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About barecub2601

  • Birthday 01/26/1990

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Barebacking, anon breeding, groups, PNP, toys, cruising, outdoors, verbal, roleplay, pozcum
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Young poz cub looking for mates and fucks with like minded guys. Into most stuff, few limits. Fucking love bareback, I never use rubbers and I love the feeling of a guy shooting his load deep in my cunt.
  • Looking For
    Like minded mates and fuckbuddies who enjoy the sleazier side of sex. Very open minded so the sleazier the better

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  1. Definitely find it horny

  2. Just recently started messing around with my gay mate who I've known since we were 11. It's actually pretty hot, usually happens when we're both a bit drunk, find somewhere quiet and just go for it. Not fucked yet but done oral and making out. We know that it is what it is and nothing more, so it's just sex, no strings, and it works pretty well so far
  3. Went to a sauna today and took 3 big raw loads deep inside my arse, as well as two facials. One guy, who was really thin and kinda gaunt, started with a condom but i told him to take it off and he went back in bare. Felt SO much better, and i got his load =)
  4. This looks amazing!
  5. Just met up with a skinhead guy, both dressed up in gear, and he fucked a nice big load into me. Said he's get some of his skinhead mates round next time to properly load me up
  6. Sounds amazing! Wish I was in that place too!
  7. For me I think it was just that I'd always fucked bare, ever since I was 14 when I met up with random guys on toilets. The feeling of a bare cock is so much better, plus there is the connection with a guy when he cums in you and dumps his DNA inside. When I've been fucked with condoms I need so much lube because the latex can be really uncomfortable and create unpleasant friction in my hole and I really don't like it. You dont get that with raw cock, and the skin on skin feeling is sooooo much better
  8. This 18yr old guy from squirt IMed me and said he wanted to meet up, so he came over today. Cute fit lad, gorgeous thick cock that I sucked for ages. Put on some porn, made me worship his feet, then fucked me raw, just pushed straight in despite my moaning in pain, pushed me down on the bed and properly buried his knob in me then fucked me real good. Pulled out and gave me a facial, then pissed on me and made me drink some of his really strong piss. So fucking horny.
  9. I'm in a similar position, where I know I like cock, but I'm still closeted to family and some friends. My problem is that there are so many negative stereotypes out there that all gay men are often tarred with the same brush. A friend of mine actually goes out of his way to fit the stereotype of the effeminate gay man to the extent that he is unhealthily thin, is a total bitch, wears women's jeans, wears make up, is so neurotic that even Blanche DuBois would be shocked, and thinks that everyone hates him because he's gay, as if to be gay means that you have to be a victim as if it comes with the territory. He holds that up as the pinnacle and paragon of homosexuality, and thinks that all gay men should be exactly like him or they aren't 'proper gays'. He is, to an extent, a homophobic homosexual. Growing up with some of these quite negative and derogatory stereotypes sometimes really doesn't help the coming out process, as there's the worry that everyone will think that you fit the stereotypes and will unfairly judge you based on them. I admire those celebrities such as Duncan James, Russell Tovey, and even Joe McElderry, (all British celebrities, for those who have no idea who I'm talking about =P) who are bi or gay, but do not live their lives around their sexuality. In an interview Russell Tovey said that there were no gay role models who were just blokes, men who happened to be gay and did not fit the stereotype, and he wanted to be the role model he never had. I don't like labels exactly because of the stereotypes associated with them. I am my own person, and I am a man who just happens to like men, just like the next man to walk down the street could be a man who happens to like women. I'm still me, and I'll do something because I want to do it, not because my sexuality means that I must or must not do it. I'm a student, and I don't like being stereotyped in that respect either, or because I'm a man, or because I'm from a certain area of the country. Whatever it is, I don't like being stereotyped, regardless of whether I fit the stereotype or not. Sorry to hijack the thread with my own views, but from what you're saying newbie2011 it sounds like you're worried about what others will think, and I totally hear you there. When I do eventually decide to come out, I'm going to remind everyone that I'm still the same me, and the only thing that is different is the fact that they now know my sexual preference. I don't plan to fit any stereotypes, and I'd love to see the stigma surrounding being gay completely gone so we don't have to feel oppressed by society's sometimes distorted image of homosexuality. I'm all for live and let live, but for me personally I feel that it is the negative stereotypes that continue to be perpetuated that make coming out harder. Obviously, some people do live their lives around these stereotypes, and some people fit them naturally, and good luck to them, I'm certainly not trying to say that they are wrong, I just think that when everyone is tarred with the same brush, it can be difficult for there to be any sort of individuality. I like men, but does that mean I also must be incredibly camp? Of course not. Some people are, just like some straight people are very camp too, but I think it's far more important to focus on the individual, rather than what their sexuality, race, background, etc stereotypes them as. I don't know if you feel the same newbie, but it would be nice to chat to someone in a similar position =)
  10. I was 14 and it was some random guy in the public toilets in my local park. He was in his 40s. nice fat cock and a big load. Probably the reason I still take it bare
  11. I'd definitely like an older guy to mentor me about it. I've been taking raw loads since I was 14, but I've never had anyone to share it with and an older guy who can help me through problems and also be there for fun and good friendship would be cool
  12. I'm so fucking horny and i really need to get bred, so if any guys in the London/NW Kent area want to breed a neg hole then hit me up. Need cum in my hole
  13. I was 14 when I first started. There was a cottage in my local park and I would go down there, hang around in the cubicle and come out to 'wash my hands' now and again to see if there was anyone there. My first time was with this 20yr old Indian guy, he fucked me raw and gave me his load, and the next day I got fucked by this white guy with a huge cock. He bred me too, but since I was basically still a virgin he made my arse bleed a little. From then on it was pretty much anyone who wanted to fuck me could have a go. Just loved getting cock and seed. Was only ever at cottages or cruising gorund or internet meets though. Still love it today, but like rawtop says, it might have fucked me up a bit sexually =/
  14. Nice. It would be hot to know that I'm being fucked by a poz guy and him telling me all the way through what he's gonna do to me. I've had that before when I've had a rough bb fucking and I've had a load of blood come out with the load. Freaked me out at first but everything was fine the next day

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