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Everything posted by ShootDownMyThroat

  1. By the way: Can we bring back the hanky code? And in a serious way, without all that “brunch bottom” crap? It used to be very effective when I was out cruising the bars and just wanted to suck guys off in the restroom, or was out looking for loads in Central Park.
  2. Now that’s more like it! A couple in there will help—but I’ve also written to them to see about custom work. Thanks!
  3. Thanks. It’s a combination of text and graphics. The immediate use is for some video I hope to use, but I love to wear them to sluttier bars or anywhere I go to find sex. Twenty-five years ago, friends at my birthday party gave me a shirt that said CUM PIG, with an arrow above pointing up to my throat. I loved it so much—found It so effective—I had a few more made up, all different similarly blunt. (I believe in getting down to essentials.) But the Christopher Street store that created them for me is long gone.
  4. I love loads down my throat because then the seed goes through my entire digestive track. One of my favorite scenarios is to chug loads in a bar’s dark room, then sit at the bar and have a drink and feel the afterglow. It’s incredibly satisfying to me.
  5. Hey guys. This might seem a strange place to ask this, but I keep coming up blank in other online forums. I want to order so T-shirts to wear when I’m out sluttingbaround. Extremely blunt language. (It works! I know from previous experience. Better than the old hanky code no one uses anymore.) I’m embarrassed to order from a regular online vendor and wonder if anybody knows of a gay-owned, non-judgemental business that can do this for me.
  6. I love a brutal skull fuck—but it really works best with guys who are about 7’ or smaller, at least if I’m on my knees.
  7. This site, and reading stories like those above, give me peace of mine that I’m not alone in the world and not crazy—and they get me insanely horny too! I started having sex just before the AIDS crisis. I discovered right away I had a huge fetish for cum, especially chugging it, but I also got fucked and bred, including one gangbang (it was Crisco party—that’s how old I am!). I wad spectacularly promiscuous, sex almost every day. (Even now in my fifties, my libido is through the roof.) When safe sex started being a thing, I tried condoms, I really did, but they took all the joy and excitement out of sex for me. I love cum, when I suck cock I’m in it for the load. I’m one of those gross guys who sometimes will lick it up off a bathhouse floor, or rub it in my beard. I suck off guys I find physically repulsive just so I can get another load down my throat. Totally twisted about it. So I kept going, and frankly living in denial. And then a friend I sucked off many time died. I completely freaked out. Went celibate for over five years, while at the same time I was afraid to get tested. It was terrible. My dead years, as I think of the, when I was in my prime of life. Tragic, honestly. It haunts me, all the loads I didn’t get. Eventually, I began to realize I didn’t have a life. I didn’t even date, because we guys always have sex on the first night, and I wasn’t ready to have that conversation. I didn’t make a decision to start swallowing again. One night I sucked a guy off in Riverside Park, and I just knew I was going to take his load. When it came, it was as exciting and fulfilling as I remembered. And—it didn’t freak me out! In fact, I then continued cruising the park until I got another load. And literally overnight I was back to my old habits, and much happier for it, honestly. I still didn’t get tested for years, but when I did, it was very shocking to find out I was negative. I chalk this up to the fact that nearly all of my load intake is oral. Which goes to show you. I’ve done the math, I know I’ve swallowed thousands of guys, many of them are poz, no doubt. So when my doctor urges prep—at my age, after all my experience, I say no thanks. I sometime fuck guys bareback—love doing that—but never get fucked, even with a condom. I wish I could be as uninhibitedly piggy as some of you, get gangbanged again. But this is the compromise I’ve reached for myself.
  8. Hey everyone. I just wonder if anybody has suggestions for best places right now to suck cock in Manhattan. I’m not interested in parties or anything that has to be scheduled. I just want cruisy places to go to whenever the thirst for loads hits. My old standbys—I don’t know why, but lately nobody goes. That includes: Central Park, Riverside Park, Fort Tyron Park, Vishara (just terrible the last few times I was there), Therapy (once upon a time, I could spend a whole evening sucking guys off in the men’s room), Bijou (how come nobody goes there anymore?), Tool Box... I do sometimes have a good time at The Cock. Where else? I especially like somewhat off-the-radar local joints where management is OK with guys doing what guys will do.
  9. I still go sometimes. It’s hit or miss, but last time was a hit. I got on my knees and sucked cock in the (newi-ish?) open room without a door, and was pleasantly surprised that nobody from management bothered me. (They once asked to leave for sucking a guy off by the bar.) If any cocksuckers here know of great places in New York to suck cock, I’d love to hear about them. Many of my old haunts are now just terrible. Long shot, but I have a question: Back in the 1990s there were twice as many booths—they lines both sides of the corridor. I was a regular, and there was another guy there all the time—probably about 40, white, almost always wore a baseball cap. In between “customers” we used to swap stories, talk about the guys we just blew. It was fun and hot. Kindred spirits. Would love to find him again.
  10. I haven’t been to the Eagle in years because they used to interrupt every blow job I gave, but someone told me they’re not as strict anymore. Is that true? I also heard that Rockbar on Christopher (the former Dugout) is great for sex. Apparently they had a nude night recently where everything was going on right out in the open, a total orgy. The guy telling me this said he also sucks guys off in front of the bar during the still-popular Sunday beer blasts and instead of interrupting the staff seems to enjoy watching. I have a hard time believing this, but if true I will become a regular. Any other sleazy places like the Cock where you can just get on your knees all night? I love group action, exhibitionism, and all that. Hard to find good places in NYC though. Even the old reliable Rambles was pretty boring most nights I went this summer
  11. The bottom who really turns me on these days is Griffin Barrows. So handsome and sexy, and the way he smiles and laughs, this is a guy who really enjoys pigging out. I would serious;y pay a lot of money for the chance to rape him and hose my load inside him. Anybody know if he does private work?
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