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Everything posted by Blakey

  1. Great story set up. Look forward to next part
  2. Anyone in Dublin Friday night? Am thinking on liberating myself n going to Boilerhouse to get knocked up .
  3. Boilerhouse can be great at times. Love to bb in it either as top or btm n just enjoy. Poppers n steam turn me into cock n ass hound too lol
  4. My cock in heaven reading this. Look forward to rest of it.
  5. More for sure
  6. Ur driving my mind mad with perverted lust. A few slaps b hot addition ...well done on brilliant story so hot
  7. Savage stuff
  8. Ah man im so horned up keep reading over it again lol. Wonder how dark it gets!!!My fave story in ages. So Fucking hard here. Can't wait for more. Go as depraved as possible
  9. My fave story in ages. So Fucking hard here. Can't wait for more. Go as depraved as possible
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