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Everything posted by LthrRaw

  1. What an amazing story! Being the the proud poz incubator son of 2 hot, horny smoke PozDaddies is my ultimate fantasy. There is nothing stronger than the bond between a Daddy and his boy bound by smoke and the family strain. Devoted to servicing Daddy's needs, worshiping his cock and addicted to his poz cum. Sex is smoke. Smoke is sex. They are an essential combination that fuel each other and feed the soul. A good boy should always beg his Daddy for toxic replenishment to let him know his delicious gifts are going to be gratefully received and savored. A reoccurring detail in your story that I adore. WOOF! When a boy gets whiff of his Daddy's pipe/cigar smoke his cock and hole should instinctively throb with anticipation and arouse the family strain in his blood knowing Daddy's balls are full and aching for release. He should immediately spring to attention. His sole focus and purpose to pleasure his Daddy and harvest his dirty cum. I had to read that last chapter in 2 sessions. When Daddy pulled out his pipe out and started hauling it tipped me over the edge and I shot a massive load (with my briar clenched in my jaw billowing thick clouds naturally) Looking forward to the next installment!
  2. What a hot story! Further enhanced by the local references 🙂
  3. Certainly not if they're unwilling to form an orderly queue and wait patiently for their number to be called! 🤣
  4. I can understand their reluctance to allow parties. It's shared accommodation, the walls are thin and ultimately they are operating a business so keeping all their guests happy and coming back again is in their best interests. You'd hate to fly into town from a long flight feeling jet lagged and needing rest with 8 guys making a ruckus in the next room till the wee hours. One other thing to consider when inviting random trade from a hookup app around is things can and have got broken or gone missing. Not just fixtures of the gatehouse but also the possessions of other guests. In such an instance you would have to wear all responsibility and associated costs. Not only that but there have been instances of people inviting random seemingly harmless trade around that end up turning violent or severely impaired by drugs/alcohol. There have been instances in the past of ambulances and police being called. For these reasons every time I stay at the gatehouse I only ever invite people I know or people that have been vouched for by friends. Make your arrangements in advance. Last time I stayed there a mate was scrolling on Grindr for guys late at night. I said to him "you're rolling the dice hoping to find a decent root randomly lurking around the neighborhood at 3am on a Sunday morning. Anyone worthwhile has either already found a hookup or gone to bed". He agreed with me. Plus I'm here what am I chopped liver?1? He jumped into the sling and gave him a thorough fisting. It was a great night! And this concludes my public service announcement LOL
  5. @TaKinGDeePanal Just thought of another possibility. It could be your email address provider/domain. For example NKP might not allow signups from Yahoo email addresses. Alternatively Yahoo may be blocking all emails from NKP servers. If both your old and new email addresses are with the same provider that could be the common link
  6. @TaKinGDeePanal Would you be using a VPN by any chance? I am and today I had to verify my account via email before they would let me login. It's never done that previously. Perhaps they're using a similar IP screening process to prevent the creation of new accounts. If you're using a VPN try changing servers. If you’re not your home IP address may have been flagged somehow. Try a different browser, different device and different connection such as hotspotting to your phone. Provided you're signing up using an email you haven’t used with NKP before and an account username different to your previous username I see no other way they could possibly be singling you out.
  7. I wouldn't say it's hypocritical at all. There are many things that spark my interest and arousal that I have no desire to indulge in myself. I have a natural curiosity of the mindsets of others and what drives, arouses and interests them. They key is to have a clear understanding between fantasy and reality and where you fall. If pozzing fantasies arouse you I wouldn't over analyze it just enjoy it. Provided you stay true to yourself, don't mislead others or misrepresent yourself there's no harm done.
