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About Barebackbiker

  • Birthday January 25

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    SW Florida
  • Interests
    Bareback sex with sluts, gang bangs, etc. Have traveled Asia, Mexico, Northern Africa, Europe both alone and with ex wife (BBW cum slut with 2k+ bare cocks). Am interested in exchange with other sex tourists about cheap bareback sex abroad (Africa, India, South America). Always looking for high-volume cum dumps.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    Single, in-shape M, big cock, zero morals, addicted to anonymous bareback sex with filthy sluts. I bareback crack whores, heroin addicts, skanks, fatties, slut wives - no condoms, no questions asked. I myself was married to a cum slut for over 10 years, who let literally anything with a cock cum in her.
  • Porn Experience
    Gangbangs with Tampa amateur porn sluts.
  • Looking For
    Promiscuous no Q asked, no morals/standards female cum dumps, whores, breeders - women who take any cock bare. Looking in FL: theaters, glory holes, gang bangs, anon sex, etc. I bareback junkies and tweakers. No men 1:1, but will meet with bi couples, eat cream pies & let men bareback my ass while I fuck the wife/gf.

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  1. More! In general, there are more perverted men out there than women. Agreed. While men often carry their heart on their tongue, as far as sex is concerned, women are wired differently. It takes a man to get them to open up. They are almost always quiet about their sexual fantasies, often forever. Hence, people assume that women are just not as extreme, evil, perverted etc. as men. But this is not the case, IMO. When it comes to the very extremes of human sexuality, the twilight zone where erotic slowly transitions into insanity, that lofty area is almost exclusively the domain of women. I've been around straight men a lot in my life, mainly for work, travel, etc. so I know the dynamics with them, and what they consider "kinky". I also think I possess the distinct ability to have good conversations about sex with women, and some of them tell me shit after 15 minutes that they've never told their own partners in 20 years. It is absolutely mind boggling what can be enshrined in a female brain. It takes a lot to shock me, but there were several occasions, just in the past two years, where I talked to seemingly normal chicks, and they rendered me literally speechless. There were occasions where I simply had to fold, where the "absolutely no limits" badge in my forum profile just didn't cover it any more. Here is an example: I chatted with a woman who lives not too far away, here in FL, and the conversation went from being sub, to spanking, to rape, to S&M, to snuff, and extremly far out shit. She sounded very interesting, so I eventually met her at a Starbucks on the East Coast. Seemingly normal gal, mid 40s, meat on her bones, normal job, came in a Toyota. After our chat, I expected something a little bit more interesting, goth perhaps? OK, I was somewhat disappointed, but heck, I still went for it. We sat there for about 1 1/2 hours and had a great conversation. Then she said, "You know what I always wanted to do, and I am wondering if you could help me?" I: "Sure, anything, what is it?" She: "I always wanted to get into a morgue and have some fun." I: "Ah, you wanna fuck some stiffies, LOL." She: "No, I want to eat human flesh." I: "Ugh, but how would you cook it in there?" She: "I don't want to cook it, I want to eat it raw."
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