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Everything posted by GrindrSrcruff

  1. As a teenager, I swallowed so much of my own cum...I couldnt help bt blow my wad in my own mouth. Yes I could selfs suck from 12 years old till about 15. Then I got thicker and now I cant aymore But as Ive gotten older Other guys cum in my mouth is spectacular, but my own sorta grossses me out.
  2. Ive had Gonorrhea of the throat many times. The first time I had no symptoms. But after that time each time the symptoms are dry throat, tenderness in my throat muscles.
  3. yeah I was molested by neighbor. But I loved it
  4. id like to take your load. ANd I can share my doc with u

  5. IM SOOOOO game for this. Oakland here
  6. I started at age five. It wasn't traumatic at all. It was awesome and it's helped me have a less than retrained view of sex.
  7. My last load taken was from a guy I met on barebackr.com. Super tall: 6'7" a giant with a giant dick. His big white cock, my smooth bLack ass. I've actually never took a duck as thick as his and I could literally feel his cum fill my hole because my ass because more oressurized and warm. God that was good sex.
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