  8. Firstly yes BBRT is full of flakes and time wasters. When I do occasionally login to keep my account active it doesn't take long before my inbox starts filling up with garbage. Hats off to anyone who uses BBRT as their primary platform to get laid. What a grind! From what I gather the people who have most success seem to let their availability clearly known from creating a quick connect / party or outlining their availability in their profile description. Regarding your profile. I'll be brutally honest. If I came across it I'd keep scrolling. You come in waaaay too hot with the dislikes right from the start. They should be a footnote. If you want to connect with people and find the right people take the opportunity to introduce yourself and elaborate on what interests you so people have something to initiate a proper conversation with you. I see your main profile picture is of you at the gym? Here is a common mistake soo many guys make online. Now there's no issue with posting a picture of you at the gym HOWEVER if you want to attract more than just gym types you need to be clear in your profile description what types of guys you're into. I couldn't tell you how many times I’ve seen profiles of ripped guys showing off their six packs and thought "he's out of my league" to discover years later they absolutely love chubby guys or open to all body types. Be tactful about it though. Focus on what you like and if you like all types just say that. So you like spanking. Just with an open hand or do you have a cupboard full of goodies? If so is there a specific special implement you enjoy most? Are there any fantasies know you enjoy or looking to explore? What do you enjoy about spanking most. Are there elements of role-play or verbal? Is there anything specific you like wearing during a session? How would you best describe the role of the guy spanking you? Is the scene driven by submissiveness or humiliation? Do you like long/short sessions? Are you looking for regular buds or casual hook-ups? These are the types of things that you need to consider. You can host. Great! What days/times suit you best to play? Whereabouts are you located and how close are you to public transport? Some people are stubbornly unwilling to travel by any means outside a certain radius so it's good to weed them out early before you get too deep into conversation. Now I understand BBRT has a character limit and that's a good thing. Write the whole thing out then pare it back. Think of key words and aim to include them all. Be detailed but concise. Through this process you'll realise stating you're "normal sane" is a clarification that doesn't need to be made, your pictures already show you're a "hairy guy" and that stating "not into drama or crazies" isn't going to discourage or filter out anyone. A lot of people don't bother to read profiles so when you get a PM from someone that indicates they have actually read it they're less likely to be wasting your time. One final callout. "clean". I assume it doesn't mean you shower 3 times a day. Don't refer to your HIV/STI status as being "clean". Think about it. If you're "4poz" as your username on here suggests using such terminology is more than likely going to result in rubbing the right people up the wrong way. Hope this helps.
  9. @HairyBeardedPozMan can flood my guts with his ☣️ Daddy cum any day! WOOOOOOOOF!
  10. Being a Melbournian this story is fucking hot!
  11. I prefer shallow. I love getting BBred then Fisted and Daddy cum is the best lube. Oink!
  12. There was always constant rumors of club 80 closing ever since I first went there in 2006. Therefore it seems all the more appropriate to continue feeding the rumor mill. I heard several months ago the application to add additional floors to the site was declined. That would be a nice FU to the developer. I hope they go broke. Cunts! The random cruising/lurker component to 80 was never the drawcard for me. I only went to parties and events when I knew a friend was attending. There are quite a few awesome private playspaces around town if you know the right people.
  13. I've been on Recon for 17 years. I use it for keeping in contact with existing contacts. Their biggest mistake was getting rid of the chatroom. It was absolutely bumping back in the day. Second mistake was the smartphone app. Handy for existing members however the caliber of new members went downhill. What started as a kink specific site just became another hookup app like scruff or grindr. Soo many fake, faceless and blank profiles messaging and cruising me. Flakes exist on all platforms. If you're fortunate enough to get involved with a good group of guys that's always the best way to make new and worthwhile connections.
  14. I think for many people a fuck is just another fuck and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m super picky and leather clad Daddy Bears don't grow on trees around here. If I snag one I want all my focus to be on pleasuring them. Great sex is memorable because everyone was completely invested the moment not because you videoed it. If you want to video it fine. Get your shit together. Prop up the camera or put it on a tripod. Find a good angle. Set and forget. I hate it when people play to the camera like a cliché porno. Twitter is riddled with videos like this. They crave the attention more than the actual sex. Seems insincere and disrespectful to the other party involved. I guess another way of looking at it is the best porn doesn’t exist because it wasn’t filmed LOL.
