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Posts posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. I'm with all you guys on this one. I always douche, Hell I do a lite douche almost every day before I go to work. Not for sex just to be extra clean.

    For sex though I do a complete clean out for sure specially if its planned. If its impromptu I tell the guy, I have to shower first and most are cool with that and will wait a short amount of time, from my expiereience. If I happen to run into issues while cleaning out I get out of the shower and tell him things are not going well and we can do it another time or he can wait a bit longer for me to get things under control.

    I've also done the Immodium thing once or twice too after a good clean out. But like others have said accidents do happen and sometimes its just extra water that hasn't been gotten out and other times its shit. Take each situation as it comes. If you stick your dick in and you smell shit right away you know the bottom didn't bother to douche. When I topped it was an instant mood killer and I was done.

  2. Just as an FYI guys. It takes approximatly 24 hours for food to work its way through the digestive track.

    Keep that in mind when you are planning a long play session. Keep your food intake to a minimum the day or 2 days before and then do your clean out before you play. Should help some.

    I have trouble as well lately, but I don't do a deep clean like I used to as I don't have a need to lately, when I do need to I am usually alright for a few hours with no problems. I've never really had a need to be clean for more then 2 hours at a time so not sure about the long play session clean outs.

    Just remember the digestion thing and that should help a lot.

  3. The smallest that I can recall was when I was still in High school. This black guy and I hooked up somehow, probably the old phone lines, and he came up to see me, we rented a motel room etc. I just remember his dick being so skinny that I reminded me of a pencil. I didn't even feel it when he was fucking me and I hadn't been fucked that much at this point.

    The biggest I ever had is a toss up. There was a 9 inch that was average thickness attached to a guy who really didn't know how to use it as a top. But it was an okay fuck non the less and this was back in the late 90's. The other one was about 8 or so long and was beer can thick at least. This one I remember because he broke a long dry spell and I think he may be the one who pozed me.

  4. Never had sex with a trucker at least to my knowledge anyway. I've always stopped at rest stops over the years going or coming from different places and never had much luck though. Either to late or to many people around or something.

    I would LOVE to have a trucker though and get pounded in his truck or him invite his buddies over to his cab to use my fuck hole for their pleasure.

    Ah, the things of fantasy!

  5. Try getting them pierced they will get bigger and more sensitive.

    Be advised that piercing doesn't always work. I never really had sensative nips at all, got them pierced some time back and well they were sensative during the healing process and once that was done right back to where they were before. An ex of mine had really sensative nips, you pulled on them a few times he shot his load. He was terririfed to pierce his even though he would have liked too because he was afraid he might loose the sensativity.

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