhale... even more slowly this time, letting the smoke ooze from my mouth while meeting his domineering gaze. At this point I don't really care that he's smirking down at me, in fact it does exactly what it’s meant to: makes me want him, to submit to him more, helplessly falling deeper into his well practiced thrall. Now, as an unwavering, no reciprocation necessary, worshiper-of-cock kind of cocksucker, I have no problem dropping to my knees and servicing any man who knows how to put my grateful holes to good use but in my experience (or my assumptions) not many straight men really know about us faggots and/or just aren't interested. This guy though? I’d bet my left nut he knows exactly what to do with me. I pass the bong back to him and it’s then I realize there’s no one else in the house for once...just him and those fucking gym shorts with that big old dick print and some ripe fucking pits. Usually, I come in, give him cash, smoke a few hits and then leave, but this time he has invited me in, sat me on his couch across from him and is casually getting me twisted bong high. “So Cassandra thinks you’re a faggot” he states. “She says you’re kind occasionally come into her club cuz they’re still closeted and trying to play it straight in front of their bro friends. ‘They’re always so awkward and never want a lap dance but they always tip real well,’ she says. You ever had that experience?” He more insinuates than asks. “No actually, I embraced my faggotry at a young age so I never had to ‘fake it.’ More often I am the person those bros call when they leave the club. All horned up, buzzed, and looking to use some hungry hole or be serviced with out the emotional shit their women make them go through,” Hell if he thought he would catch me off guard and shame me into…whatever he had in mind, he thought wrong. This response shocked him for a moment as he coughed and sputtered out his cloud, looked at me dead on checking to make sure I wasn’t bullshitting him, and then smiled. “So after Cassandra told me this, I did a little research. Fuckin Tumblr opened my eyes real wide. I’ll admit I had no idea you guys really existed…and what really got me going is that you exist to worship, service, whatever the fuck I want. The moment you walked in today I knew Cassie was right and that you will gratefully do whatever I tell you.” The fact that this last part was a statement and not a question made me whimper under my breath. He passed me back the bong and said, “Finish that faggot. I can tell you’re about to loose your shit just being in my presence and for what I have in mind, I want you all ready to go. Then you can show me if you faggots are worth a real man’s time. “
  6. Indeed, our society would definitely benefit from more pederasty.
  7. Tonight. My house, collared and pinned down by him, arm fucking my cunt to his elbow. He punched through deeper than ever before and I came hands free from his arm milking my swollen prostrate. Then he pissed a massive amount of his strong chempiss into my gaping hole and plugged me. I spent the next two hours on my knees completely worshipping his cock balls and ass. Skull fucked his load down my throat. I'm still plugged.
  8. finishing up a two day pig out, any other pigs wallowing in the afterglow?

  9. 14 hours straight on my master's cock....that thing owns me. stretched my jaw/lips so i can easily take all of his cock and balls at once. complete cock sucking bliss.
  10. Your beautiful eloquence brought this trashy tale alive. Amazing!
  11. So this actually isn't fiction, this just happened starting yesterday afternoon. Originally posted on my tumblr which, BEWARE is very extreme gay fetish sex. sewerfaggot.tumblr.com Goddamn meth is a helluva drug. Not that I even consumed that much (maybe a .75 grams?) but I maintained my high over the day and took a good 5 hour break when I went out with friends to the bars. This shit accumulates tho, and I drank tequila and beer at the bar and then pissed into my empty beer bottles and drank it again so I was recycling my chem piss. Then, when I got home I was of course utterly depraved and determined to get six billiard balls in my already worked cunt; see my posts from earlier today. So in the course of about 20 hours I created this tumblr, self fisted my hole deeper than ever before, and broke my personal record of 6 balls in my ass insane deep, in fact two are still way up there and not coming out until they damn well please. I went out with straight friends to straight dive bars so there was no privacy in the bathrooms (which always gets me off, filthy LA urinals and toilet stalls with no doors). It was real fuckin obviously I was pissing into my beer bottle in the urinal and this not bad lookin hipster dude blatantly watched me while showing me his possing cock. I looked him straight in the eyes and with a half hard cock swigged my bottle of my incredibly potent chem/tequila piss. His jaw dropped and his eyebrows raised, I sneered and looked down at his cock which was twitching. That was a first. Got home and got my two ball stretcher weights on, just over 1lb I believe, a bunch of super tight cock rings and went to work on my ass. First off i took a huge piss in a cup, rolled onto my back ass up and used a large gauge syringe with a long tube to deeply inject my cunt with a hefty dose of super chempiss. Staying upside down for a bit so the toxic liquid could flow deeper into my guts, I massaged my hole and pulled it open into a nice gape, air sucking in ensuring the chem enema was not coming out. Refilled the same syringe with thick jlube and filled my now buzzing gaping hungry cunt to form my favorite thick toxic slime. My cock was rock hard, heavily weighted balls feeling real good swingin around. Greased up my hand an a billiard ball and dove in. Stuffed the first ball past my 2nd ring effectively plugging the slime in me. Greased up my caterpillar dong, huffed poppers and eased down, feeling my guts expand with the toxic lube and the ball being pushed deeper. I sat on it, gyrating and snorting poppers watching shit videos for a solid 5 minutes. I repeated this cycle for about 2 hours until 3 billiard balls were well past my 2nd ring and not coming out. Rolled onto my back again ass up and massaged my stretched cunt into a nice gape and dropped two more balls in along with some more chem piss and Vaseline. Strong snort of poppers, closed my eyes and relaxed, letting my hungry ass suck everything in deeper and the 6th ball just sank in. My cock leaked a combo of precum and piss into my hungry mouth while I flexed my ass and worked my muscles, pulling the balls and chemlube slime into my oh so hungry guts. I stood up and watched more shit porn for a good ten minutes swinging my heavily stretched balls around and enjoying the challenge of keeping all that in my guts. To drive home the night (or I was just high as fuck on poppers and t) I sat on my caterpillar dong again and slowly, hurt so good panting hungry greedily fuckpig moaning pushed the whole fucking mass into my guts. A few quick strokes on my purple swollen cock and BAM ORGAsm. No cum tho cuz the dong and balls blocked the flow. Drenched in sweat, utterly covered in crisco, vaseline, piss, jlube, and ass I slowly eased off the dong and let 2 balls sensually plop out along with a hefty amount of slime which I covered myself in. I fucking love wallowing in my filth. Fisted one more ball outa me but the other two are the perfect ass pacifiers right now as I soak in my hottub enjoying this beautiful morning and my fuckin twisted high. Only thing that was missing was a few pounds of shit to eat, a cock pissing more chem piss down my faggot greedy sewer throat, and someone to film it all. But hey, I’m just a shameless fuckin sewer faggot who will never be satisfied for long. Would love to hear your thoughts pigs. Happy Sunday.
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