  15. When it comes to porn well made amateur videos seem to be the sweet spot for me. You've got bad amateur porn which isn't worthy of posting online. Then you've got professional porn which feels fake and over the top. - Full nudity. Nothing hotter than an ass framed with a pair of leather chaps. I have no interest in and never had sex without leather. - Bad lighting. More specifically spaces that are flooded with too much light. In some professional porn videos they film in a sleazy dungeon or venue but ruin the mood because they have all the house lights on. I’m waiting for the day a cleaner enters the room and starts mopping the floor LOL. I love pipe/cigar sex and all too often they get the lighting wrong. Dark walls and strategically placed spotlights are key so I can see all those yummy thick plumes of smoke. - Setting/scene. Even the best fucking action can be ruined when it appears like you're having sex in your mothers living room. - Handheld cameras. I understand there might be times when you're balls deep in someone before you decide to film it but watching/hearing you fumble around with your phone while it constantly attempts to focus on whatever random piece flesh is filling the frame darting around trying to find a better angle doesn't do it for me. Get a cheap tripod or sit the camera down. It's also frustrating when there's a hot verbal exchange going on and you can't hear it clearly because the mic is covered muffling the sound. - Staring at the camera/screen. I like watching myself get fucked which is why I have several mirrors. I'm sure many of you know the videos I’m referring to. When someone is getting fucked and instead of enjoying the sex it's clear 90% of their focus is trying to be a cinematographer.
  16. It always cracked me up the day after a dance party there would be a chorus of ***dongs*** from people walking into barrels because they had been rearranged,
  17. A hot Daddy pinned me down on a fuck bench and plowed me hard. My moans echoed throughout the 80 dungeon. Good times!
  18. Titpig is god. I remember discovering him on PipeBears back in dial up days. Then the pornos......WOOOOOOOOOF!. We exchanged short videos on ICUII at one point. I was fortunate enough to Skype with him a few times during lockdown. I finally got to tell him what a massive fan I was and how he made me the Daddy chasing PipeCub I am today. I dreamt of the day I'd finally get to meet him in person at smokeout...but alas The day after Steve passed I was feeling low but had a play session planned with a Daddy friend that afternoon. I queued up my Titpig playlist to watch on the TV. What followed was one of the best play sessions I've ever had. I'd like to think Steve was there in spirit encouraging me. We smoked big pipes and fat cigars, fisted, fucked, exchanged dirty verbal and exploring eachothers fantasies. I definitely released my "inner Titpig". It was a nice tribute to The Original PipeDaddy.
  19. My fascination and with pipes started when I was a kid before I was masturbating. Then developed into a deep seeded sexual fetish (Thanks Titpig LOL). These days I'm hard wired to cum only when I smoke. I'm happy to fist or be fisted without smoking as FF doesn't revolve around cumming. It can also be fiddly to coordinate tamping my pipe when I’ve got both my hands buried up someone which is why the situations where smoking and FF combine it usually involves a cigar. Fucking is completely different. Smoking is essential which would explain why I fist more than I fuck as I’m only interested in being BBred by pipe/cigar smokers. Being leathered up with my legs spread in a sling there's nothing hotter than getting that first whiff of a Daddy's pipe/gar smoke. Makes my hole instinctively open up like Christmas because it knows it's about to be fucked full of Daddy cum. I've been fucked by non-smokers while I smoke but it's not the same. My online profiles make it very clear that smoking is major fetish for me so those who aren’t interested in or tolerant of smokers get the message and move on. I'll occasionally get someone message me saying "You're hot, shame you're a smoker" and my response is usually "Shame you're not a smoker" Nothing beats a Daddy/Cub smoking and fucking. Watching Daddy billowing thick smoke as his he cums inside confirming I’ve been a good cub who’s earned his load. WOOF!
  20. Same. I've developed an appreciation for Marlboro Reds guys over the years but never smoked a cigarette myself. I find the cult/symbology aspect appealing. How Marlboro smokers like to display their packs in their pockets or on their shoulder. The smell of cigarette smoke on the hand doesn't do much for me.
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