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Status Updates posted by BrockTop1973

  1. Fuck, my regular fuckbud just got diagnosed with the clap, which means there's a good chance I gave it to him although I haven't had any symptoms. Will go to the clinic tomorrow but this really fucks up my weekend plans. 

  2. 1. I hate idiots who think the back room is a place to stand and gossip with friends. 2. I also hate gross trolls who think they have a free pass to grope me while I'm fucking someone.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. phatass


      I agree with the bitches standing around gossiping.

    3. phatass


      i'm trying to detach from the real world, not hear that nonsense.

    4. SweatyKum


      I agree with what others say about the darkroom being a 'public place' and to expect some groping and whatnot. If you can't handle that then don't go into the darkrooms; get a room and screen the guys.

  3. Bought my first harness yesterday!

  4. Can't believe I found a strip club that's sleazier than Taboo Montreal

  5. Fuck my cock is not cooperating lately. Might be time to look into cialis.

  6. Fucked a huge load into a hot slut at the Eagle last night. Hoping for more action at leather party tonight.

  7. Hoping I can find a new doc before my PrEP scrip runs out!

  8. Hoping my cold takes a hike before CumUnion this weekend.

  9. Hoping there's some slutty boyhole for the taking at CumUnion tonight

    1. kengeorge


      if you ever get to columbus ohio come fucking breed me bo limits 740-549-9567 ken

  10. I haven't been laid for a couple of weeks. Want to go to steamworks tomorrow and fuck some twink hole

  11. I probably shouldn't let it bother me, but I really hate it when guys bring straight girls with them to the black eagle

    1. Fistulike666


      I agree ... shouldn't be allowed in any gay club

    2. bols59


      If a female comports herself correctly she becomes a part OF any gathering, not a thalidomide day-glo observer. The trouble is that girls treat mens bars like petting zoos, giggling and slumming and telling their gay eunuchs how amused the sorority will tomorrow morning.

  12. I think I'm done with CumUnion. I can get hotter raw tail on a normal night at steamworks.

    1. breederjock


      never been to either :(

    2. TigerMilner


      I agree with you. Everytime I've been to the one in Ft Lauderdale I end up at Slammers.

  13. Just arrived in Montreal -- let the breeding commence!

  14. Just bought some herbal boner pills. Hope to put them to the test soon!

  15. Just had a dude flake on me with an excuse after I showed up at his place. Fucking annoying!

  16. Just ordered leather pants for an upcoming party... Hope they fit right!

  17. Looking forward to fucking some ass at Toronto CumUnion tonight

    1. upptheebutt69


      shame I can't be there to share those cummy holes with you

    2. foxboy25


      hope you load up some hungry sluts

  18. Meeting a fuckbud soon, can't wait to breed him

  19. Still thinking about yesterday's threesome

  20. Trying to decide between blackout night at the baths, or naked night at the Eagle tonight.

    1. PozSlime


      Is it possible to hit both? ;)

      Happy Hunting!

    2. Ranger Rick

      Ranger Rick

      See, those are the kind of dilemmas you *want* to have.

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