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  • Gender
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    Toronto, Canada and Pattaya, Thailand
  • Interests
    i love using and abusing hot young faggots and turning them into pozzed up cumdumps , bareback hookers, and fucked up tranny whores.prefer neg boys so i can make you get pozzed up to the point where its an aids wasted gangfisting whore with a horse cock sized fuckhole
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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    im a 100% top man that loves treating pretty pussyboy faggots like trash, getting them knocked up with hiv and whoring it out.sometimes like turning a boy into a pozzed up tranny hooker with no self respect
  • Looking For
    looking for faggots and pussyboys that know they are trash and were born to service cock and be a fuckhole for poz men as well as a fistfucking hole and a toilet.you must have no limits, no standards, no pride , no shame and no self respect. a faggot who is willing to beg strangers to poz it while getting gangbanged in public to let everyone know youre a bugchasing slut

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  1. have n eg hole that needs using  by poz tops  hole holds as much cum as possible 

    A1porn pic 010.jpg

  2. No, I slap it in the face, fuck it even harder while I choke it to get it to stfu then I make sure to drain my balls in it as deep as I can. Then I spit in its face and remind it to NEVER tell a top what to do or ask him to pull out. Faggots take loads with no questions asked, simple as that.
  3. Haha that’s so true. l have never met a cumdump so proud of being a dirty, fucked up, whored out piece of fuckmeat and an emasculated faggot. She will actually take it as a compliment that you called her completely disgusting. Best reason to avoid SW on the weekends is that’s when the dirtiest whores like her tend to go most, so there are a lot of bugs floating around those nights. if you wanna stay clean, avoid this girl. If you wanna fuck a petrie dish, she’s your girl lol. Thank God she’s not allowed to top, but the world will be a lot safer after I get that sluts worthless cock removed this summer.
  4. Love your profile, Sir!

  5. Men don’t THINK you’re worthless trash, they KNOW you’re worthless trash. Every man that has ever fucked your loose, sloppy, gaped out, used up, whored out, passed around, filth loaded fuckhole you call a pussy knows you are worthless trash, every person who has watched you suck strangers cocks and get bareback bred by anonymous strangers KNOWSwhat a worthless, trashy, disposable, degraded fuckslut you are faggot. even if they don’t know you’re an emasculated, tranny faggot whore, or bathhouse cum sewer, or porntheatre trash, or homeless mens cumdump, they know you’re worthless trash as soon as they see your girly, slutty, ass prancing around, dressed like a street whore, with cum dripping from your well used cunt and your breath reeking of cock milk. You ARE trash, little girl.
  6. Most men don't respect whores enough to use trash like you regularly. Faggots like you are disposable trash. I don’t even think of a cumdump as a real person. You’re just a subhuman fuckhole, so accept that and you will be better able to perform your duties and move on to the next man who wants to use your body or just your hole. Nobody gives a fuck if you are ever satisfied, or are left hungry. That’s for the best with a community cumhole.
  7. l have been pissing on faggots since high school. Whenever l see a cute little Twink, l see a urinal. l always thought pissing in a faggot or down its throat are fun ways of using it and its how I learned just how submissive and dedicated to cock worship most bottoms are. Pissing all over a faggot or pissing in its face are great for degrading a faggot and showing it that I have zero respect for cocksucking faggots who let strangers piss on them. When a couple of my buddies first picked up my slutty little faggot nephew online and then met up and fucked her up the ass behind a store at night, after they both blew their loads in her pussy that slut politely asked them if they wanted to piss on her. That was when I knew she would be a lot of fun to train to be a slutty, eager bareback cumdumpster and a tranny whore. And now she has surpassed my wildest expectations.
  8. A great way for a faggot to show off what a shameless whore it is. l have actually fucked several trashy whores from getting their number this way.Also a good way to find a whore willing to suck your cock and let you piss down its throat and all over its face and body completely nsa.
  9. Calling a faggots hole a pussy or a cunt reminds it what its function is, and of its place as a fuckhole, rather than a man.
  10. Got [deleted]? Want to talk toyou

  11. DM me the raunchiest thing you have done that you aren’t able to post. Same for other piggy faggots and raunchy tops who need extreme action.
  12. I would say THE raunchiest thing was something I did (and continue to do) over an extended period of time (years). l’m talking about training my slutty, sexy little nephew @T-Girl-Cumdumpster @gangbangsuperstar to be a pussyboy bareback cumdumpster, turned him into a t-girl/ladyboy whore, and turned the little faggot out. I found out from 3 of my buddies that they had picked up and fucked the same little twinky boy highschool whore (2 of them multiple times in their cars, one of them in a public restroom at the mall) that they met online and they had fucked him and were pretty sure it was my queenie little gayboy nephew. Not a huge surprise as he was very obviously gay and dressed very slutty even in grade school. (he actually had a letter sent home in grade 8 for dressing too slutty) So the guy who fucked him in the restroom made another appointment to meet him in a different, mall restroom and when he was fucking the naked little slut in a restroom stall I stuck my cock under the barrier and he my buddy told him to get down on his hands and knees and suck my cock, then he had the slut slide it up his pussy and ride it and I blew my load in him. When he came out I was waiting for him. then we decided that I would train him to be a good pussyboy. sol I trained the cumdump to be a bareback fucktoy, passed her pussy around with my buddies and started whoring her out online. But she is such a good slut that I had to teach her how to cruise for loads in public restrooms, parks and cruising spots and eventually started bring her to porntheatres and bathhouses to really learn what her throat and pussy are for. I even got a bachelor apartment in the gay village just to whore the bitch out of. l taught her all about being a bareback only fucktoy and taking anonymous loads from strangers, taking loads in public and generally getting used by men in whatever dirty, nasty ways they want. l also taught her to dress like a girl and become a T-Girl cumdumpster so I could get her fucked by more men. l gave her the motto “l have no standards, no pride, no shame, no rules, no limits and no sexual self-respect, who was born to suck cocks, get fucked and take loads from as many men as possible, no matter what age, race, looks, height, weight, or cocksize.” And if that wasn’t enough I set her up to secretly suck her own father's cock AND for her father to watch her getting gangbanged bareback in a bathhouse sling with a blindfold on. BONUS-l even got him to fuck her TWICE that night. When I moved to Thailand to run a sex club in Pattaya, I started bring her out her a couple times a year to work in the clubs as a gogo boy cumdump, then gradually switched to a full-time ladyboy cumdump. Now I’m gonna get her some cute breast implants. I have literally gotten my nephew fucked by thousands of men, all raw.
  13. Nice. I love fucking any little bitch that actually wants to or does get fucked by their own real daddy. They are always the dirtiest, sluttiest, easiest, most deprave little fucksluts there is and they are willing to do anything to please any man they can call “Daddy”. I hope you didn't check her lD before you bred that slut. After all, a high school girl COULD be 18.Did you ever find out if she has ever gotten any dick from dad?
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