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NWUSHorny last won the day on July 13 2023

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About NWUSHorny

  • Birthday 08/19/1969

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    Poz, On Meds
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    Uninhibited pigs that like to fuck, other activities are just foreplay. I like to hook up in sex clubs, adult theaters, back rooms. I'm an exhibitionist, and love being watched when I'm having sex. I'm bi and love mixed 3-ways, 4-ways and larger bi groups as well. Based in Portland, OR but travel and hookup on the road frequently.

    Sorry I'm not into "gifting" or even indulging you in your bugchasing fantasies

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  1. I thought A4A was Christian Mingle for gays. Here in Portland no one even dares to put any sexual likes or details, or suggestive pics on their profiles. It is almost exclusively guys looking to find heteronormative husband for a partner. The other app that locals have completely eliminated everything sexual from is Doublelist, it seems to be exclusively used to find buddies to hang out and party with, but only if you are willing to agree to not have sex in advance.
  2. Nope, true lowercase l libertarian, but not an anarchist, so I recognize we need limited government for a few necessary services, and to keep, "as long as you aren't harming others" side of the libertarian creed.
  3. @hntnhole as someone who leans pretty far libertarian, I have always thought that we need to separate government recognized domestic partnerships from religiously recognized marriages. I know that will offend some devoutly religious gays, but even among mixed sex couples there are a lot of domestic partnerships that really should not meet the religious definition of marriage, yet are highly desirable for legal and financial reasons. If we had separated the religious concept of marriage from the legal concept of a domestic partnership, it would then be up to the religious institutions whether or not they should be recognized as a marriage or not. My opinion is that would have simplified the debate and would lead to a better overall solution for our entire society. The US Constitution already establishes the separation between church and state, to the dismay of believers in government theocracy of all religions.
  4. You can. I have 2, one that I use for participating in the political debate and one that I use for my sexual interests. If I wanted to have a more friends and family social presence on the platform I would create a 3rd.
  5. I like to look at, eat an fuck both pussy and asshole. Both are great in their own way. The main reason I've fucked a lot more guys assholes (thousands) than girls pussies (mid double digits) boils down to availability, as well as the idea with a guy I might get my asshole fucked in return.
  6. Wait a second, I did not vote for Trump, but prefer to get fucked without artificial lube and never use poppers.
  7. It is extremely difficult to describe, and usually changes over the course of the fuck. I had a really good bottom that I bred Saturday that I will attempt to describe. I had watched him get bred immediately before I entered him, so as expected he was warm wet and spasming slightly on my cock, but since his previous breeder's cock is an inch and a half shorter and substantially thinner than mine, still tight since he had not recently been fucked by someone my size. Since this guy is an experienced pig, his hole fairly quickly adapted to my size and got even juicier as my cock slid through and spread the previous breeders load and his hole secreted more natural lube of its own. He was really milking the full length of my cock without clamping down like a vice by the time I bred him.
  8. Took one and gave one at Steam last night. I really, really need to plan my next sexcation, getting really tired of spending hours and putting up with so much anti sexual behavior to have a brief a couple of brief encounters.
  9. I'm in the US and have decent insurance through my employer, currently paying a $50 co-pay for a 30 day supply of my meds.
  10. Rumor has it he is satisfied with just having the escorts give him golden showers him in recent years.
  11. I don't know that I've ever actually been ripped off, but I just prefer that we have at least a couple of fucks in a neutral location before I let them know where I live, and getting ripped off isn't the only reason.
  12. LA and cities in TX are the exception among larger North American cities in that regard. Most larger cities have a significant population that do not have immediate access to a car.
  13. Unfortunately, it seems to be a very common skill among folks who only have one skill.
  14. We have an abundance of gay romantic asexuals here, unfortunately quite a few of them are convinced everyone loves to cuddle and not have sex, if they would just try it.
  15. After nearly 2 decades in the PNW, I just give up. Even at cruising spots and fuck venues a majority of guys have so many hangups and inhibitions that it is almost impossible to find someone who is into anything I recognize as sex. The worst are guys that are determined to convince you that they know a 1001 ways to have the best sex ever without any kind of penile penetration. I simply tell them that the only way I can have satisfying sex is that at least one of us will get fucked in the ass, and if they aren't interested move on so we can both find what we are looking for.
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