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Posts posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. I'm sexually attracted to what I'm sexually attracted to its no one elses fucking business.

    I agree with that statement.

    I know I am not a lot of guys type, and it has nothing to do with race, its mainly because the gay world is very body centric. If you don't look a certain way the majority are not interested, in anything including maybe just chatting. I get it and I was like that myself in my younger days. But, I am still attracted to what I am attracted to and no number of comments is going to change that. I do try to be polite about it and say "not my type" or "don't think it will work out" but like Mountain Man said, they get rude they forfeit the right to politness.

  2. I've done the managomous relationship, didn't really work for me. I tend to get bored and wonder. So an open relationship would be the ticket providing he was just as piggy and slutty as myself. Fucking around is cool, because I know in the end he would come home to me at night. Not sure on the polyamours relationship but hey I'd give it a shot if it ever presented itself.

  3. Just so you all know. Food takes about 12 hours to pass through the body. So if you eat at 5PM that particular meal will not be ready to exit the body until about 5AM the next morning.

    I clean out myself when having sex, so Thank you to deepanlanut for his Thank you to those of use bottoms who do take the time to clean out well regardless of what our routine or ritual might be.

  4. I am on Atripla, the first night I took it I was ready for sleep in a half hour. I was instructed to take it at Night before bed, maybe you should ask your doc about that too if its making you dizzy and doppy. I take it with the rest of my pills just after dinner and other then that first night have had no adverse reactions to it.

    My instructions are at bed time on an empty stomach which I don't do.

    The Tryclicerids is a huge issue, mine went through the roof after I started taking them, my doc had to give me another pill to counter act that so definitely get that checked out after a month or so of being on it.

  5. I've only had 2 "serious" relationships. My first was around 19 or 20 and lasted 2 years. he was a drunk which ended up destroying our relationship.

    My 2nd was only 6 months and I was his rebound guy. We were doomed from the start as he was a kinky leather man and well I am pretty much vanilla or was at that time.

    I am not very good at them, as I like my independence and everything, but if I managed to find a slut/pig whatever that had the same sexual appetite as I did and didn't mind each other slutting around or going ot the baths or whatnot I might consider it again.

    As for right now though, been single going on 12 years and am pretty much used to it at this point, sleeping alone and doing what I want when I want.

  6. Just out of curiosity, is there any city out there where the tops outnumber the bottoms?

    I have to say I think Washington, DC is that place. I was looking on BBRT the other day at the DC guys, since I only live a few hours drive from there and there were tons of tops/vers tops on in DC. I think all the tops are migrating to DC for some reason.

  7. I wear a jockstrap. Sometimes it helps let it be known that I'm providing easy access to my hole, but I'm not interested in providing dick and cum.

    Likewise here. I wear a jock when out to get fucked or going to get fucked. I do wear underwear to work but that is the only time I do.

  8. Sadly, I only have a cock ring and a few ball stretchers(stretchers are to small) nothing else, but I like it on others. The right leather gear on the right man, Major Turn ON for me, specially if that hot man is a good kisser.

    I just got 3 new ball stretchers, had them made for me by a guy in Philly. Nice work, they are awesome, the one is a bit loose the others well the one is great nice and tight around my sack have to work to get it on though a bit. Will post a couple pics in my album.

  9. I've bought the stuff from overseas. It screws me up, my heart pounds and I get very very warm and my sinus close up big time. The ones here in the US I've had before never did any of that stuff to me, granted the RX ones I've gotten previously are much more expensive for me since my insurance doesnt' cover them. I don't know if its my body chemistry changing or just the pills or some other combination of things that cause those effects.

    If you buy the overseas one, don't by a large quanity at first till you know how they effect you that way you don't spend money on something that you end up not using after you try it once.

  10. Not in a long term relationship of any kind these days. If I ever did get involved with someone they would have to be into bareback sex and be a total pig so that we either played around seperatly and together or just speratly but had sex together as well. Details that would need to be worked out obviously but there is no way I could do an exclusive relationship again.

  11. Thanks Inception. I hadn't really thought about the cock doing the fucking. I wouldn't like that if I was the top getting that on my cock.

    I was just thinking of using it for a long session of getting fucked by many guys thats all. Guess I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way, grin and bare it if it gets to be sore. <grin>

  12. Hey Guys. Looking for advice on the Numbing stuff on the market and if it works and what is the best one to use.

    Are there ones for throat and ass or can you use different ones for both?

    Anyone out there ever use these products if so get back to me with your advice and suggestions.


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