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About gonolover

  • Birthday 10/07/1989

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  • Interests
    Actively dithering wether to stay neg or receive the Gift.
    Also looking for someone with gono or chlam with nice discharge to rub my knob on it.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Been an escort for five years or so.
  • Looking For
    Std, gono or chlam with good discharge to use as lube on my knob

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  1. What does 'M. O.' mean? Been chatting with a toxic guy who said this...

  2. Ill since Monday, flu-like symptoms. Or is it the fuck-flu? :)

    1. Poz2play


      Maybe, it takes around 3 weeks or so after being exposed. Timeframe may vary with each person and how toxic the cum. You may have hit the bonus round two bugs for the price of one fuck.

    2. gonolover


      I'm on PrEP since June and have been taking raw loads each and every day. Maybe I'm a lucky slut and have been impregnated with a PrEP-resistant strain :)

  3. I want CRF19. Anyone in Scotland?

    1. gonolover


      I hope I will indeed... I want to spread it

  4. Anyone in Glasgow sharing his gono/chlamydia? Get in touch, I need those bugs.

  5. Something wrong: I'm still neg. How can I fix that?

    1. funkmeup


      Take my 298,000 HVL POZ STRAIN, 27 MILLION VL HEP C, SYPH, GONO and as of last week CHLAMYDIA into your guts and grow my babies into your aids wasting.

    2. Poz2play


      I would take that. Love to mix my 350,000 hvl with your 298,000 strain.

  6. I need to suck a nice cheesecock. Anyone to send me pics of their cheesy cocks?

  7. I need to be raped, not fiction-like

  8. Who wants to send me freshly filled condoms?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gonolover


      I know, that's the only drawback... But I drink enough cum from dumped condoms to know that :P

    3. Luvbbslut


      Would be hot knowing some sluts get bred by me on a such long distance

    4. gonolover


      Where are you based in?

  9. I need cum in my hole...

    1. BREEDmeRAW


      Do you find many guys that will UNLOAD in you?

    2. ALPHAboy


      Got some full sperm tanks for you

    3. gonolover


      I love sperm tanks, especially your toxic weapon :)

  10. Still neg as from today's test...

  11. I need to take 50 loads up my ass.

  12. I'm a cum whore, that's my true nature.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      well, that's two of us.

    3. gonolover


      Especially gonorrhea discharge in my mouth :)

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